The Investigator

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Anthony POV

*Couple Hours Earlier just before Daniel*

Fuck me man. How could I lose this girl so fast? I hate her so much that I love her. Every other girl that lives in this damn house I just use until I don't need them anymore, sometimes I pretend they are (Y/n) but that bitch left me.

Back in high school I fell in love with her and stood in love with her but she broke up with me for some guy that she fell in love with, But don't worry he was taken care of 2 years ago. I would have married (Y/n) if she let me, I still haven't moved on at all.

She was supposed to be my fucking wife and I will find her. Which is why I hired a private investigator, apparently he's the best in the state, he better be because he was a lot of fucking money.

"So I've located her current location"

Yes! I'm so excited. Maybe I won't have to kill this guy, he's not so useless after all.

"Where is she ?????"


My eyes widened. How the hell did she get to Japan and I didn't even know. I know about everything she does most of the time. Her job, where her job is at, what time she leaves and gets home, when she's off, when she travels to New Jersey, even when she visits the dentist or doctor.

"Where in Japan?"


" she staying at a hotel?"

"Currently yes but she's not alone"

"Is she there with her annoying friend Lizzy? Alyssa? Or Daniel?"

"I don't know who those people are but no, she's with 7 guys"

Shit (Y/n).

"7? How did she make it all the way over there with them? I never saw them leave or even come to her building"

"I can tell you the hotel there staying at but it will cost a little more"

"How much more?"

"A grand"

"Fine" I'm a drug dealer by the way if you already didn't know and I'm really good too.

"Okay tell me where she is"

"May I ask why again?"

Here comes my lie.

"She's my girlfriend and when I woke up a couple weeks ago one morning she was gone, I was so worried about her. I'm using our savings to find her, that's why I came to you the best investigator in the state"

"Well I'll be happy to tell you that she is At Hotel Chinzanso in Tokyo, it's a luxury hotel"

Of course it is. I mentally roll my eyes.

"Thank you sir" I shake his hand.

"Hey buddy don't worry about the grand, keep the money so you can buy a ticket and get your girl"

I give him a fake smile which he seems to believe, stupid.

"Really sir thank you, thank you so so much!"

I take the money and leave. As I'm in my car I book a flight to Tokyo immediately. I'm coming (Y/n) I'm coming for blood. She better hope and pray that these 7 men don't get in my way.

But first however I gotta make a certain stop at a certain party in Park Slope.


(Y/n) POV

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