Chapter 3. With Only Touch

Start from the beginning

He nodded his head in that particular direction, his focus remaining forward. There weren't many details on The Gauntlet so far and no one else brought the subject up. The school seemed hushed, though someone clearly announced it.

"Why would I?"

The unfamiliar voice caused Crescent to turn around in confusion. Capturing the light bouncing of red hair which was tousled to one side by the swooping of the male's head. Standing, his head tilted, and eyebrows raised in curiosity, was someone from yesterday. The number one gang leader.

"Saikai..." Crescent called without realization.

Saikai's face lit up with widened green eyes and pursed lips.

"No surprise you know me; however, you should move." Saikai let out a small smirk after he spoke.

"Why?" Crescent spoke defensively. He wasn't going to find another seat. This lunchroom was huge. Every seat he'd seen thus far was full and he didn't have time to search. Ahni would never be able to find him.

Saikai would slide down in his seat, leaning on his arms and grinning as if something were about to happen. He glanced at the area behind Crescent, but Crescent didn't follow.

He only looked at Saikai, waiting for an answer. This guy was too childish to be a leader. He didn't even seem to have a strong backbone. The only thing he could get away with-- looks. Saikai was in fact handsome, but that was all Crescent could admit.

The chubby first year was right. Crescent let out a soft sigh, but another unfamiliar, deeper voice shuddered his frame within a matter of seconds and the voice nearly sent him to his feet.


The tone was soft, strong, and commanding. Crescent would have believed the person behind it was attractive if it wasn't for the rude tone. The second damn person to tell him to move. This was really starting to bother him.

"You could've said it nicely." Crescent, now irritated, spoke back with a low tone to keep from alerting the tables nearby. He wasn't supposed to be getting into trouble right now, but it always found a way to follow him. Too bad it had to be against the number one gang in this school. His luck was never something he cherished. Ahni wasn't here to back him up.

What was so important about a seat? They were just bullying him because he was new or so he thought. The person behind him doesn't respond, but Saikai nearly loses his shit sucking in both his lips and almost cringing in agony. The heavy tapping of his feet against the floor added to the cringy response, alerting Crescent that he had made a big mistake. Saikai was having the time of his life. Hands clasped at the metal table allowed a way for nearby students to home in on the commotion. 

Dammit... Everyone was beginning to take notice.

The silence emitting from the area was staggering. This first year has guts. This was exciting to Saikai. He expected Kisha's fierce and swift reaction. It's been too peaceful for a few weeks now. Popping a small grape into his tucked lips, he reached out for one of Crescent's cheeses before pressing it into his mouth as well, Saikai stared intensely at the building suspense as if he was watching a movie.

Crescent balled up his fist, drew in his breath, and rolled his eyes. Had to expect a school full of young men, he was bound to be tested. So early this was happening only prompted him to be more on defense than he has ever had to be. This new territory shook his normal foundation. Crescent wasn't the toughest looking, nor was he built as muscular as men his age, but he had a strong will to survive. He hoped no one decided to fuck with him-- too late.

He was willing to fight anyone. With a sterner tone, standing up stiffly in his seat, Crescent speaks.

"I said, say it nicely, asshole."

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