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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

WHEN STEFAN ARRIVED BACK TO CHECK ON CAROLINE, SHE HAD DESICCATED MORE AND WAS UNCONSCIOUS. She was rushed into theatre and it seemed the only way to stop the babies from siphoning directly from Klara, was for the babies to be delivered. He anxiously remained stood outside of the operating theatre and watched, though he couldn't help but feel guilty for leaving her alone.

He turned around and in a fit of rage, he grabbed a nearby chair and tossed it down the corridor. "Perhaps this isn't the best time to mention they ran out of cream." Valerie softly spoke as she wandered over to him with two coffees. "You have every right to be upset. What did you tell them?"

"Oh. I compelled the doctors to ignore all things medicine couldn't explain." Stefan vaguely shrugged with his eyes fixed on Klara.

"Good." Valerie nodded. "I compelled the doctor to shut down this entire wing, so it's just us. I didn't want a vampire c-section to draw too much attention." The Heretic glanced to Stefan, who exhaled deeply. "Has he regained consciousness?"

"No, not yet." The Salvatore shook his head with despair.

"I gave her my magic. I stopped the desiccation."

Stefan took a deep breath and turned back to the Heretic with guilt in his eyes. "I knew she was sick, but I left anyway. It almost killed her."

"And what were you going to do? Allow Damon to get his head ripped off in a blood fight ring?" Valerie scoffed. "Your brother needed you."

"My brother doesn't care about anyone or anything." Stefan snapped viciously again as he turned his attention back to the woman he loved. "He made that exceptionally clear yesterday."

A moment of silence befell the pair as Valerie nodded. Yesterday, Damon confessed to burning Elena in her coffin while she slept. He killed her. "Have you talked to anyone else about what he did to Elena?" Valerie asked again.

"Entire drive home, I was trying to figure out a way to tell Klara and I just couldn't find the words." Stefan took a deep breath as the doors to the hospital wing swung open to reveal a flustered look Caroline Forbes. "Caroline."

"Where is she?!" The Forbes woman yelled in distress as she walked over to Stefan and Valerie and then noticed Klara was in the operating room. "Oh, my God. Is she—"

"Everything's going to be fine. Klara is going to have the babies and all this will be over." 

Stefan pulled out his phone and dialed Alaric's number. "Ric. How quickly can you get back to Mystic Falls? Klara's in the hospital. The babies seem to be drawing from her and it's causing her to desiccate."

"I'm on my way now. I should be there in a few hours." Alaric anxiously spoke down the phone, but Caroline rolled her eyes.

"You don't have hours. Every moment they're inside her, they're killing her. The doctors need to perform the c-section now!" The blonde vampire yelled exasperatedly toward the phone.

𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐂𝐄 𝐁𝐘 𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐂𝐄 | 𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐅𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐀𝐋𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄 [𝟐]Where stories live. Discover now