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Me: Oh! Young love. This is just too sweet! Let me know is you guys can stand the sappiness! More is on the way!
Alastor was there when (Y/n) was released from the hospital and the most considerate (Y/n) had ever seen him. Alastor had gotten the best daiquiris money could buy for (Y/n). He had fussed over him. (Y/n) wasn't sure what made this change, but it was certainly abnormal. He enjoyed it, but it did confuse him a bit. He decided to ask Alastor what it was all about.

"Al... what's this special treatment all about?" (Y/n) asks.

Alastor replies sipping some coffee, "I simply want you to feel better. That was quite a traumatic experience."

(Y/n) thinks to himself, 'Uhuh. Like I believe that! I may be out of the job and holey, but I know Alastor. That's not all. So, what else?'

(Y/n) nods, "Uhuh. While that may partially be true, Mr. smiley face, that ain't all of it."

Alastor sighs, "I'll tell you in a week."

(Y/n) asks, "Why not now?"

Alastor replies, "Because I'm not ready to say."

(Y/n) says, "I'm holding you to that."

Alastor rolls his eyes. "I'm sure you will."

(Y/n) continues, "So, I have a bit of a surprise ready for you myself."

Alastor raises an eyebrow, "Truly? What is it?"

(Y/n) grins, "You'll see. Go into my room."

Both get up. (Y/n) took his time given his side injury. Alastor glances back to (Y/n) but does as asked. He opens the door and looks around. His gaze falls on the easel.

"Is... that's me?" He asks.

(Y/n) nods, "Yes. I started it for myself, but in the end I think you'd appreciate it more."

Alastor feels his heart race. He looks at every detail that (Y/n) managed to capture. It wasn't perfect, but the effort it must have taken made Alastor love it more. (Y/n) nervously twiddles his thumbs. Alastor hadn't responded, feeling choked up given everything that had happened added onto the emotional weight.

"So... do you like it?" (Y/n) asks.

Alastor hugs the man tightly, still mindful of the injuries. "This is the perfect gift I didn't even know I needed."

(Y/n) hugged him back. It seemed to (Y/n) that things were going to start looking up again. Maybe, just maybe (Y/n) would tell Alastor how he feels. He's put it off because of worry, but he'd rather say something at this point. He knows it won't make a lick of difference with Alastor's touch aversion, but he couldn't care less. Alastor was the first person to match him in wit and treat him with respect. So, (Y/n) decided he would wait until Alastor's big secret reveal to tell him.

It had been a whole week for (Y/n) to heal up before Alastor decided to pull him away for the night. He holds (Y/n)'s hands and guides them to the spot where Alastor first lead him. (Y/n) stumbled along blind folded.

"Where are we going, Al?" (Y/n) asks with a chuckle.

Alastor replies, "It's a secret."

(Y/n) huffs, "Come on~ just tell me."

Alastor rolls his eyes and says, "Just trust me."

(Y/n) nods, "Already do. Doesn't mean I can't be curious."

Alastor lets go of (Y/n)'s hand and the two come to a stop. "There. Open your eyes."

(Y/n) takes off the blind fold and looks around. "Weeeee're in the bayou. Okay?"

Alastor says, "Do you remember this spot?"

(Y/n) looks around and can't see anything out of the ordinary. "I can't see shit, Al."

Alastor bursts out laughing. "Maybe not... this is the spot."

(Y/n) looks around and asks, "which spot? Our normal spot? I don't see any blood. Plus, the trees are in the wrong places."

Alastor replies, "This is where I took ya the first time I lead ya in ta da bayou."

(Y/n) smiles, "Damn. That was a fun time."

Alastor tilts his head, "It was da first time ya intrigued me."

(Y/n) looks to Alastor, "All I did was flirt witchya... and maybe talk a little too much."

Alastor takes a second before saying, "I didn't know what I was getting into. But here I am bout 3 years later and I can't 'magine my life without you."

(Y/n) blushes and looks away, "Is this?..."

He didn't dare finish that sentence. Alastor noticed and stepped closer. Alastor reaches out and grabs (Y/n)'s hand.

"(Y/n)... I like you... you make my heart race and you're the first person to ever, and I mean ever.... to, well, make me feel this way. So, can I court you?" Alastor nervously asks.

(Y/n) puts a hand over his mouth with wide eyes.

Alastor continues, "I was scared. I loathe to admit it, but I was scared when I saw you like that. It made me realize... I had to say something and not miss the opportunity. I had to overcome my denial. Ignore the social obstacles. Because... I don't want to miss this. Us. So, (Y/n)... can I court you?"

(Y/n) throws his arms around Alastor in a tight hug. "Yes! You took forever to ask!!! I was gonna ask you after this and you beat me to it! My slow poke ass!"

Alastor blinks and hugs back. "What do you mean 'took forever'?"

(Y/n) smiles widely, "I done asked your mama for advice two years ago!"

Alastor pulls away and repeats, "Two years?"

(Y/n) nods vigorously, "Yeah! At that new years ball."

Alastor coughs and hides his face behind his hand. "Well, I am sorry it took me longer. I was in heavy denial given the... sex... issue."

(Y/n) grins, "You know, in public we're gonna have to hide it. And we'll have to tell Mama! And Husk! Oh! And Niffty! Wait, maybe not. She can't keep a secret..."

Alastor puts a hand up, "In time! We haven't even discussed it at length! And I'm not telling my mother anything! I can hear her now with the i told you so's!"

(Y/n) starts laughing. "No way! She called it!? I mean she said she'd help out, but from the start?"

Alastor groans. "Let's just look at the stars."

(Y/n) contains the laughter with a lopsided grin. "Okay. Let's star gaze."

Alastor was relieved when (Y/n) went along. He held his hand out and helped (Y/n) lie down on the ground. He lies with him. (Y/n) moves his hand a few inches and holds Alastor's hand. Alastor gives the hand a small squeeze.

"We'll have to tell Mama eventually..." (Y/n) speaks up.

Alastor groans, "Urg... don't remind me."
Me: Well! There we have it! These two ding bats are finally a couple! Here's where everything gets good!

Alastor x Male Reader PrequelWhere stories live. Discover now