Twin Telepathy

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Fred POV cont.

That completely took me out.

"w-what?" I tried to laugh. "As if" I sneered, trying my absolute best to hide the truth.

He eyed me suspiciously.

"Oi Slytherin! What you doing over here?" George called over to Clara. She looked at him like a deer in headlights.

"um... I was giving something to Harry" she stammered

Why is she being so awkward? And why is she talking to Harry? they know each other sure but I didn't think they were close enough for little chats

What if she fancies him? My mind shouted,my stomach retched at the thought.

"I need to speak to you both, I heard from my dad" she said, taking out a letter from her pocket.

"library in half an hour?" George shouted over

"see you there" she said smiling. It wasn't her usual smile though, it was a nervous one.

I hope her dad hasn't been an arsehole to her in that letter. Don't get me wrong I can't imagine how hard it would be to lose your wife but if mum died, I can't imagine my dad; no matter how heartbroken or distraught, taking it out on any of us or pushing us away completely.

All Clara's dad does is work or visit the states. She doesn't open up all that much about but I know it bothers her a hell of a lot.

"excuse us will you Lee, Fred and I are going for a chat" George said, looking all smug and cocky.

He pulled me up by the shoulder and I reluctantly followed him out the great hall, we walked to the courtyard where a few drumstag boys were standing, but apart from them it was empty- just me, George and the sense of impending doom.

"Look, Georgie I don't like Clara like that" I said shuffling my feet and folding my arms

"yes you do." George said blankly

"No I don't you git." I snarked

"If anyone's a git here it's you Frederick." He smiled

There really is no point in lying to George I thought, I'll just beg him to keep it a secret which-he will if I ask him to and then continue on like I have the past few years and act like I'm not absolutely smitten over Clara.

I paused, let out a sigh and asked in a whisper "How'd you know? And don't pretend it's any of that 'twin telepathy' stuff"

"I don't need twin telepathy" he laughed "It's glaringly obvious, has been for ages now".

"ages?" I reiterated

"Fred you have been besotted by Clara since the day we met her" George replied, putting his hands on my shoulders "I always figured you would've done something about it by now, but clearly I was wrong so I'm putting the pressure on" he beamed.

I cocked my eyebrow at him

"The yule ball. You're asking her."

I couldn't help but let out a giggle "Well Georgie, one step ahead of you"

"You asked her?!" he exclaimed

"well yes... but technically... we asked her" I said cringing.

George slumped back, onto the wall of the castle "what do you mean WE?"

"well, after I took Clara to the bathroom and she was sick, I was making sure she was alright and I just kind of blurted it out...

...I did ask her to go with me, just me.

-but she paused and I couldn't stand the thought of her saying no, so I panicked and said with you as well and that both of us wanted to take her as friends or whatever" I slumped beside George and let myself slide right down to the ground.

"the worst part...' I continued "was that she actually looked kind of disappointed when I said 'as friends'.Or maybe she didn't-"

"of course she did" George interrupted. "you really are an idiot" he shook his head and crouched down beside me.

"Fred, she feels the same" he smiled

"Has she told you that?" my heart beating rapidly

"again, she doesn't have to. I can read the pair of you like books and trust me Freddie she feels the same" he said knocking me on the shoulder

"although if you want confirmation- I have an idea for that"

"Definitely" I agreed. "we should probably go find her now actually, see what her dad said. I hope it's good"

"c'mon then loverboy" George said standing up

"keep it down will you?" I slapped him over the head, lightly

"cool it, Fred. I'm the only one that's realised it yet" he replied


"although, I have a feeling Ginny's catching on" he said smirking

Of course she is.

Riddle Me This;[Fred Weasley]Where stories live. Discover now