A Little Touch of Sin

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Me: Well... I think the title gives it a little spoil. Find out what exactly is being tried in this lovely little installment. It's porn. Shameless porn. And I think my best yet.

Epic news! I have an editor who I am very grateful to have! @Cavy15 Thank you!

(Y/n) and Alastor were comfortable with each other. There was no denying the two had romantic chemistry. In the private of their home they were sweeter than honey with each other. Each night spent cuddled together whispering lovely words. They talked of hopes, of daily occurrences, of the things they wanted.

(Y/n) figured that if there was ever a time to ask, it would be now. The real question would be if Alastor was alright with trying. It was his body. He would respect if Alastor wasn't open to this step yet. Maybe even never. It would be sad, but (Y/n) would rather keep the stable relationship with someone he loves. He learned that lesson the hard way.

So, (Y/n) lowers his eyelids and smiles. "Al... I wanna... I wanna try something with you."

Alastor blinks and then looks (Y/n) in the eyes. He notices how much closer the male is. He had practically crawled on top of Alastor. Alastor raises an eyebrow. He knew where this was headed logically. His emotions just didn't align with the mood. He looks to the side.

(Y/n) extends a hand towards Alastor's cheek. He rubs it with his thumb. It was familiar to Alastor. "Will you try to have sex with me?"

Alastor wasn't disgusted, but he certainly wasn't interested. He knew that it was just another activity, like running, to him. He thinks about if he really wanted to do the deed and, in the end, decides it would make his partner happy. So, he felt he should at least give it a go.

"Let's try it." Alastor says.

(Y/n) kisses Alastor's nose, briefly. "Tell me if you want to stop... please."

Alastor nods, feeling his insecurities rise. "I- I can do dat."

(Y/n) lilts, "I'll do my best..."

He kisses Alastor, a small peck. It eases Alastor into the more touches to come.

"I'll make it feel good, promise." He finishes his sentence with a rasp.

Alastor blushes with a gulp. This man was his everything. He knew this performance was meant to be as appealing as possible. To the lick of his lips, to the way he eyed Alastor. (Y/n) ran his fingers over Alastor's shoulders. He drags them down with a desiring look. (Y/n) moves to sit in Alastor's lap and leans down to kiss him again. This time a much longer kiss, slowly parting.

"Thank you. You don't know what you do to me..." (Y/n) huskily tells Alastor.

Alastor replies, "I think I'm getting a glimpse."

(Y/n) smiles. "Are you still alright?"

Alastor takes a deep breath, "Yes. I'm fine."

(Y/n) touches their foreheads together and unbuttons Alastor's shirt. He slides the shirt off of Alastor and tosses it to the side. (Y/n) runs his finger gently down the shoulders. Each touch barely there, just a quick brush of warmth, as if Alastor was glass.

"And now?" (Y/n) whispers into his ear.

Alastor just felt a bit cold, but he still wasn't uncomfortable. He'd been here before. Each touch and word was lost on Alastor. No fires ignited. However, these simple acts were driving his partner mad. Every second that passed had (Y/n)'s heartbeat racing.

(Y/n) felt himself crack a bit and he held Alastor close. He gripped the man tightly. "I love you!"

Alastor feels his own heart swell. He holds the man. His poor partner. So consumed by the feeling. It was strange and different from Alastor's own experience. Yet, Alastor loved how (Y/n) melted under his touch. He let (Y/n) catch his breath and calm himself down enough to continue.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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