When Freddie met Clara

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I sneak back into the Slytherin common room, my head still back in Gryffindors. I can't have a crush on my best friend, can I?

Maybe my feelings were just a product of the moment; I mean the fireplace was on and it's late at night, I still had an adrenaline rush from sneaking around plus I had drank my owls weight in firewhiskey and top of that, Fred was on top of me which is a rather- well compromising position.

So combine all of that and it makes for a pretty heavy moment. Under those circumstances I could have wanted anyone to kiss me.

But this wasn't just anyone. This was Fred. My best friend Fred. My Fred. The same Fred who crept into Snapes class one Winter afternoon after school with George, looking to play a prank on him. But instead found a doe-eyed, year 2 girl sat alone at a desk, catching up on the work she had fallen behind on because of her mothers death.

Except they didn't just let her sit quietly and hide behind her homework, they sat with her and spoke, making her laugh for the first time since she lost her mum.

It was Fred who did that, who reminded me what the sound of my own laughter was; with some incredibly silly story of how he once tripped up his older brother Percy and sent him flying straight into Snapes backside. I had to wipe the tears from eyes and to this day I'm not sure if I was crying from laughter or relief, perhaps both.

Then of course Snape came back and caught them but when he asked what it was they were doing 'being where they shouldn't' Fred simply replied "we are where we should be sir, we're cheering up our new friend Clara. Aren't we George?"

"we are indeed Freddie. She really seems like she needs it sir" George nodded back to Snape

And then Snape did something I've never see him do again, he walked towards his desk and with his back to us said- "5 points for each of you to Gryffindor".

When I tell you my jaw fell on the floor.

"So long as you all leave together right now and continue your little chat with miss Bennet" he said gesturing towards the door

"of course sir" said George with Fred agreeing. Then with that I collected my things and the twins and I spent the rest of the evening roaming the castle and its grounds, reminding me how much I loved this place and that there was still so much to love in this world, even without mum.

We've been doing the same ever since. So I don't want to lose that, if I lose Fred and George I'm scared of what else that might mean. They put colour back into the world for me and I can't bare for it to go back to grey.

So I can't fancy Fred because it could ruin our friendship and I can't do that. I won't.

I'll take a leaf from my dads book and ignore or push away any possible feelings to do with Fred and I. Or better yet I'll wake up in the morning and laugh at the whole thing (though I have a terrible feeling that won't be the case)

I reach my dorm and find Ophelia and Jade both fast asleep in their beds, I practically dive-bomb onto mines and hug my pillow-tight.

As I drift off to sleep, I can't help but wonder; even if it was just a moment, a teeny tiny fleeting moment, did Fred feel it to?

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