How will this work?

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Me: Sorry this is late. I just was NOT happy with it mo matter what I did.

Alastor read the papers at his breakfast. He munched on some bacon in glee. His mother was still cooking up the rest of breakfast while (Y/n) slowly drank his coffee. Alastor hummed to himself until he comes across a nifty little article. He raises an eyebrow.

"Due to the nature of the operation and the cause of death, the killer of Mr. Robert P. Singer, is unknown. Police could not find any evidence given bullet wounds were made from Mr. Singers own gun. It was concluded that Mr. Singer went to kill his secretary and meet with another man for a business deal which went sour. Police have arrested remaining members of the organization, stopping this operation. Cases are closed." He reads.

(Y/n), who just started to take a sip, almost chokes. Amelie takes a second to pat his back. (Y/n) quickly catches his breath and gives her a small smile.

"You good, beb?" Mama asks.

(Y/n) croaks, "Fine. Fine."

Amelie sighs in relief and goes back to her cooking, "Don't scare me like that!"

Alastor tells him, "Don't go dying now, when we've taken the time to ensure you did live. That's rude, sha."

(Y/n) thinks about it for a second and says, "Sha means like... darling? Dear? You're too sweet!"

Amelie smiles and plates up some crepes. She places them down and gets out the honey. (Y/n) grinned widely at Alastor. Alastor simply rolls his eyes, letting his own smile rest on him.

"I gotsa reputation so don't you spread this round." Alastor demands.

(Y/n) couldn't help but he happy. "Okay!"

Amelie chuckled and looked at the clock, "Buck, you gonna be late if you don't leave soon."

Alastor puts down his paper and grabs a crepe with his hands. "Right, right. Anyway! Good job, sha. Have a good day. Both of ya!"

Both call back, "You too!"

Alastor eats his crepe and grabs his things before he's off. Mama Amelie waits until Alastor is gone to smirk at (Y/n). She gives a wiggle of her eyebrow.

"So~ you two are finally official?" She gives the rhetorical question.

(Y/n) flushes a bit and nods. "Yes. Turns out all it took was me getting shot. I'd do it again in a heartbeat."

Amelie hums, "So have you...?"

(Y/n) gives her a look, "No! Why on earth?!"

Amelie chuckles. "Oh alright. I'm just yanking ya chain."

(Y/n) pouts. "Rude!"

The two go about their days.when Alastor gets back from work, (Y/n) decides he wants to discuss something with Alastor. He waits until Alastor has settled down by the fire.  (Y/n) sits beside him, staring at the dancing flames. He glances to Alastor as his nerves fray. He couldn't bring himself to speak. Alastor glances over and notices the look. Alastor had learned exactly what that upturned look at nothing, with his mouth pursed slightly moving back and forth, meant.

"What's so important this time that's caused you're obsessing over it?" Alastor asks.

"Al, I wanna talk to ya bout something." (Y/n) says.

Alastor tilts his head curiously, "Go ahead then."

"What... whatchu want this to look like? Are we gonna be open to the nightlife? Or just private? What do you wanna do touch wise? Are you even comfortable being touched?" (Y/n) kinda rambles.

Alastor hums in thought. "I don't care how public we are. Probably best to not push our luck and walk around as a couple in daylight. As for the touch, I think we'll play it by ear. Our bond isn't meant to be a weight to tie us down: so why worry about the norm when it is clear that we are not?"

(Y/n) didn't have anything to say to that, "So~ we're gonna wing it?"

Alastor sighs in defeat at the simplification, "Yes. We're 'winging it.'"

(Y/n) grins. " Does that mean I can sit in your lap?"

Alastor looks aftonted and completely startles, "What!? No!"

(Y/n) droops a bit, "Okay."

"Fine. Three seconds." Alastor rolls his eyes.

"Five?" (Y/n) asks and slowly leans toward Al.

"Three. Take it or leave it." Alastor says.

(Y/n) strikes quicker than Alastor has ever seen that man move. He holds onto Alastor with every limb and smiles wider than the mississippi. Alastor bares it and finds the clinging strange. (Y/n) lets go and sits at the opposite aide of the couch, beaming.

(Y/n) asks, "What about pet names? Or rather nick names?"

Alastor shrugs, "I've already started using some. What did you think mon amour was?"

(Y/n) nods, "Alright. Your point was made."

Alastor says, "You're thinking too much. It'll ruin what ever you're hoping for."

(Y/n) looked to him shocked. "How?..."

Alastor grins. "We've known each other how long?"

(Y/n) replies, "Four years..."

Alastor nods and looks to (Y/n), "Truly you didn't think I hadn't picked up on some of the things you do?"

(Y/n) replies, "Sure, but you don't usually pick up on most signals in the romance department, so..."

Alastor smirks, "I may have seemed oblivious to you, but Im not a complete idiot. I choose to ignore it."

(Y/n) lets his mouth drop, "You mean you KNEW I liked you?!"

Alastor looks to the side, "Of course I noticed-"

(Y/n) cuts him off, "I pined for you for years and you just IGNORED it!? And Mimzy?"

Alastor blinks a few times and turns to look at (Y/n), "Why are you bringing her into this?"

(Y/n) retorts, "She was into you for years and you must have known and ignored that!"

Alastor nods, "I told you, I wasn't interested in-"

(Y/n) cuts him off again, "But you like me!? I made the ever lasting bachelor of Nawlins fall in love with me?"

Alastor frowns and gives him a look. "Yes, yes."

(Y/n) floofs his hair with pride and a hige smile, "I'm never living this down!"

Alastor sighs.

(Y/n) continues, "Holy fucking shit! I am SO lucky!"

Alastor rolls his eyes and gives a grin. "If you're done having an episode, we need to go to bed. I work tomorrow."

(Y/n) nods, "Night, Al."

Alastor gets up and walks off. "Night, sha."
Me: This thing is not done. I don't like it. I'm just sick of putting it off. I hope you enjoyed.

Alastor x Male Reader PrequelWhere stories live. Discover now