Adaline Alcott

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Clara POV

I was sitting at a table in the library, right in the back corner next to the section with old yearbooks and school records- staring out the window over the grounds, it had started to rain. The library was hardly busy at so all I could hear was the occasional sound of someone turning a page and the rain hitting the window beside me.

I leant back in my chair, closing my eyes and letting the peace engulf me.

But not for long.

"There's our lovely yule ball date" said George as he came bounding over. Fred followed behind, rather sheepishly- understandable after this morning I suppose.

I would tell him I know EXACTLY how he feels, but quite frankly I'd rather chuck myself down the moving staircases.

In truth, I had almost forgotten about the yule ball thing. I wondered if it had even happened. I can't help but think that when Fred asked me, he didn't really mean the both of them – I mean he phrased it really weird and only added in Georges name after I paused.

If only I could've caught my voice and actually answered. Then who knows, the dream could've come true.

No Clara, stop. You have other things to focus on.

"So, basically my dad doesn't know much" I said, sliding the letter over to their side of the desk "but he knows her first name was Adaline"

"Right then, let's get searching through these yearbooks" Fred said, he'd leaned on the table for a second and when he moved, his hands left a slight sweat imprint on the desk.

"well that picture was from the beginning of the 1944 school year, so lets find that first" I nodded, standing up.

Fred and I took one side of the bookcase, George took the other. Fred and I started at opposite ends and made our way along the rows, tracing our hands along the spines of the books as we scanned for the year 1944.

As we got closer to the centre Fred turned and said "you go bottom, I'll go top?"

"w-what?" I stammered

"like I'll look top shelves, you look at the bottom ones" he said like he was stating to obvious

He was of course, I just em... well

"oh right" I laughed "sure". I could feel my cheeks start to burn

I crouched down, looking at the first couple of rows, Fred was standing beside me reaching up to the top ones. I shuffled over slightly to be right in the middle and Fred did the same a second later.

I could feel him looming over me, his legs were right behind my back and he was leaning pretty much right over me. I glanced up for a second and I saw up his shirt and realised one thing from my dream that was definitely real- Fred did have abs, bloody hell.

As I was scanning up to the middle rows, I was getting close-till my finger landed on 1944. I grabbed the book immediately and stood up "found it!" I exclaimed, turning round to face Fred.

I had gotten up and spun round so quickly, his arms were still up on the top shelf and I was essentially wedged between him and the bookcase. He looked down at me, his arms still above my head and smiled- "clever little bird" he winked.

I hit him on the chest with the book "can you cut the little bird stuff please?"

"okay fine" he said smirking, still not moving his arms

"really?" I questioned

He leaned down and whispered "nope. Just kidding" he pulled back slightly, our noses almost touching.

I felt my knees start to weaken beneath me and my throat was getting dry.

Just then, George came back round the corner and we quickly pulled away, I felt breathless.

"Here it is" I said brandishing the book "straight out of 1944"

We moved over to the table, I sat down and Fred sat beside me, George sitting opposite.

I flicked through the book to the student profiles, they were ordered alphabetically in last name so I figured this could take a while.But I was pleasantly surprised when I saw on the 4th profile in-

Adaline Alcott


5th year

Right next to a picture that looked once again frighteningly like me. "that's' got to be her, that is definitely my grandmother" I said, tracing my finger over the picture. We literally had exactly the same features, the only notable difference was that her hair was shorter, in a bob whereas mines was longer, a good few inches past my shoulders.

Fred leaned over my shoulder to look, "no question Clar that's definitely her. What was it you said happen to her again?"

I slid the book over to George so he could see, "I don't know really Freddie. Just that she had my mum really young and always struggled to cope, eventually she had to be... well, institutionalized"

George passed me the book back- "have a look through the other pages, maybe there's more about her, like her friends or something?"

I took the book and once again started flicking through the pages.

I found the page of graduating students and on the list of names I saw 'Tom Riddle'. I got a chill down my spine, I remember the first time I heard that name-it was after the whole incident with Ginny 2 years ago. To think he was a student here is mental, I wonder if my grandmother ever spoke to him? I hope not.

I kept flicking through, seeing in I could find anything of note. I'm not sure exactly what I was expecting to find, I mean what did I want to know? What exactly made her insane?

Like I was going to find that in a yearbook anyways.

Just as I was about to close the book, there was an all-white double page spread, with gold writing. At first glance, it looked like a... a memorial page.

Then I read it.

And at second, third, fourth glance etc. It was still a memorial page. A memorial page for Adaline Alcott.

Fred and George clocked on, Fred leaning over and George getting up and sitting on my other side

I started to read aloud "Hogwarts remembers Adaline Alcott and honours her memory for all eternity, may her soul rest easy. Born January 28th 1928 - died December 23rd 1944"

"she died before she even turned 16?" Fred gulped

"n-no she most definitely didn't. mum wasn't born till June 30th 1945" I stated

"you sure it wasn't '44?" George asked

"of course I'm sure" I snapped. "sorry, but I know I'm right. and anyways, Harry's grandparents knew her and when I was really little mum visited her once then went to her funeral when I was two. I remember that."

"so why would there be a memorial page for her?" quizzed Fred

"I have no clue but I have a bad feeling about it all" I replied.  

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