45: Breakfast With Amber

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Amber and I had a late breakfast in the union that morning. Who knew the student union was actually open? We both ended up having waffles.

"So you and Joey have had quite a hell of an adventure, haven't you?" asked Amber who began cutting one of her waffles once her syrup was poured over her breakfast.

Pouring my syrup on the waffles, I responded. "Shit, tell me about it. I can't believe we went to Vegas and visited Joey's mom in Avondale. And we rescued Joey and Phillip out of jail."

"Don't forget you got to see your sister," Amber stated with a small chuckle.

"Yeah, my sister." A sigh naturally left my voice. "Out of all things that could've happened on this trip, seeing my sister was the last thing that I would've expected." A sip of my apple juice was quickly taken. The thought had me sitting down looking at my food thinking about everything that had happened. My appetite was barely existent.

"I'm just surprised that Joey ended up hitching a ride with you. Never in a million years would I picture you giving anyone a ride. Hell, the fact that you're giving Joey a ride blows the shit out of my mind. I don't know, to me, it seems like this could be fate or destiny or some shit like that."

"I don't know about fate or destiny, but it's for sure something." After chewing on my waffle, a thought quickly came to my mind which caused me to pull my phone out of my pocket. "This old guy we met at the Grand Canyon took a picture of the two of us." Searching through my photos, my eyes spotted the photo that was being searched for. "Take a look at this."

Amber picked up my phone, took a moment to check it out and a smile lit up her face. She was seconds away from crying in happiness. "Oh my gosh! Seriously? Damn Hazel, you guys are seriously cute together. Like what the hell? I can't handle this right now."

Her response had me laughing with my face covered by my palm until she stopped gushing over us. "You really think we're cute together. Like, we have chemistry and all that shit."

She put the phone on the table and started browsing through the other pictures on my phone. "Chemistry? Dude, I don't think I'd call it chemistry. You have something more than chemistry. I don't know how I didn't see this before? How did you not see this?"

"I don't know, maybe it's because I spent most of my time with you in high school and only hung out with Joey when I had to tutor him."

"Touché." Before Amber could say another word her fingers paused at one of the selfies that Joey took of me. In silence, she picked up the phone again and gave the photo a good look. "Damn dude, who took this selfie of you? Was it you or that old guy?"

"It was actually Joey that took the selfie. He was big on me putting the sunglasses in my mouth for the selfie claiming that this would be a good Instagram Photo. Still debating that."

"Well stop debating that. I've never seen a picture of you like this before. Hell, if I were you, I'd set this as my profile picture on both Instagram and Facebook. Can you imagine the number of followers that you could get? You could be an influencer."

"I think I would die if I was an influencer. So many lives would be destroyed."

"Alright, maybe not an influencer, but this would definitely work as a profile picture. Can I do it for you?"

Knowing me, I probably would let the picture sit on my phone and never post it. Leave it to Amber to do the dirty deed. Who was I to argue with her? The only thing that could be done was to let her set it as my profile photo. For the next couple of minutes, I began to enjoy my breakfast while the social media expert began setting up my profile picture on different platforms.

"There you go, dude." The phone was handed over to me. "Check it out. I think you'll be impressed with how dope the caption I made for you is. You're welcome by the way."

'Life is grand' was the caption that my girl Amber set up for me that had me break out in amusement.

"Seriously dude? Life is grand? I could've easily come up with that one."

"But you didn't." That cockiness led her to take a large sip of her juice. You know what they always say. Keep it simple stupid. The more simple, the better."

"Well it looks like being simple has already given me forty likes on Instagram." It was amazing to actually see my notifications blow up with the news that a picture of mine had gotten likes. Something inside of me felt empowered. It inspired me to want to take a selfie with Amber while we ate our breakfast. Maybe that would be a little too far. We should probably just enjoy this moment instead. The world didn't need to know that we were sharing a meal. While watching the notifications blow up, something else came as a surprise. A comment! Only it was from Joey. "Looks like Joey left a comment."

"What did he say?"

"Damn girl, how did you manage to pull off a selfie like this? Girl, you are fine."

The two of us broke out in snickering at the comment. It was funny how stupid Joey could be sometimes. Yes, he was likely trying to be funny, but he sounded like an idiot. A special idiot. An idiot who was carpooling with me. This breakfast with Amber was seriously one of the best times I had with her. And even though we saw each other earlier that week, it felt like an eternity. One could only wonder what it would be like to reunite after a semester.

Ya'll want some waffles now? Thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment and vote!

Do you think you could be a social media influencer?

Does it sound like Hazel has a good profile picture?

Does 'Life is Grand' sound like a good caption?

Should Joey take more selfies of Hazel?

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