Whole new Ball Game

850 31 4

Me: Much quicker! Enjoy, please!
The trio has been back in Nawlins for a while and things have settled down quite nicely. Tonight, however, was going to be (Y/n)'s first time killing with Alastor. He was anxious. He was worried and yet he was almost happy. A part of him truly felt giddy. He hated himself for that feeling. He supposed it couldn't be helped to feel what he does. It keeps (Y/n) awake all night as he wonders about what will happen.

(Y/n) gets out of bed early and decides to go ahead and start some coffee. Alastor wouldn't be awake quite yet, so he a few moments to himself. He had the coffee prepared and drank his cup. He felt more awake, though it fried his nerves.

Alastor walks in and blinks a few times to confirm what he say, "Whatcha doin' up at dis hour?"

(Y/n) smiled, "Made coffee. Here."

(Y/n) held out a mug and Alastor took it. "Thank you."

(Y/n) nods, "Think nothing of it. I'll see ya after yur work."

With that (Y/n) let's Alastor take his time to wake up and starts to get out his sketchbook. He sketched around some random pieces, many depicting a dancing form in the night.

As (Y/n) whittled away the hours, sketching, cleaning, talking, Alastor was doing his standard radio broadcasts. Amelie turned the radio on and it played all day. She never failed to listen to Alastor's voice when ever he spoke. She dragged (Y/n) into the living room with the radio. She pointed at it.

"Listen, Listen! My boy..." She says excitedly.

"... Talk about a fantastic story! I've never heard of a doll moving without being touched! Do you have any evidence?..." Alastor's voice rambled over the radio.

The story goes on until it switches over to music. Amelie goes back to her pot on the stove. (Y/n) listened to her gush about Alastor. He smiled as he sketched.

'This is gonna be great!' He thinks.

Later that night Alastor comes back to his home. He sets his coat on the rack and gives a small stretch. Mama Amelie walks out with a huge smile.

"Dat you, baby?" She asks.

"It's me! Where ya at?" He replies.

Mama Amelie gives him a hug and says, "I'm just the bees knees right now. Ya did good at work!"

(Y/n) hums to himself as he stirs the pot like Amelie taught him. Alastor and Amelie walk into the kitchen. (Y/n) turns to greet them.

"Welcome home!" He says.

Alastor raises an eyebrow, "What's for dinner?"

(Y/n) grins, "Shrimp and grits with deviled eggs."

Alastor hums, "What's the occasion?"

(Y/n) shrugs, "Easy food that tastes good!"

Alastor raises an eyebrow, "Are you sure it's not because we're going out tonight?"

(Y/n) looks away, "Maybe some of that too!"

Mama Amelie looks to Alastor, "You're going out? Usual I presume?"

Alastor nods, "Of course!"

Mama Amelie puts her hands on her hips, "Extra helpings for the both of ya then."

When dinner was finished Alastor and (Y/n) got dressed in more appropriate clothes. (Y/n) and Alastor headed out to the richer parts of the city where the people were gathered. Alastor led (Y/n) to the alley beside a speakeasy. Alastor and (Y/n) waited. There were people stumbling out one man in particular had a little too much. He pulled his date closer. The redheaded man kissed her cheek and she playfully pushed away giggling a stop. His advances continued and the girl quickly started to actually grow more forceful in her rejections.

Alastor motioned for (Y/n) to stay, then stepped into the street. "Sir, I think you should leave your date be. Don't you?"

The red head glared, "Don't tell me how to treat my woman!"

Alastor grins, "I can tell you she isn't yours!"

The man lets the girl go and stomps forward, getting into Alastor's face. "I'm gonna teach you a lesson pretty boy!"

Alastor leans past the man and says to the girl, "You should leave."

With that the red head lunges and Alastor dodges the punch with ease. Alastor backs into the alley. (Y/n) pulls the mans arms behind him, keeping him from moving around much. The man thrashes. Alastor tisks and puts a cloth gag in the mans mouth.

"Ah! Much better. No more rude remarks. What a terrible person you are!" Alastor grins wider, glaring.

The man throws muffled curses at the two. Alastor kicks down on the man's kneecap shattering it. The gag keeps the scream of pain down to only a speaking level. The man falls to the ground, (Y/n) no longer restraining him, but boxing him to the wall.

Alastor looks to (Y/n), "Alright! Since this is the first go, I decided this would be a good test. Kill him."

(Y/n) takes in a deep breath. "You care how?"

Alastor shrugs, "Make it entertaining."

(Y/n) pulls out a few daggers. He stabs at the mans hand, thrusting the metal all the way through. He hesitates before he stabs the mans shoulder. The man gripped at the injuries, tears flowing down his face. (Y/n) gave the man a dead stare as he remembered what the red head planned. He then sliced through the mans neck cutting to the bone. The slice in the neck bleeds profusely, making the sound of the red head's voice gurgle.

"Goodbye." (Y/n) then pulls out the other two daggers.

Alastor absorbed the show, noting the hesitation, but still enjoying the final results. Alastor laughs and throws his arms out!

"Wonderful job! Keep this up and I might just have to find a new hobby!" He proclaims.

(Y/n) turns to Alastor, "We should get rid of the body."

Alastor nods, "Quite right. Your plan?"

(Y/n) raises an eyebrow, "How far is the river?"

Alastor grins, "Bout a five minute walk."

(Y/n) nods, "We take the back alleys to the river, then weight the body down. Let it sink. If you're more worried about being caught we can always put the body in a boat with a whole."

Alastor shakes his head, "I doubt we need to be that clever. Let's go."

With that the two enact said plan and on the way home, Alastor commends (Y/n)'s work. (Y/n) stays silent. Alastor eventually stops talking. He gives a quizzical look to (Y/n). He stops walking.

"How are you?" He simply asks.

"Fine. Why?" (Y/n) returns a question.

"You're quiet. Do you still wish to proceed?" Alastor watches the other closely.

"I'm quiet because there is nothing to say. I'm fine, therefore everything is fine. And yes, I want to stay!" He announces.

Alastor takes in the cold words not used to this shift in attitude. "I see."

(Y/n) nods, "Yes. Let's go home."

The walk back was silent between the two. (Y/n) didn't even look at Alastor. He kept his thoughts to himself. Alastor watched, catching himself feeling worried about the other. Alastor dismisses the emotions.

Both wondered, 'Just what future awaits?'
Me: I'm sorry this took so long! I wanted o get ahead! I have! Tell me what you think.

Alastor x Male Reader PrequelWhere stories live. Discover now