Jealousy is a Green Eyed Monster

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Me: It's been a slog to write! Sorry ya'll! BUT! This is my longest chapter yet and I really hope you enjoy. Please do let me know how you guys feel about it. Give it a heart and comment! Lots of love to all my fans! Thanks! Also! Happy Birthday to me, I guess.


Alastor knew something was off. When he woke up, (Y/n) was there with coffee and eggs. When Alastor brushed his teeth (Y/n) hovered and kept a small conversation going. When Alastor tried to leave for work, (Y/n) waylaid him.

"Wait! Your jacket lapel is crooked." (Y/n) explains and then straightens it.

Alastor rolls his eyes. "It's fine. No one see's me in the recording booth anyway."

(Y/n) pouts. "You're never fully dressed without a smile."

Alastor gives a smile. "Better?"

(Y/n) gives a wide, comfortable smile. "Much better."

Alastor goes to walk away and (Y/n) looks for a way to keep him, not wanting him to leave. "Wait! Uh..."

Alastor turns around with an unimpressed look.

(Y/n) runs off and comes back with a comb. "You're hair!"

(Y/n) gives a section a run through, until it's perfect. Alastor appreciated the effort and care, but this fussing was starting to become overbearing. Alastor took a deep breath and smiled to (Y/n). He puts his hands over (Y/n)'s and tilts his head.

"Hot cakes, I'm fine. It's sweet but ya gotta let me get ta work." He admonishes.

(Y/n) is quiet, face blank, but nods. "Yeah, I know. Have a good day and drinks lots of water. It's hot out right now."

Alastor lets go (Y/n)'s hands and waves as he leaves. "I'll see ya when I get home."

Alastor leaves and shakes his head a bit with a fond smile. He makes his way to the trolly and hops on. Several women waved and blew kisses his direction. Alastor politely waves back and focuses back on the ride. He wonders if (Y/n)'s just particularly clingy today or if he was forgetting a date. He concludes that he wasn't missing any important dates and waves the worry away from his fore thoughts.

(Y/n) watches from the window. He was feeling consumed with doubt. He knew Alastor loved him. They had been living together for seven years now. If that didn't show they were committed to each other, then he wasn't sure what would. He was also, reluctant as he was to admit it, jealous. Alastor was his partner. Alastor was his. He wasn't able to show it though. Even in the privacy of their own home, it wasn't something that they showed often. Alastor was reserved and any touch they did together, he preferred Alastor to take the lead, so he was comfortable. And yet... That also made him anxious. He supposed that was his problem to grapple with rather than making it Alastor's too. The jealousy invoked was different. He wanted to be able to shower Alastor kisses and hold hands in public.

After the wedding, (Y/n) realised that he could never openly share his joy and infatuation. However, the straight couples could openly flaunt their marriage with huge ceremonies. It wasn't fair, but neither was the rest of the world. He would rather just box up that feeling, so he does. He pulls out his easel and grabs a canvas. He lobs a base coat for a person and starts to make his rough. It was a bit mind numbing to paint sometimes. His favorite subject lately has been Alastor. He used it to channel all his longing into it.

(Y/n) loses track of time and the clock strikes one p.m before he realises. He flips of Alastor's station and listens in. "And that was this week's Amos 'N' Andy show! What a performance! Good show! Why I practically died laughing. Ahhhh... Stay tuned for a Bing Cosby marathon!"

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