The Heart Takes Time to Heal

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Me: More sad! I feel like this is easier than the last chapter, though. I hope you aren't too hurt! I literally had to take a break after writing the previous chapter.
It's been about a year since Amelie's death. Alastor wasn't taking it well, but he was definitely functioning. He was working again while (Y/n) had taken over Mama's job of keeping the house along with his artist job. Alastor took over the smaller chores, just to balance out the maintenance.

During this time (Y/n) has been a safe person for Alastor to go to and Alastor appreciated it. He hasn't been very open to others about how he feels, but every once in a while Alastor shares with his partner.

Niffty and Husk came by regularly. Niffty showed up less often to be with her boyfriend. Husk would one a month come by the house and the three would have a drink. They talked about how their lives were, though they never brought up Mama Amelie. It was avoided at all costs, so they just shot the breeze. It was comforting just knowing that they were there for one another. (Y/n) suspected that Alastor was bottling it up to much and was about to explode again.

Alastor was horrible at handling his emotions. He lashed out and yelled. He bit his tongue and refused to share the pain. He took out his frustration and anger at the world on their victims. (Y/n) did his best to comfort him, but he felt nothing he did helped.

(Y/n) decided to try one more thing. He waited until Alastor had a day off and at breakfast he made Alastor's favorite.

"Morning." (Y/n) greets and sets out a coffee with beignets.

Alastor takes a seat at the table, "Good morning."

(Y/n) puts on his brightest smile for Alastor, "It's been a while since we went out. How about tonight we go to the jazz club."

Alastor did not feel like going out and his mouth twitches, "While I enjoy the enthusiasm, I'd rather not."

Alastor had devoured half of the pastries on his plate. (Y/n) took a sip of coffee to hide his disappointment that plan a didn't work.

"We can just have a lie in then. Sit by the fire and I could read to you." (Y/n) suggests.

Alastor shakes his head, "Just no. I'm not in the mood."

(Y/n) watched and opened his mouth to protest, before subtly shaking his head. He decides to let Alastor have his way.

Alastor finished quickly and got up. "I may have a day off, but I'd prefer to spend it catching up on my next segments."

With that Alastor left the room. (Y/n) rook his time to finish and put away the plates. He started cleaning up. (Y/n) spent most of the day like he usually would. He made the fire, dusted the place down, went to his part time job, and then got to painting. It wasn't until the evening when (Y/n) decided to knock on their bedroom door.

"Sugar? Can I come in?" (Y/n) asked.

Alastor opens the door. He looks tired, his hair is beginning to thin with the stress, and his smile fake. (Y/n) gives his own smile.

"You should take a break. Maybe talk about what has you so upset." He says.

Alastor replies dryly, "You know why I'm upset."

(Y/n) nods, "I do, but it helps to talk about it."

Alastor grit his teeth, "I'd rather not. So-"

(Y/n) cuts him off, "So, you're to sit down anyway. Take a break at least."

Alastor rolls his eyes but follows his partners request. He walks into the small living room and takes a seat on the couch. (Y/n) hands Alastor a glass of cognac and sits beside him. Alastor sips it.

Alastor x Male Reader PrequelWhere stories live. Discover now