River of Dreams: Chapter 7

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Dedicated to my color guard band buddy :) I've never seen you in action, but I'm sure your flag twirling, rifle shooting, dance numbers are killer! And I seriously think you are the most dedicated flautist in our band :)

Go check out her story "It's in the Eyes". It's awesome and she needs more people to read her work! I'm sure the majority of you would love it :D

Chapter 7

“Sometimes, I wanna get away some place, but I don’t wanna stay too long. Sometimes, I wanna brand new day; try to fit in where I don’t belong.”—Veronicas, “Hook Me Up”

It was Monday morning, another boring day at Fitzpatrick High as I had soon come to realize. Jason, Matt, Apple, Toyota, and I were sitting at our usual lunch spot, "waiting" for the first bell to ring and signal the start of the academic day -- but that was just a cover-up for what was really going on. I looked around the table at the now familiar faces; they were like the Knights of the Round Table after a failed rampage. Everyone was so gloomy, sighing sadly and scowling as if they had just found out that the world was coming to a sudden and violent end.

"I miss my fans!" Matt blurted. If he didn't look so miserable, I would have probably—no, scratch that; definitely—rolled my eyes. The sunlight that seemed to have threaded itself into every fiber of his being was sucked right out of his voice as if vanishing into a black hole. Ever since the great debacle on Saturday, all of his and the others uber obsessed fans had switched to one of either two factions: the Steffan Lyon haters or the Steffan Lyon lovers. And apparently they—Matt especially—needed their constant adoration 24/7 before they started experiencing withdrawal symptoms.

"Even the creepy stalkers?" Apple whispered, rubbing her eyes. She looked frazzled, like she had spent the past twenty-four hours holed up in her room in the fetal position. Her eyes were even taking on a blood-shot hue.

Talk about pathetic.

Matt nodded vigorously. "Nobody's paying attention to me anymore! Do you know what it's like to be a drama geek and have nobody give you the time of day? It's almost like being a regular nerd and I'm not smart enough to be one of those!"

"I don't mind," Jason murmured, but by his tone of voice, it was obvious that it was a lie. He clasped his hand on Matt's shoulder. "Calm down, cowboy, you're shaking the table."

"Nuh uh!"

He was. I had to clutch the edge to prevent myself from bouncing out of my seat. I swear, that boy got more and more jittery as the days went by.

"Yes, you are!" the twins exclaimed in exasperation. Their combined irritated energy froze Matt like a slab of meat forgotten in the freezer. But even I had to admit his "what did I do?" expression was adorable.

Somehow, laughing at his face didn't seem like the wisest decision in the world. The tension in the air was so strong I could almost feel it. Taste it. And it tasted like burnt smores. In an attempt to bring everyone back from whoever's pity party they were crashing at, I said, "You still have me, so you can all stop wallowing around in your self-pity and get on with your lives."

It took me a minute to register what had just slipped from my tongue, and by then, everyone was staring me down (except for Matt, who was bouncing around again). The intensity of each and every gaze was so powerful that if we were in William Golding's novel, Lord of the Flies, the British school-boys wouldn't even have to worry about how to start a fire; if the members of this table all stared at the twigs and branches, they would catch ablaze almost immediately.

"What?" I asked, determined not to feel intimidated. I failed; my voice was as small as a mouse.

"You don't count," Toyota said, moments later.

River of DreamsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora