A New Aquaintence

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Me: I hope you all enjoy!
(Y/n) bites his lip as he thinks about Alastor the next morning at breakfast. 'What will everyone think!? You can't just show the world your orientation like that! It's considered a sin and if you get caught you're dead!' He thinks. He holds back a groan. He didn't even get the man's telephone number or address. He had bigger fish to fry, anyway.

He finishes his breakfast and decides to sight see. (Y/n) checks the date to see what would be open. It's a Saturday. He shrugs and checks out the park. There were several sites to see, however all of the ones listed seemed like tourist spots. He shrugs and decides to just walk around the city.

(Y/n) passes by monuments and reads their plaques. He sees a wide array of shops from a tailor to sweets shops to book stores. He walks along with wide eyes taking in the different atmosphere. He gets to the local playground and grins. He claims a swing and idly sways his legs.

After a couple of hours he decides to head back to town. He only knows of one other restaurant that was supposed to be good so he supposed that would do for lunch. He makes his way to a cozy little eatery and pulls out a hand rolled smoke. He pulls out his matches and lights it as he looks over the menu.

The seat in front if him made a scratching sound as it moved and (Y/n) looked up. To his surprise he sees Alastor. Alastor grins and runs a hand through his hair as he sits down.

"Don't mind if I join you, right?" Alastor asks.

(Y/n) gulps and nods, "Um... No problem! Fancy the chances of meeting you here!"

Alastor shrugged, "I happened to see you in town and noticed you were headed here!"

(Y/n) recognized that tactic, that's something his mother did."I see! Well the more the merrier!"

Alastor grins, "How bout I show you the town tonight. I'm off work on the weekends you see and I'd like to share the experience witchu."

(Y/n) smiles to be polite as he starts to question Alastor's motives, "Sure! Is there anyway for me to contact you?"

Alastor dramatically puts a hand on his chest, "Of course! What terrible manners! My address is 853 Musgrave lane."

(Y/n) blinked at the openness. His thoughts doing 180's. "You know... if I didn't know any better I'd say you were asking me on a date."

Alastor pauses for just a second and glances around the room. "Then I'm glad you know better! Nononono, this is simply business. I hope you understand."

(Y/n) glances the room to see no one was looking. "Um... quick question. Is this not a safe place for nances?"

Alastor cleared his throat, "Well... the night life is free as can be, even if in the day they're masked."

(Y/n) relaxes, "Good! I'm from a very lively and friendly city so I had hoped Nawlins was too."

Alastor smiles widely, "Getting used to the local terms, hot cakes?"

(Y/n) grins back, "Indeed, I am."

With that the two chat away. After a while Alastor checks his watch. He looks to (Y/n).

"Well, It seems I must be going. I'll pick you up at 6 on the dot!" Alastor cheerfully says as he leaves heading south.

(Y/n) heads back to the hotel and decides to set up and start another painting. He was alright money wise for a bit. (Y/n) waited for six to roll around as he waited for Alastor out front. Sure enough Alastor was on time.

Alastor showed (Y/n) his favorite speakeasy and friend Mimzy. The two had stayed and listened to the swing band. Alastor wanted to show (Y/n) a very private and special spot in the bayou. He put his hands over (Y/n)'s eyes and led him to a spot way out with fireflies as the only source of light.

Alastor x Male Reader PrequelWhere stories live. Discover now