Mama Amelie's Death (Trigger Warning)

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Me: During the Alastorcast I heard about Mama Bosco. I'm in tears. I AM SO SORRY. This chapter makes me feel horrible. I don't want this to come true! I literally can't tell you how terrible I feel right now having made this chapter. (Me: I wrote this a week before that video and had the horrified feeling that if I posted this at all it would come true in some way or another. Irrational, I know. However, I have had a very similar occurrence and I am still terrified of posting this. I decided to for the story anyway. Please forgive me.)
The year was 1925. It was a cold February that had left people shivering no matter what they did. Alastor was stressed and refused to leave his mother's bedside. He held her hand. She would always smile for him.

(Y/n) watched with his heart feeling like it was bleeding from the most vicious of cuts. He made a plate of fried cod with homemade fries and sliced pickle chips. He walks over to Alastor and puts a hand on his shoulder. Alastor uses his free hand to hold onto (Y/n)'s.

Alastor puts on a wobbly smile and asks, "What is it, sha?"

(Y/n) felt like he would cry, but held in his tears. He would be a stable place for Alastor to cling to, just as Alastor had done for him.

"You should eat, beloved. Ain't eaten all day." (Y/n) says.

Alastor eyes the plate wearily, "I'm not hungry right now-"

(Y/n) cuts him off in an even tone, "Please eat. If not for me, then for Ame-"

Alastor turns cold, "Don't."

(Y/n) had never been on the receiving end of Alastor's angery gaze like this and widens his eyes. (Y/n) pulls back and Alastor stands, not looking at his boyfriend.

"Don't use her to try to manipulate my actions!" He growls.

(Y/n) furrowed his brows, "I only did it with the best of intentions! Mama Amelie wouldn't want you to starve yourself!"

Alastor scoffs, "How could you speak for her, you barely know her."

(Y/n) tries to build up the courage to respond. He knew he had to say something. It couldn't be begging or pleading forgiveness this time either. He knew he was in the right. He was hurt to think Alastor didn't believe the time spent with her mattered. "I've been living here with her for five years. I think-"

Alastor glares, "You THINK! Exactly. I need to leave."

Alastor exits and leaves (Y/n) standing dumbfounded in the Amelie's room. She was stirring awake from the loud noises. She coughed and wheezed for air. (Y/n) was by her aide in an instant.

"Slow breaths, Mama..." he reminds.

(Y/n) puts on a smile and runs his fingers over her hair in a soothing motion.

Amelie looks to (Y/n) and asks in a hushed tone, "Where's Alastor?"

(Y/n) takes the small blow and replies, "He's out getting you a present. He'll be back lickety split."

Amelie smiles, "So kind, that one."

(Y/n) nods, "Yes. How are you feeling?"

Amelie takes a few strained breaths before she can respond, "I'm still here... I'm so proud... of my baby boy."

(Y/n) can only respond, "I know."

Amelie smiles and looks like she's about to fall asleep. (Y/n) gently shakes her to keep her awake.

"Do you think you can eat?" (Y/n) asks her.

She nods and struggles to get out the words, a small high pitched wheeze was all that came out.

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