Oh ophelia

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Apologies for lack of updates recently. Expect lots over the weekend to make up for it :))

When we arrived back at the castle, it was time for dinner but I felt so completely drained and my head was spinning after everything that happened all I wanted was a nap.

I passed mad-eye Moody on my way back, he's got to be one of the creepiest people I've ever met and the old boot isn't even a good teacher. I miss professor Lupin from last year, he's probably the best dark arts teacher we've ever had, he wasn't bad to look at either. Me, Ophelia and Jade all had a huge crush on him for most of the year.

Lupin knew my mother a little bit, through James; whenever I was having a down-day he'd ask me for a cup of tea and tell me something nice that he remembered about mum. Or he'd tell me stories of what he and his friends were like at Hogwarts, in fact he told me that they were the ones that made the marauders map.

I guess Lupin was kind of like a father figure for me, I hadn't realised it at the time but with my dad being so distant and never wanting to talk about mum or really talk to me at all- it was nice to have that connection with someone, even if it was only for a year.

I hope he's doing well now.

I started thinking about that box of stuff my dad had promised to send- but hadn't.

And I got pretty pissed about it.

I was so lost in thought, I wasn't watching where I was going and bumped right into someone.

"sorry" I spluttered, my voice almost cracking.

Damnit, I was on the verge of tears yet again. Thanks dad

I looked at who I'd crashed into and it was someone who debatably, had bigger daddy issues than I did- Draco Malfoy.

I haven't seen him since I kneed him in the groin a few weeks back. Oops

"You again? What this time? aiming for my groin again and missed?" he spat.

"n-no I..." I looked at him tiredly, tears still slightly visible in my eyes

"it's fine." He shuffled "just don't make a habbit of it any more than you have"

"I wasn't planning on it, Draco" I said, sidestepping him and walking away.

"what did you call me?" he shouted after me

"em... your name?" I said confusedly

I heard him scoff. Or was it a laugh? Either way, he started walking towards the great hall and I continued to make my way to the common room.

I trudged my way up to the dorms and just as I was about to flop on my bed, I noticed 2 boxes on it. One was just a little wooden box that had been wrapped in some brown paper and when I opened it knew it must have been the box dad was talking about- there was an envelope of old photos, mums Hogwarts acceptance letter, some old birthday cards and a silver ring that was like a coiled snake.

I'd never seen any of this before, I put the ring on my middle, right finger- it was stunning. I could never remember mum wearing it; but of course she wouldn't I smiled, she was a Gryffindor through and through.

I admired the ring, I'll definitely be wearing this I thought. I have no idea how or why mum had this, maybe dad got her it when they first met and didn't really know about the whole Slytherin meaning.

I looked at the other box on my bed, it was a flatter rectangle shape with a white bow tied round it with a note attached-

"To Clara, I found this in the attic the other night along with a photograph of your mother wearing it, it had 'Yuleball' written on the back of it. Maybe you can wear it to your Yuleball this year- if you want to of course.

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