Tensions Burst

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Me: I shouldn't have deleted that previous chapter. Anyway! This is just some spice. It's not that important of a chapter. We get Alastor acting a but childish/in denial at the end. That's fun.

Alastor had been avoiding (Y/n) for some time now. He spent most of his time either out of the house or in his room, writing up more prompts for his radio show. (Y/n) hadn't noticed since he was busy himself. It wasn't until (Y/n) was ready to take a break, having everything set to put the plan in action, that (Y/n) finally noticed. It bothered him.

"Oh Alastor!~ May I tempt you-" (Y/n) is stopped.

"No." Alastor says before going back to his writing.

(Y/n) reels back, surprised. "Um... you didn't even let me finish."

"That is because I don't need to know! I'm busy. Go ask mama if she wants to entertain you." Alastor snips.

(Y/n) leaves Alastor alone for the time being. He goes back into his room and sits on his bed. He sighs and wonders when this change started. Looking back it seems obvious. Once (Y/n) got involved in his singer investigation, he had spent more and more time alone. He realizes he was making this mistake for the second time in his life and groans. He decided to get this over with so he could go back to his idyllic life as a side piece to Alastor's radio show. He planned for this, so how hard could it be!?

He hears sirens blaring in the distance and bullets fly past the crate he was hidden behind.

"Oh SHIT. I was wrong!" He mutters to himself hysterically.

He hears the bullets stop and clicking occurring. He checks to see the gunmen reloading. He makes a mad dash for the door. He looks around him as he exits the ware house. He got no where.  Not only had Bobby not shown, but there was extra security today. It seemed that they knew something was going on. He cursed to himself. He pants as he catches his breath. He makes it a safe enough distance away that he finally relaxes enough for a breather. He leans against the wall.

"Just WAIT till I get your ass ya motha fucka." He huffs.

(Y/n) walked back and sighed with sagged shoulders. "Well... it can't get any worse!"

The universe, god, what ever title you want to give it: disagreed. The sky rumbled for a minute and it began raining. The rain pelted down on the 23 year old. (Y/n) just walks on, rolling his eyes. He takes his time and checks his pocket for his keys. He must have dropped them, as they were in none of the pockets. He knocks on the door. The door opens to reveal Mama Amelie. She gasps.

"Can I come in Mama?" He asks.

Mama Amelie starts fussing over him, "Are you okay? Why were ya out in da rain? Where's ya key?"

(Y/n) shakes his head.

Mama continues, "Well, Let's get you a towel and by the fire."

She grabs him a towel and (Y/n) half heartedly dries off. "Thank you."

Mama sighs, "What happened, baby?"

(Y/n) replies, "I'd rather not say mama... it's embarrassing... and just-."

Alastor hears the commotion and decides to check out what was going on. Alastor feels his heart pang when he sees (Y/n) drenched like a rat and gloomy.

"What's this about?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

(Y/n) replies, "I don't wanna talk about it right now."

Alastor frowns, "Why not? Might make you feel better."

(Y/n) glared, "Fine. I tried to get more evidence that Mr. Singer was crooked and my suspicions were confirmed. Asshole just figured out someone was onto him and just my luck he was prepared when I tried to get him."

Alastor pinches the bridge of his nose, "I thought you were done with that?"

(Y/n) tenses, "I KNOW that you assumed so and since you didn't really want to look into it, I did. Man's more crooked than a coke addicted cop."

Alastor sighs. "Great. In the end it was for naught anyway."

(Y/n) lowers his head. He tries to play it off like he was gonna dry his hair. Mama watches the two, confused. (Y/n) towels the hair and then tosses it on Alastor's face.

"Yes. Goodnight." (Y/n) calls.

He goes to his room and closes the door. (Y/n) grabs his pillow and screams into it. So much work down the drain! He wasn't going to let tonight ruin the rest of his week so he decides to get all of the frustrations out now. Tomorrow would he a better day. He'd just wing it, since his planning failed. Nothing was going right and it was his fault. He curses and grips his hair.

The next morning (Y/n) figures he should apologize. He wouldn't give an excuse since he knew he was in the wrong. He got up and tried to look presentable. He made the coffee and prepared some toast. He figured, while nothing fancy, it would be a part of the apology. He finishes up and goes back to his room. He starts back up on his painting. He was nearly done. He just had some finishing touches to do. He would wait until Alastor was up.

Speak of him and he shall arrive, Alastor chose that moment to leave his room. (Y/n) waits for a minute and goes out to talk.

"Hey..." (Y/n) says.

Alastor turns to him taking a long sip of coffee.

"Good morning?" He half asks.

(Y/n) nervously jumbles his fingers. "Um... I'm sorry. I've been avoidant and foul tempered recently. It was wrong to act that way towards and as such, I am deeply sorry."

Alastor raises an eyebrow and nods, "No use being upset. I can tell you mean it. Though, I've kind of done the same, if I recall."

(Y/n) shrugs, "It's apples."

Alastor grins, "You're very entertaining. What were you going to do if that didn't work?"

(Y/n) frowns, "I'm not sure. Grovel? What would you want?"

Alastor laughs, "That's a thought! Since ya family I suppose I'd take it easy and ask for.... a new microphone. Preferably a stand up. You can easily do that, yes?"

(Y/n) grins back, "Of course. You just want a shiny new toy."

Alastor clears his throat and goes more serious, "A toy is for children. What I desire is a perfectly good tool for my passion."

(Y/n) holds back his laughter, "So, a toy."

Alastor gives him a look. (Y/n) lets a few chuckles escape, then the gets serious.

"Of course. Far be it from me to stand in the way of your precious microphone." (Y/n) replies.

(Y/n) was far from in the clear, but he had solidified his place again. (Y/n) put in an effort to spend more time with the two. Alastor got his microphone in two weeks time when (Y/n) was paid.

(Y/n) hadn't been able to do anything about Mr. Singer in that time. The security had been strengthened so that he couldn't even walk near the building without suspicion. He'd have to wait. Justice will be done. (Y/n) had grown to really hate that kind of behavior, knowing personally how damaging it could be.

Alastor on the other hand, decided to make another journal entry. These two weeks had made him really think about what he thought of his companion. He was denying himself the feeling of anything other than a stray that his mother adopted. He told himself he wouldn't grow close, or so he wrote.

'1923 December 16th,

I am NOT infatuated. I am NOT infatuated! I am merely learning to enjoy the man's company. That's all. If I had to determine the feeling, I would say it's tolerance. Because what else could it be? I couldn't walk around in public if I admitted to having romantic feelings for a man! I couldn't have that. No way. Not I. So, I shall say it here and now that there is no way. Maybe a little...? NO. And even IF I did, I wouldn't record it. Not while the world is what it is. Unaccepting and filled with monstrous people..

~Alastor Boudreaux'

Me: Wow! Not my best, but it conveyed what it needed to. I have the bones built for my story, I'm just fleshing it out now. This chapter is just that. I hope you enjoy.

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