Christmas Is the WORST Time of the Year

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Me: okay! So my dad made the comment that Christmas deserves to be it's own hell and is as scary as Halloween. I thought that was great! I'm using it.

Alastor groaned. It was Christmas eve. He had spent most of the month avoiding this dreaded time. He was told to play the latest songs and he HATED it. Not only was the alcohol situation more dire with a shitty supply, but he had to listen to that awful music. He went out on kills more often to release the pent up aggression listening to the overly cheery music caused. He would die, no. Scratch that. If he never heard another version of jingle bells it would be too soon. He sighed in relief when he was given leave for the holidays.

He made sure he had sent gifts to Husker, Niffty, Niffty's mother, and Mimzy. The gifts were wrapped up under the tree and Alastor was sure that this year's celebration would be over soon enough.

(Y/n) on the other hand wanted to make this one count. He had spent many a Christmas with two people who would stay in separate rooms. His parents hadn't been on good terms. He had went early to visit his father and they spent the day together talking and reconnecting over eggnog. (Y/n) had gotten back later that day. He was tired, but he was happy. The real problem was he couldn't sleep because he was excited.

Alastor sat by the fire reading a book.

(Y/n) creeps into the room and asks, "What're ya readin'?"

Alastor swiftly turns his head to the male and relaxes when he realizes who was there. "It's a translation of Jung. He's written about personality types, studied psychology."

(Y/n) nods, "Sounds cool. Anything you see that fits?"

Alastor hums, "Not yet. I'm only in the first few chapters, however. Why are you up?"

(Y/n) grins and sits beside Alastor on the couch, "Too excited to sleep!"

Alastor rolls his eyes, a small grin forming. It seems (Y/n)'s happiness was contagious. (Y/n) bounced his leg as he looked from Alastor to the tree.

"You know, I'd think you and mama would be busy with the ceremonies required for the loa." (Y/n) says.

Alastor nods, "Ah. The days aren't exactly the same. We already did the celebration, as you would call it. We bathed in flames and sang to the petwo loa. The bonfire after was fun, sacrificed a goat."

(Y/n) grins, "Wicked."

Alastor chuckles, "I'm glad you find it so entertaining."

(Y/n) shrugs, "If I wasn't open to new things I wouldn't be the person I am today."

Alastor puts the book aside. "Hot cakes, you're barely a person!"

(Y/n) gapes, "What's THAT supposed to mean?"

Alastor simply laughs.

(Y/n) decides to spin it back on Alastor, "Well then, I guess your just as much my squeeze as I am a person."

Alastor goes wide eyed, "No! Absolutely not!"

(Y/n) laughs and says, "You're too easy to tease! It ain't fair!"

Alastor merely huffs. The room goes quiet and the two sit in comfortable silence.

"Why are you so anxious for this terrible holiday anyway?" Alastor asks.

(Y/n) replies, "Because I'm with you, silly."

Alastor rolls his eyes, "Why does my presence make it better?"

(Y/n) looks to the ground, "Because I'm spending it with people I love who have treated me right. I get an opportunity to thank you for being there for me. That's why I'm excited."

Alastor x Male Reader PrequelOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora