Goodmoring and Goodbye New York

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The stage lights beam in front of me, the spotlight on me and everything I've wanted finally came true but I was missing one thing that mattered most to me. I begin my opening number and take one good look at the crowd.

(Y/N) Pov

*BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP* I smack my alarm clock with a hard smack. I hate that annoying little machine, but I hope I didn't break it. I push the covers off and head to the bathroom ignoring my phone.

I take my pj's off and hop in the shower letting the water hit my face, my head pounding from last nights events.

It was my friends 24th birthday party and let's just say we had a good time. I turn the water off and grab my towel. I head to my closet and grab a pair of high waisted blue jeans and a simple white graphic tee, it's pretty warm out today so I put on my Air forces and head to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I have about an hour until I meet up with my friend Alyssa to meet her new boyfriend, so I decide to straighten my hair.
I love Alyssa and all but I hope she finally settles down with this one.

I check my phone and scroll through snap, ah another day another wanna be soundcloud rapper searching for clout. I finish my hair eventually, and damn I gotta say I look to good.

I don't even put makeup on today since my skin could really use a break from the amount I had on last night. Yesterday was so much fun I really loved seeing Alyssa happy,
damn I love that annoying girl.

It's finally time to head to the cafe that i'm meeting them at. I grab my keys, purse, Airpods and of course not forgeting my camera and head for the door.

The cafe is only two stops away on the train, so I head down into the station. The cafe is in Park Slope a much nicer part of Brooklyn, nice houses and parks, however the people are a little ignorant.

I get downstairs and look around around there isn't a lot of people so I take my chances and hop the train. To my luck no one sees and the one's who did don't really care, there used to it being from New York.

I head into the N train and it's pretty empty since it's 12 pm on a Saturday a couple hours earlier and I would have been crushed. I listen to music while i'm chilling on the train waiting for the train to move. I look around it's just me, woman with her daughter and two guys who look like construction workers.
I finally arrive at my stop and hop off and head back upstairs.

The cafe is about 4 blocks away so I start to walk. Me and Alyssa would come here everyday after school when we attended High school in the city (Manhattan). We loved this place the art and music, it was truly beautiful.

I finally reach the cafe and I instantly spot Alyssa since she's the only one with bright pink hair. She's surrounded by two of our other friends and the guy who i'm guessing is her boyfriend. I sit down beside them but of course recieve thousands kisses from my friend Daniel.

"Hey beautiful" Daniel tells me kissing both my cheeks I do the same. Daniel as been one of my closest friends since middle school and he's the biggest flirt you will ever meet. He came out about a year after we started high school to me and then Lizzy. He told Alyssa last afraid she would tell everyone. He works at this recording studio as an assistant. They work with all kinds of people Lady Gaga, Romeo Santos, Bruno Mars even The Nutrious B.I.G. Who I happen to be wearing on my shirt.

"What's up" I ask the whole table. "Nothing just watching Alyssa and Brian fall inlove, again" my friend Lizzy said causing all of us to laugh. Lizzy is a stylist, she can take actual trash and some how turn it into art. Whether it's clothes or actual art she can do it. She works in this huge, fancy salon in the city. She does alot of hair and makeup. She was lucky enough to do JLO'S, she was so nerous.

"Oh shut up Lizzy your just jealous!" Alyssa speaks, Alyssa has been my best friend since 3rd grade. We're kinda the same except she wasn't born in New York she was actually born in New Jersey but her parents moved out here.
She works at an office above Grand Central Station, it deals with the law, lawyers, cases and other boring things.

I however work in the city, i'm a photography teacher at this program for young teens. I teach them how use different cameras, take photos and edit them. We even take trips all around the state. Sometimes out of state and at the end of the year everyone makes their own photo books.
With a book contest as well, this year I get to be one of the judge's.

"Soooo... Alyssa are you gonna introduce us, I wanna know who my best friend is boo'd up wit" I teased.

She smiled holding his arm, "This is Brian, he is 27 and works at the office with me. He's a lawyer"
Weird i've been to her job never seen him before. I shook the thought from my head. "Awww cute, how long have you guys been together" I put my hands on my cheeks, leaning on the table.

She giggled, "Only 2 weeks but it's been the best" she said with a huge smile on her face. He looks over at me and smiles I give him a friendly smile back. "Soooo, anyways enough about Alyssa and her new boo, Daniel what were going to tell me?"

Daniel had told us the night before he had news but then got to drunk at Alyssa's party to tell us something about the biggest boy band in the world. "Oh that's right, Bts is coming to the studio to record a new song" Alyssa nearly spits out her coffe she loves Bts. She always plays their music in the car, when's she's cleaning and even in the shower.

She's loved them since high school.

"You didn't tell me they were going to your studio!!" Alyssa said frowning. Daniel shrugged rolling his eyes. "Girl how many times do I have to tell you it's not my studio!"

"Okay Anyways" she rolled her eyes. "Y/n) I need to tell you something" Alyssa said looking at me. "Uh oh what did you do? Did u send me off to marriage?" She awkwardly laughed "Well kinda, I sorta kinda, maybe put you on to 7 different men and now tommorrow you might have to sign a contract to live with them for 2 years in Korea and be their girlfriend and get paid over 2 million dollars to do it." she said quickly. She tends to do that when she's nervous. She stared at me worriedly, waiting for my answer.

I stay their frozen, nearly spitting out my coffee not knowing what to say the only thing that comes out is- "What the FUCK?!?!?!" The people around look at us.

"I know, I know i'm sorry I should have came to you first, but I couldn't help it. It's Bts the hottest men out there right now and besides 2 million dollars to us is a lot of money. Besides you could finally start your photography bussiness!" She exclaimed, as she chewed on his freshly painted pink nails.

She sighed coming over to me and grabbing a chair. "Just think about it, it's only for 2 years then you can leave and have enough money to fix up your house and start your bussiness and I can meet Bts!" She puts her hands in my shoulder.
I think about it for a second, she's right I need the money if I ever wanna start this bussiness, but I also don't know these boys all I know is there famous. However 2 million dollars is alot of money.... " So what do you say?"
Ah you know what "Fuck it, i'll do it" I mean what's the worse than can happen I fall madly in love for 7 men?

Oh boy was wrong.

Did some editing in this, decided it was time lol. But how are we enjoying so far?

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