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The Saturday in May is warm despite the lack of sun

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The Saturday in May is warm despite the lack of sun. Freya has the day off, which is a rare occasion, but the girl had worked the close the previous night with Jacob even helping. After all, Freya couldn't work without a protector and Shelley had been more than happy to have an extra pair of hands.

Now, she headed downstairs, where pancakes were awaiting for Freya on the dining room table. Over the top of his newspaper, Derek Swan watched his daughter; a concerned frown hidden beneath his moustache.

"Nice hat, Dad," Freya said upon noticing the bucket hat, knowing her father was heading out to go fishing soon with Charlie and Billy. "You all ready to go?"

"Yes, after our little chat," Derek stated, causing Freya to pause. "Charlie's taken Nancy outside to play."

She sighed, eyeing her mother from the corner of her eyes, who gestured for Freya to join them both at the table. Trying not to flinch, Freya apprehensively took a seat. Natalie Swan placed a plate of pancakes with melted chocolate and strawberries in front of her daughter with a forced smile.

"Baby," Natalie begins, "your father and I received a letter from the school."

Freya sunk down in her chair, knowing where this was going now. Her school teacher's had previously spoken to Freya, pointing out her falling grades. She didn't think they'd be contacting home so soon.

"You need to talk to us, Freya," her father had joined the conversation; newspaper long forgotten. "What's going on?"

"I—" what was she supposed to say?

"Your grades are dropping, sweetheart," he continued. "You're not eating or sleeping. Sometimes, it's not like you're even here—"

"You disappear," her mother explained further, "and then when you come back, you aren't like yourself, baby. Something's affecting you and you need to let us in."

"I just have a lot going on," Freya tried to put it into brief words as her eyes fell downcast to her plate of food. "It's hard to say, but I'm trying to get better."

"It's nothing to do with Jacob, is it, Freya?" Natalie questioned gently.

"What," Freya's eyes widened. "No, Jacob's been a massive help. Alison, too. I called my doctor, Mom, and I have an appointment to go back on the medication that I was on before. He offered counselling, but not again."

"That's good, Freya," Derek reached forward to squeeze his daughter's hand. "Do you think taking those pills again will help?"

"For sure," Freya lied with a smile, knowing the medication wouldn't take any effect, but it was something in her parent's eyes. "I'll get better at school, I promise. Jacob, Alison and I are seeing Bella today. We can fit in some school work."

"Bella?" Natalie repeated, exchanging a surprised look with her husband. "That's great, baby, I'm glad the two of you are working things out. Charlie will be pleased, too."

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