Coincidence or Fate?

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Me: Welcome! This will be a very happy chapter!
(Y/n) had left the next morning eager to be out of the twos' hair. He was sad to leave the first welcoming home he'd ever experienced, though. (Y/n) pushed that from his mind and rushed back to the hotel where a letter was waiting for him.

"Ah! Mr. (L/n)! I've been waitin' for ya! Letter from the gallery." The front desk worker happily calls.

"Ah! Thank you!" (Y/n) replies and feels his heart jump.

He takes the letter and retires to his room. He quickly looks for his letter opener and cuts the side of the envelope. He hesitates before slowly pulling out the folded paper.

'Dear Mr. (L/n),

I would like to inform you that the painting you submitted has had record attendance and we at the Gallery of Impressionists would like to commission a series from you.

For more information contact us at our main building on 765 Budd Strongs ST. Thank you for your time and attention.


Art director Bobby Singer'

(Y/n) puts a hand over his mouth and lets out a squeak. He holds in cries of joy. (Y/n) weeps. Tears fill his eyes and he smiles. He holds the letter close to his chest. (Y/n) was so relieved. He could finally feel like he was sticking it to his mother. He didn't have to go back. He was free.

(Y/n) then started calculating how much he would have to work to make a living and groaned. At $16 a painting, if he made 2 paintings a month for six months he'd only make $200. That means in roughly fifteen years he could buy a house. He groaned and sighs. He sits down on his chair.

'No time to get emotional. If I'm to make it here I need to get started!' He thinks.

With that (Y/n) goes out to buy the supplies to start another collection. He tries to find the one spot Alastor took him to. He freezes when he realises his thoughts. He wanted to know more, to see him again. Damn were his thoughts consumed by the killer. (Y/n) takes a deep breath and decides to look anyway. This was his chance to chase his desires.

And..... fate just had to intervene. He was lost. He's passed by the same stream twice now. He walked along further and the sky started to grow dark. (Y/n) sat down on a more grassy area and waited. He had fallen asleep for a moment before he startled.

"Run! Fool!" A womanly voice screeches.

(Y/n) stands up and takes a hold of her shoulders. "What's wrong?"

The woman was a frail thing, small with flashy decor. "He! Murderer, after... run!"

The woman makes to dash and (Y/n) holds her in place. "Do you know a way out of this excuse of a forrest?"

Soon enough a familiar face runs up to the two. The woman screams and (Y/n) rolls his eyes before pulling out a rag and stuffing her mouth.

Alastor catches his breath and blinks, "(Y/n)? What are you doing here?"

(Y/n) clears his throat, "Well! I.. I was just looking for that spot you showed me... and got lost."

Alastor laughs, "You got lost... how ironic!"

(Y/n) keeps his hold on the woman, "Who's she?"

(Y/n) keeps the slight wavering of his voice as untraceable as possible. Alastor replies, "Just another drop in the sea."

(Y/n) is inwardly happy to hear this and cringes at his jealousy. "In that case, shall I let go?"

Alastor raises an eyebrow. "If you wish. I won't chase her down. "

Alastor x Male Reader PrequelWhere stories live. Discover now