Touch Bases

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Me: I hope it comes across as sweet and endearing! Thank you for your time. (When you write this and listen to s and m by Rhianna XD)

(Y/n) noticed Alastor wasn't a very touchy person. He preferred to be the one to touch others. He didn't dislike a handshake, but if you touched his shoulder without warning he would snap to look at you. (Y/n) noticed. He tried to respect that unsaid rule. Alastor had started to become used to (Y/n) taking his hand and other small gestures. Besides, Alastor didn't mind most touch if he initiated it and the man loved to use that as a power play.

(Y/n) just wondered if that was a go ahead to try to initiate more intimate touches, like a kiss. He didn't want to make Alastor uncomfortable, however. He'd just have to ask Alastor. It happened to be Alastor that beat him to that conversation. Alastor decided that while the two were out that night, they should really talk.

"You are not convincing me to watch a musical." Alastor dead pans.

(Y/n) groans, "You might like them! Mama Amelie does!"

Alastor shakes his head, "No. What ELSE do you want to do tonight?"

(Y/n) thinks about it and asks, "Is there a place you considered sacred? Something special to you?"

Alastor takes a second to reply and grabs (Y/n)'s hand. "Come."

Alastor guides (Y/n) to the bayou. He hops over logs and takes the driest route to an abandoned hut. Alastor pushes the door open and lights the small lantern with ease. (Y/n) wonders how Alastor easily finds his way to this place. He couldn't see anything.

"This... is where I would go as a child. When I wanted to get away from classes and home. Away from proper speach, from french, or even maths. Away from the cruelty of other children. This was my safe space" Alastor introduces.

(Y/n) looks around the hut. The walls were a beige almost mud color. There was a small stove that seemed to rely on firewood. There was one table with a chair. There was a book case filled with pots pans and old pantry remnants. There appeared to be blood stains everywhere.

"That's amazing... Did you have any programs you used? That you made here..." (Y/n) focuses back on Alastor.

Alastor grins, "I may have given them an edit, but there were many I made that became some of my first broadcasts."

(Y/n) wows, "You really are a star, huh?"

Alastor nods, "Only through luck."

(Y/n) tilts his head, "Luck?"

Alastor motions for (Y/n) to take a seat while Alastor leans against the wall. "I was only allowed on the air because I sounded like all them white folks. Said I could stand in for one of the anchors."

(Y/n) listens carefully as Alastor continues, "The man, who I substituted in for, left. He had apparently gotten a Hollywood gig. I did well enough that I was allowed to take over and make the show my own. Since then, I've been the talk of Louisiana!"

(Y/n) replies, "You notice that we get looks?"

Alastor nods, "Constantly."

(Y/n) asks, "You think it's cause they know? Or do ya think it's a racial issue?"

Alastor replies slowly, thoughtfully, "I think some people can tell. However, I think the looks are probably because of my skin color."

(Y/n) nods, "You're special to a whole lotta people. You're the first real popular radio host of color. They stare at ya all the time. Most of em in awe. But when me and Mama are there they start to wonder. They stare more."

Alastor suggests, "Perhaps it's because they're as curious about you as I was."

(Y/n) smiles, "Maybe. Maybe it's because they know I'm living with THE Alastor."

Alastor rolls his eyes, "I'm certainly not THAT popular. Got the gig by chance."

(Y/n) hums, "I think it was meant to be. You know christians, any of them would say that's god's work at hand."

Alastor chuckles, "It does sound miraculous, doesn't it! Nonono, there is no god and he certainly wouldn't do that for me!"

(Y/n) grins, "I don't know. Maybe he fell for your charming personality like me."

Alastor raises an eyebrow, "Your fantasies are amusing, sha."

(Y/n) smiles, "What other means of entertainment is there without fantasy?"

Alastor easily replies, "Murder!"

(Y/n) rolls his eyes, "I should have known..."

Alastor is silent for a second. He then takes the time to walk over to (Y/n). He holds his hand out. (Y/n) takes his hand and stands up.

"Al, I gotta know," (Y/n) prefaces, "Do you mind my touches?"

Alastor takes a second to reply. His face was blank, making (Y/n) nervous.

Alastor responds, "I don't mind when it's you. Sha, ya very obvious about it. No surprises with your desires. I don't like not knowing if people will stop when I ask."

(Y/n) nods, "I always listen."

Alastor raises an eyebrow and playfully replies, "You better continue, too!"

(Y/n) chuckles, but dies it down. He asks seriously, "Are you okay with going further? Can I... Can I kiss you?"

Alastor shakes his head, "Not right now! Maybe in the future."

(Y/n) nods, "Just let me know."

Alastor glances at (Y/n), "Sometimes I wonder if my aversion means I'm broken."

(Y/n) gives him a look, "Al, If people think being a nance means I'm broken then they clearly don't know shit. I don't think there's anything wrong with ya! Well... murder is questionable, but I'm letting that one slide."

Alastor gives a smile, "That makes it much more believable."

(Y/n) says, "You do what you do. Each person is unique and if you don't want something, who am I to judge?"

Alastor nods, "You always thwart my expectations."

(Y/n) raises an eyebrow, "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

Alastor chuckles, "I don't know!"

With the conversation dying down the two look around the small hideaway.

Alastor walks over to a particular blood stain and says, "This was actually my first offering to a loa."

(Y/n) asks, "Animal?"

Alastor nods, "Rabbit."

(Y/n) grins, "Yum. Sounds like someone had a good lunch."

Alastor laughs at the absurdity, "Yes. It was a nice exchange. I'll show ya sometime."

(Y/n) says, "I'm holding you to that! Not like the last time!"

Alastor does a showy questioning motion, "Oh really? And how will you do that?"

(Y/n) grins, "Do you WANT any beignets next time Mama makes them?"

Alastor gasps, "You wouldn't dare!?"

(Y/n) laughs, "Try me! I save some for you to be polite!"

(Y/n) runs off as Alastor attempts grab him. Alastor rolls his eyes and lets (Y/n) tire himself out before going to find him. Alastor silently reflects on the date and what a success it was. He supposed he made the right call with this one.
Me: Well! World building and a taste of the realities I've kinda glanced over. I've decided to minimally include the racism so that the readers race may remain ambiguous. There will be some mentions, but it will not be a huge portion of the book. I will however include more on sexuality.

Alastor x Male Reader PrequelWhere stories live. Discover now