Husk made an Oopsie

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Me: welcome back! This is a mention of Mimzy for the first time and is full of drama. I'm actually planning to give more family details like how everyone is related. I also think jealous reader is gonna be funny! Enjoy!
As of now no one had noticed the killings. Mama Amelie did all of the housework and cooking, occasionally going out to the ladies night. (Y/n) spent most of his days painting, helping the chores and got around to seeing the night life. (Y/n) had quickly decided he loved the night life of Nawlins, much to Alastor's dismay.

(Y/n) and Amelie were currently waiting for the linens to dry. Amelie was teaching (Y/n) french she knew. (Y/n) was butchering the pronunciations and Mama Amelie winced.

"Not quite, dere." She says.

A knocking interrupts the two. (Y/n) hops to his feet and tries to see who is outside from a small side window. He can't tell so he opens the door.

"Hello?" (Y/n) greets.

Husk pants out of breath, a scowl on his face. "You..."

(Y/n) opens the door fully and steps back motioning Husk to come in.

Mama Amelie calls out, "Who was dere, (Y/n)?"

(Y/n) calls back, "It's Husk!"

Mama Amelie walks into the main room and greets him. Husk comes in and (Y/n) shuts the door. Husk catches his breath and (Y/n) gets him a glass of water.

"Whatcha do? Run here?" (Y/n) asks.

Husk groans, "Yes, actually."

Mama Amelie asks, "What was so urgent? Not that I don't love seeing ya."

Husk punches the bridge of his nose, "I did something stupid and need your help."

(Y/n) nods, "Sure!"

Husk looks away, "I got too drunk and gambled away my father's watch. I need it back!"

Mama Amelie gives him an unamused look, "You gambled away my brother's watch!?"

Husk looked to the side, "I was drunk and foolishly thought I could win."

(Y/n) groaned, "Do you remember who you gambled with?"

Husk shook his head. "No. I don't. Woke up with a head ache and noticed the watch wasn't on the mantle above the fireplace."

(Y/n) hums, "Which speakeasy were ya at?"

Husk grumbled, "The one on square, Daisy's."

Mama Amelie nods, "Let's ask around tonight and just see if anyone saw what happened."

Husk looks up to her and says, "Mimzy works there! She'll know."

(Y/n) looks to Husk, "Who's Mimzy?"

Mama Amelie throws her arms up and  replies, "Only Alastor's biggest fan, sides myself!"

(Y/n) blinks at the enthusiasm, "Uhuh. She a friend?"

Mama Amelie notices his reaction and grins, "She's had a crush on my buck for long as I've known her. Sweet girl, flapper."

Husk groans, "Long as she was there, ya think I got a chance?"

Mama Amelie turns to him, more serious. "Always got a chance. You oughta be ashamed for loosing that watch, though."

Husk looked away with a scowl. Mama Amelie sighs and leaves to check on the laundry. (Y/n) is left standing there awkwardly.

"Have a seat, feel free to stay here long as ya want." (Y/n) says.

Husk grumbles, "Yeah, thanks kid."

(Y/n) glares, "I'm not that much younger than you. Nearly 21." He sighs, "Anyway. Should we tell Mr. Smiles?"

Husk raises an eyebrow and replies, "Why do you call him that? Yes! He needs to know. If nothing else it's an excuse to get him to be social."

(Y/n) grins, "Because he smiles too often and puts on this happy persona."

Husk and (Y/n) spend the rest of the time talking about Alastor. They discuss their family and Husk mentions other family members that live close by. He doesn't go into much detail, but gives the basics as (Y/n) talks more about his background. (Y/n) learns that Alastor is actually mixed. They spent hours talking animatedly. Husk was in the middle of a story involving Alastor as he got back home from his broadcast. It was about six o' clock.

"Husker! To what do we owe the pleasure?" Alastor says as he puts the last of his papers away.

"Just get over here." Husk answers.

Alastor rolls his eyes good naturedly. "Yes, yes."

"Welcome home, Mr. Smiles." (Y/n) gives a grin knowing that the nickname would bug Alastor.

Alastor feels his eye twitch and clears his throat, "Hush, you."

(Y/n) snickers, "Husk would like our help and has asked that you, me, and Amelie come down to Daisy's tonight."

Alastor raises an eyebrow and sits down in his chair crosses his legs. "Really? Well, I suppose it couldn't hurt. What are we helping with this time?"

Husk grumbles, "I lost Frederique's watch. I need to see if Mimzy saw who I lost it to."

Alastor side eyes Husk, "Gambling will get you in trouble, my good man."

Husk groans, "I know! Just. I need that watch back."

Alastor sighs, "Well, the damage is done. Might as well see if we can't get some control over it."

(Y/n) nods, "If we can identify who has it, I can get it back no problem."

Both turn their heads to the man. (Y/n) notices the stares and gives them a look.

"What?" (Y/n) asks.

Alastor asks, "And just how is it you know how to get it back."

(Y/n) raised an eyebrow, "You act like you've never picked a lock before or dealt with illegal trade."

Husk scoffs, "No way. There is no way you've ever picked a lock."

(Y/n) rolls his eyes, "I had a terrible mother."

Alastor shrugs, "If you're so skilled then we'll leave it to you."

(Y/n) replies, "I will need help finding information on the person. Especially if they're not living in Georgia or Nawlins."

Husk nods, "I have a lot of connections in the military. I can ask around, first we need a name and face."

Alastor grins, "Well! A plan made is a plan ready for action!"
Me: Sometimes we just need a bit of vigilantism! Tell me what guys think! Are you excited to see how this pans out? Thank you everyone!

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