An Apology

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Me: This is basically an excuse to see drunk Alastor and drunk (Y/n) to interact. Also, I have a personal joke about chicken lobbed in!
Alastor needed to clear the air between the two. (Y/n) was avoiding him, his mother was mad at him, and he was starting to miss going out again. He hyped himself up and invited (Y/n) for a couple of drinks. His mother was spending the evening with Niffty. (Y/n) had come to hear of the cute relative just that day. He thought that was a bit weird, but he supposed it didn't matter.

The weekly kills have continued and the more (Y/n) did the more relaxed he became. Alastor still felt that he needed to apologize despite this development. As such, he saved up some money and decided to buy a nice bottle of wine. He made sure he cooked one of his best meal, roast with gravy and mashed potatoes. He had made sure (Y/n) had no other plans. He was going to give the most extreme apology.

He sat (Y/n) down at the table. (Y/n) blinked and looked from the food to Alastor. The food looked fantastic, smelled even better. There were rolls on the side and the wine had already been poured.

"What's this for?" (Y/n) asks.

Alastor cleared his throat. "I wanted to do this for you."

(Y/n) smiles, "Well... It looks amazing!"

Alastor smiles back, hiding how nerve wracking this was. "Dig in! Tell me how you like it."

(Y/n) eyed the meal a bit wearily, then picked up his utensils. He took a bit of the roast and melted in delight. It feel off the bone and was tender. The flavor was a bit much spice wise, but all the while delicious.

"This is one of the best meals I've ever eaten..." (Y/n) says.

Alastor chuckles, "Good! Then that means I've made it right."

(Y/n) easily finishes the rest of the meat. Alastor tips back the wine, watching with satisfaction that this was working. (Y/n) had to stop eating for a second and decided to try the wine.

"How's the wine?" Alastor asks.

(Y/n) took a few sips and gave Alastor a curious look. "It's expensive. What year is this? Like 87? Anyway, what's this really about?"

Alastor looks away, "I would... I'm apologizing. I'm sorry for how I treated you. I pushed your boundaries and crossed a line. You have never crossed mine, so I shouldn't cross yours. I've never had someone to work with and it's been... well, it's a bit of an adjustment."

(Y/n) shrugs, "Easily accepted. Ya didn't really hurt me. My nerves were a bit fried, but you didn't mean to do it. I didn't tell you that was a problem either so you couldn't have known. Besides, you made me good food! And got nice wine!"

Alastor chuckled, "Is that all it takes to please you?"

(Y/n) grins, "Way to a man's heart is through his stomach! But... I've had time to think it over as well... and I over reacted. You couldn't have known that quick questioning and the like were gonna cause that."

Alastor nods, "Then I'm glad we're in agreement. Mother has been botherin me bout making amends despite anything you've said or I've done."

(Y/n) gives a chuckle, "I'm glad she's sticking up for me... even if it's over bearing. It's a nice change."

Alastor continues to eat, "I can't imagine."

(Y/n) shrugs, "Most can't. Still, I'm curious about you too."

Alastor sits a bit straighter, "Go ahead. Question away."

(Y/n) takes a bit of the food, "How mixed are you?"

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