forty-five | sins of a siren

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Freya had burst into tears, followed by a blubber of apologies as she buried her head in her hands once she had sat up

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Freya had burst into tears, followed by a blubber of apologies as she buried her head in her hands once she had sat up. It wasn't just shame that caused her to hide from Jacob — it was horror, at herself and to what had been done to them. Four people had been killed by Freya's hands, and one of them had been an innocent human.

"I-I killed t-them," Freya stuttered, nails digging into the scalp of her head. Two of them had deserved to die for the crimes they had committed, but Freya still hated that it was by her hand. "Oh my God," she panicked, struggling to breathe. "I killed them."

Again, and again, it went on inside her head; every sinister act the siren had done within a couple of short months. Freya felt like she was drowning in it all, like that poor Italian boy. A part of her wished that Freya hadn't come back. How was she supposed to live with herself?

And Riley... her brother's boyfriend. Dead at her hand too.

"Freya, listen to me," Jacob said, forgetting everything that had happened between them for a moment. "It was not you."

But it was: it might not have been Freya's mind nor her heart, but it had been her face and hands. The last person those four got to see was the face of Freya Swan while she killed them, and she could recall the terror in their eyes.

Then, there was Aro, who was nothing but a thick fog inside her mind but he was still there. All the orders were still in place, but for once she could breathe without having to act accordingly. Somehow, Freya was free despite still being his prisoner.

Her hands went to the necklace around her neck, needing it gone. The clasp wouldn't come undone, causing Freya to panic more. "Get it off," she pleaded, but as Jacob reached to help, Freya broke the necklace with the chain snapping, flinging the Volturi collar far from herself.

The siren, and Aro, had also caused Freya to lose Jacob too, and he had been through a traumatic time himself as a result. He had tried to touch her, to comfort her, but Freya had recoiled. Why should she be comforted?

Behind him, Sam stayed while the others disappeared as if Freya didn't deserve to break in front of them all. Looking up, she met the alpha's gaze. "You should kill me," Freya told him, receiving a pitiful response. "You should lock me up."

"What? No," Jacob sounded horrified. "Freya..."

"Freya!" Bella shouted, coming away from the ongoing party to find her cousin. "Is it really you?"

"Jacob," Edward's voice appeared. "Jasper's here, he can help."

"You!" Freya whirled, glaring at Edward Cullen, who stood with Bella and Jasper close by. The bride was torn on whether to hug the two or run upon seeing Freya's expression. But Freya remembered what the two planned to do tonight. "You would be stupid enough to risk Bella like that?"

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