thirty-nine | controlled or dead

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Freya despised camping but isn't surprised to see that both Elodie and Alison aren't too bothered as they help pitch the tents

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Freya despised camping but isn't surprised to see that both Elodie and Alison aren't too bothered as they help pitch the tents. She had tried to help, but they had reassured her they had it since Freya wasn't too sure on what to do. Joining them was Paul, Leah and a sullen-looking Edward Cullen, who looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here right now (they all felt the same). Jacob was currently carrying Bella up to their location hidden in the mountains.

"I don't recall the plan recurring this many mermaids," Edward commented, frowning. "Or wolves."

Paul and Leah stop helping Alison and Elodie, turning to glare at the vampire.

"Trust me, leech," Paul was the one to speak. "Camping with you wasn't part of the plan, either."

Freya frowned. "Can we put the drama aside for one night?"

"Oh, suddenly you're fond of Cullen?" Leah asked, rolling her eyes. "How typical."

"I'm not," Freya insisted, folding her arms across her chest. "It's called a truce, Leah, since we all have a common enemy. Maybe you should try it."

Alison stood from where she crouched, forcing herself between the two of them. "Stop it," she snapped. "Sam instructed everyone to focus on the battle."

Freya huffed, leaving the four of them to it as she stood far away from the group. Alison looked upset, hating the conflict that had arisen between Freya and Leah. Honestly, Freya understood, if someone had tried harming Nancy, then she would be acting the same. Look at what happened after Seth imprinted. At the reminder of her sister, she frowned, recalling the moment she said goodbye that morning.

They had all shared a box of that cereal Nancy liked just that morning, where the youngest was oblivious with the weight of what the next two days would bring. Freya had hugged her sister a little tighter, promising that she'd be back soon.

"You almost killed Seth?" Edward picked up on her thoughts, receiving a glare from Freya. "Sorry, I don't mean to intrude."

"Yes, well you're not helping to calm my mood or Leah's," Freya told him. "Maybe you should have stayed away until Bella got here."

"Maybe I should have," Edward agreed. "But Bella insisted I stick with you. She's worried about you as is everyone."

"I'm fine," Freya told him.

"Are you?" He questioned. "As your mind tells me otherwise."

Freya chewed on her bottom lip, knowing her mind had been a dark place. Death was constantly there, but not the grieving kind. No, Freya couldn't stop thinking about killing Victoria or how she would enjoy ending Edward's soulless life. Freya felt as if she was at a tipping point and the dark spirits of the moon were tilting her towards the siren side.

But Edward knew what he had to do — if she fell to the siren, then he had to be the one to kill her before she could hurt anyone she loved. Already they had started to hate her. Edward sighed at her thoughts but nodded his head.

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