Off to See the Evil Witch

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Me: Welcome back! I would like some feedback if you darlings can! Thank you so much for all of the support!
Alastor insisted on coming with (Y/n) to his home city. Not only would it be good to meet up with Husker early, but it also sounded wise given what Alastor knew of the other's family. (Y/n) welcomed the company.

(Y/n) and Alastor arrive safely at (Y/n)'s home in the Atlanta suburbs. The home was quite a bit larger than Alastor's. It was a light grey two story house with a rather small plot of land. Alastor eyes the house and then (Y/n). (Y/n) simply smiles and leads Alastor to the door. He knocks. A woman, about 5'4 with dark hair, and pristine clothing opens the door.

She scowls, until she sees Alastor and puts on her best smile. "Welcome! My baby, so good to see you!"

She hugs (Y/n), who tenses. "Yeah... good to see you too, mom."

She lets go and (Y/n) holds in a sigh of relief. "This is my mother, Sheryll. Mom, this is Alastor. Why don't you show my friend the antiques?"

She agrees, "Yah. Why don't you come see the antiques? We have a beautiful marble table from the-"

Alastor glares at (Y/n) for being left alone with the woman. (Y/n) takes the chance to pack up. He runs to his room upstairs and packs up all of his clothes. He then grabs a few essentials and sneaks in his mother's most valuable necklace.

"Payback, mom." He whispers.

He then hides the clothing in the closet closest to the door. He makes his way to Alastor and his mother only to find his mother charming Alastor with some Swedish meatballs. Alastor watches with a smile and talking about cooking.

(Y/n) clears his throat. "How wonderful to see you sharing such a precious recipe, mom."

She grins, "He's a charming, lad. Not at all who I would expect to be around you, boo bear."

Alastor watches carefully, "Indeed. She's been charming as ever."

(Y/n) nods, "Of course. I take it we've been invited to lunch?"

She nods, "Yes, yes!"

(Y/n) looks around the room a bit and listens for any signs of his father. "Mom, Where's father?"

The woman turns to her son, "He's working at his pharmacy. Says he'll be home late so I assume he's a bit busy."

(Y/n) knew what that meant, "Alright. I'm going to show Alastor around all of the house."

She grits her teeth, but chirps in her sweetest voice, "Come back hungry."

(Y/n) doesn't give Alastor a chance to speak before he takes the man's hand and leads him up the stairs to a secure room.

Alastor waits until the door closes to speak, "I thought you said your mother was a vile woman? She hardly seems like it, so far."

(Y/n) knows he can't just react in frustration and takes a deep breath. "I tried to warn you she would do this... it's just an act..."

Alastor raises an eyebrow. (Y/n) notices and motions for Alastor to take a seat in the chair in front of the desk. The desk was a solid cherry piece with papers all over.

"You have doubts. I know. She's deceptive like that. Just... Take what she says with a grain of salt." He sighs and gets up.

"My stuff is packed so we can leave this place when ever. I booked us a hotel for a few nights." (Y/n) explains as he leaves.

Alastor sits there in silence, taking in everything. He in turn looks over the desk in thought. A leather bound notebook catches his eye. He opens it. Inside is sloppy handwritten entries signed by (Y/n)'s father.

Meanwhile, (Y/n) comes down the stairs where he's cut off by his mother. She glares at the male. He glares back.

"You're trying to make me look bad in front of your friend! You always do this! What have I ever done to you?!" She wails.

(Y/n) sneers, "You tried to kill me, you've threatened to kill me, you've talk down to me all my life, you've cheated on father which has ruined our reputation, you ruined my career here, need I go on?"

She gasps in disbelief, "You leave your pops out of this! You think you know best, but I've tried to show you again and again that you're going nowhere!"

(Y/n) nods, "Yeah, keep telling yourself that. Only as soon as I look like I'm about to succeed... you went and broke up the marriage of the art director with an affair!"

(Y/n)'s mother glares and says, "If you leave, I'll give myself a black eye and say you hit me. That friend will believe it too!"

(Y/n) droops his shoulders and just shrugs, "Get it over with."

(Y/n)'s mother cries crocodile tears, "I'm gonna tell ya father! Expect a switching if you come back!"

He walks past her and storms out of the house. He kicks a rock on the pavement and growls.

Alastor emerges a few minutes later when he hears shouting. He walks in the room just in time to see (Y/n) storm out of the door. Alastor looks to (Y/m), seeing her go from smiling to crying and then heads out to follow (Y/n).

"Look, just leave me alone!" (Y/n) shouts as he turns. He sees Alastor and deflates, "Sorry..."

Alastor observes (Y/n). The guy was clearly upset and the pleasant smile gone from his face. Alastor felt a pang in his heart at the sight and absently wondered why he was feeling this way. He must be feeling sympathy for (Y/n), but Alastor had never felt that way for anyone. Alastor shakes his head to clear these thoughts.

"I take it she said something to provoke you?" Alastor asks.

(Y/n) nods, "She gaslighted me..."

Alastor puts a hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder, "What did she say?"

"She asked if I was talking bad about her behind her back and that she hasn't ever done anything wrong to me. She cares for me so she has the right to tell me I'm wrong. Which is bullshit! You don't try to murder your child, threaten to hurt or kill them, cheat on their father, nor ruin their career! I'm right to feel what I feel!" (Y/n) explains and puts his hand over Alastor's.

(Y/n) realizes their in public and sighs. He takes Alastor's hand off and smiles to him, "Don't worry about it. I'll be at the hotel. You stay here for lunch."

Alastor shakes his head, "That woman was so smug about it, she had this smile on her face... I believe you. Had the gall to start crying, just barely saw the transition. Not too different from any other people I've dealt with."

(Y/n) nods, "I know a pretty good pub up the road. You interested?"

Alastor grins, "I see the deflection. We'll talk about it later. For now! If this place has your recommendation, I shall try it. After all, this is ya hometown."

(Y/n) nods, "Thank you..."

Alastor shrugged, not responding. (Y/n) looked  at Alastor to see him without a smile, serious.

(Y/n) put on his best smile, "What's that song you always sing? You're never fully dressed without a smile~"

Alastor looks to him and smiles back, "That's the one!"
Me: Ya'll had no idea what was coming! Also, did you think I'd give you fluff? Not at all! Also, let me know what you guys think! The more the merrier!

Alastor x Male Reader PrequelWhere stories live. Discover now