A Fanboy Moment

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Me: Okay! I was rewatching Yuri on Ice and I was like.... this is TOTALLY these two. Enjoy!

Alastor was running low on content. He had no idea what to talk about since the smiling killer was mia in the papers and nothing major was going on. He welcomed any creativity and then had an idea. Since the art scene (Y/n) worked at was gone, he figured he could jumpstart his partners singing career. After all, (Y/n) had a great voice and it would be fun to have a full hour and a half to talk with his partner on air. He decided to bring it up at dinner since Mama would be gone later in the night.

"Sha, I got a proposition for ya." Alastor says.

(Y/n) tilts his head, "What is it? Last time you made a proposition I ended up living with you, so this is bound to be good."

Alastor chuckles. "I want ya to do a segment with me."

Mama Amelie grins, "Good thinking, buck."

(Y/n) stands up with a shocked gasp. Alastor has no idea how to react to that over the top response so he raises an eyebrow. (Y/n) puts a hand over his heart.

"Holy shit!!!! Oh my god, you want me on the air with you!? That's sooo cool! Um... I mean, wait! What would I even talk about!?" (Y/n) has stars in his eyes as he rambles on.

Alastor cuts him off, "You'd sing of course. Talk bout how ya got your skill."

(Y/n) tears up, "You think I'm that good!?"

Alastor rolls his eyes, "You get paid to sing!"

(Y/n) scoffs, "Yeah but that's the fault of the idiot who hires me."

Mama Amelie gives a glare, "No self deprecation! Ya singing is better than average."

(Y/n) hangs his head, "Urg..... that's believable."

Alastor says, "Good! Now stop moping and eat! You were excited a minute ago."

(Y/n) sits back down. He starts eating again.

"I still can't believe it! You want me to sing for ya." (Y/n) mutters with a small smile.

Alastor lets his smile relax into a warm grin, "Course I do."

(Y/n) asks, "Whatcha want me to sing?"

Alastor shrugs, "I leave that up to you, sha."

(Y/n) hums. Alastor continues, "Maybe I can bring Mimzy in too!"

(Y/n) chokes on his water when he hears. He clears his throat and recovers. Both adults stare at the male.

"You okay?" Amelie asks.

(Y/n) gives a smile, "Fine, fine."

Alastor asks, "What's wrong with bringing Mimzy?"

(Y/n) waves his hands, "Nothing! It sounds great!"

Alastor wasn't convinced, but he didn't ask further. Amelie knew the situation to a degree, however. (Y/n) and Mimzy did not get along. They fought like cats and dogs for Alastor's attention. Always competing, even worse now that Alastor and (Y/n) were courting. They kept it to private moments and sly remarks so only a few could figure it out. Alastor was none the wiser about the strained relations the two had.

Amelie says, "Maybe no duets. It's a good idea, though."

(Y/n) nods, "Right! Our voices don't harmonize well so that makes sense."

Alastor shrugs, "You would know best. I may be musical but when it comes to vocals I never cared to learn the ins and outs."

(Y/n) smiles, "No worries! I'll pick a song and practice. You can plan out what ever you need."

When dinner was over (Y/n) ran to his room and screeched into his pillow. He was nervous, and happy, and upset all in one. He had planning to do. He was going to be singing for THE Alastor. His partner. He froze and them smirked cockily. That's right. He's mine. My partner, my beaux, my man! He can flaunt it subtly and make all of the fans jealous. Oh he liked that idea. He'd be the best singer he could.

He scrambled through his records and listened to every one. He went through song after song, writing the ones he knew he could sing well. He didn't want to do jazz. He refused to sing folk. He needed something that would liven up the homes of anyone listening. He really wants to do the Dorsey Brothers- You're the Top, but he knows it won't showcase his voice. He'll have to personally sing it for Alastor later. Wait! He has just the song!

He practices over and over. He makes sure he adds as much emotion into it as he can and gets ready. He comes in with Alastor when he goes into work that upcoming Friday. He waits for Alastor to set everything up and then they start.

"Good morning, my marvelous listeners! You all know me, Alastor! Pleasure to be speaking with you all. I have just the broadcast for you today! Prepare your ears for the sweetest voice in all of New Orleans. I have (Y/n) (L/n) here with me to sing a song for you and discuss how he got so good at singing. (Y/n) why not go ahead and introduce yourself!" Alastor carefully enunciates and uses his transatlantic accent.

"Thank you for such a great introduction, Mr. Boudreaux!" (Y/n) replies.

"Please! Just Alastor." He interrupts.

"Alastor, then. I'm (Y/n) (L/n). I am twenty four this year and I've been in Louisiana for four years now. I'm a trained choral singer since I was 6. I studied with my personal tutor Mrs. Parker from Atlanta." (Y/n) briefly describes.

Alastor grins, "Fantastic! Now, show us what you can do!"

Alastor starts playing the song and it comes through the headphones. (Y/n)'s eyes light up and he mouths, 'so cool!' He waits for the lyrics to start and begins.

"I~ get no kick from Champagne! Beer, alcohol doesn't thrill me at all~. So tell me why should it be true, that I get a kick out of you..." (Y/n) sings along.

Alastor mutes his microphone and sighs. He lowers his eyes and listens to (Y/n) warble the lyrics. It was always a pleasing to hear the man sing. Whether he was playing along beside (Y/n) or listening to the man sing under his breath it was an interesting part of his partner. He never expected one talent to transfer to other artistic capabilities, but boy was he wrong.

When (Y/n) finished and the song ended Alastor played a clapping track. He unmutes his microphone and takes the record off of the machine.

"Well folks, what a performance! Talk about some talent! I'm sure you have a good bunch of adoring fans now, my good friend! Tell us, what's the secret!?" Alastor hypes.

(Y/n) replies, "Well, honest answer is that there is no secret. You train for years, learn how to take care of your vocal chords, and with enough determination just about anyone can do it!"

Alastor hums, "Is there any tips you wish to share with our dear listeners?"

(Y/n) replies, "Definitely! What ever you do, DO NOT consume dairy a whole day before you sing. Also, make sure you drink lots of water. Those are the easiest ways to destroy your voice that can be avoided without any training necessary."

Alastor says, "Dairy, who knew!? What glorious stories do you have of mess ups. After all, we're all bound to mess up occasionally."

(Y/n) recalls, "There was this one time when I was maybe ten years old. I was supposed to perform in the boys choir for a local business. I desperately wanted some ice cream before we went, however. It was a hot day and there was an ice cream parlor close by. So, I convinced my father to buy me some ice cream. When I started singing my voice was so off key that my instructor had to silently have me pulled off of the stands so I wouldn't mess up the sound. I was almost kicked out since it was a big name we were singing for!"

Alastor chuckles, "Such a trouble maker! And it all could have been avoided so easily! Well I think this just goes to show how right your previous point was-"

The interview continued on and when it was done Alastor turned the mics off. He let the music play and the two headed to lunch. Alastor congratulated (Y/n) on a job well done. (Y/n) continued to fanboy away.
Me: Hey! I hope you enjoyed! This was just a ute little character building I wanted for the story!

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