3: Off to Austin, Texas

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Early on the morning of that Monday, Amber and my parents helped get all my luggage into my car. Technically, it was actually my dad's old car that he handed over to me once he bought a new one. But whatever, at least it's a car. Once we had my luggage in the car, my dad was the first one to give me a hug.

"There shouldn't be any problems with the car," he stated after the hug. "I had the oil changed yesterday."

"Thanks, dad." I was doing everything I could to hold in my tears with my stomach tied in knots. I was actually leaving home. "And I hope you guys enjoy your two-week vacation."

"We'll send a card from Italy once we arrive tomorrow." My face lightly grinned.

My mom quickly jumped in and hugged me. Although, it felt more like a tight squeeze. She let the waterworks loose.

"Dear, I can't believe you're leaving us to be empty nesters." After about a minute, she let go of me and gave my cheek a kiss. "Make us proud dear. Show that nursing school who's boss."

It felt like I was seeing my parents for the last time. With their plane leaving at noon, they were getting ready to also leave with Amber giving them a ride within the hour. With them back inside the house, I was left with Amber. Her skin was darker than usual. The girl knew how to tan.

"I can't believe you're going to New Mexico State," I stated with a sigh.

"What can I say?" she began with a chuckle. "Your college has a low acceptance rate.

"I got accepted!" I shouted to Amber before the school day began. We met in our regular spot by the bleachers where the football field laid. "I'm going to Austin!"

"Dude that's amazing!" she screamed back giving me a hug as we jumped up and down. Once we settled down, we took a seat at the bleachers and watched some of our jocks run a couple of miles. "You know, I'm a little worried. I still haven't gotten my acceptance letter. What if I don't get accepted?"

My hand found itself on her shoulders to provide comfort. "Dude, you're going to get accepted. Trust me. You're the top ten in our class and all that crap. How could you not get accepted?" My hand left her shoulder and pointed towards the sky. "Just picture it. The two of us in Austin trying alcohol for the first time on Sixth Street. We'll get to experience our first hangover as best friends. Who knows, maybe we'll meet a few guys."

She began giggling. "You know that's never going to happen right?"

My head nodded agreeing to what she saying. Before any of us said anything, Phillip found himself taking a break from his running and gave Amber a grin. Joey who was running with him kept on running not caring that we were there. Phillip was just there with a stupid giant smile on his face leaving Amber's face to wildly blush.

"Hey," he stated while brushing off the sweat off his forehead.

"Hey," she stated back while biting her bottom lip. "You good?"

In fact, he was good and continued running until he could catch up with Joey. Amber did everything she could to get back her breath.

"What the hell is going on with you two?" I asked taking a pencil out of my pocket.

"It's complicated. I don't know. But apparently, he just got accepted to Austin." Her fingers began playing with her hair. "Damn, I really hope I get accepted. It would be so awesome to be there with him." She sighed a loud sigh as if she were about to cry.

"You know," my mouth began while tapping the bleachers with my pencil. "There's a rumor that Joey is going to Austin as well. "If it's true, that idiot won't last a semester. And there's no way in hell I'm going to help him again."

"I'm going to miss you," I stated with a sad sigh. "Austin was pretty damn stupid in accepting Phillip and not you."

"Eh, it is what it is I guess. It's not like I'm disappointed that things couldn't have worked out between us."

With that, we gave each other a hug and I got into my car. Backing out of the driveway, my eyes began watering. Holding it in, my throat began aching. How could I go through with this? Oh, how I desperately wanted to go to New Mexico State with Amber. We could've been driving in her car as we sang along to the radio and making stupid jokes. Thank goodness I had all my podcasts downloaded. They would be the perfect distraction on this long trip.


Early that morning, I found myself at the Tres Rio Bus Station sitting on the number ten red bus. My butt found itself in the last row. What a relief to know that this bus was nothing like an uncomfortable school bus, but more like a Greyhound Bus. After about twenty minutes, I began wondering where everyone was.

"Are you Joey Garcia?" asked an older well-dressed man who just stepped onto the bus.

"Yeah, that's me. What's going on?"

The man licked his bottom lip and took a sip of his water. "Of course you are." He took another sip of his water and exhaled. "Well son, I'm sorry to inform you of this, but the Delta Chi Fraternity Group has decided at the last minute to not finance this bus ride."

I almost wanted to puke hearing that. They weren't going to finance this bus ride?

"You might already know this, but out of the eight of you who were going to Austin, you're the only one who's going. And Delta Chi felt that financially supporting one student to get there didn't make any sense."  

Checking my phone, I tried to see if I had missed any text messages from the boys about them not going to Austin. But there was nothing and the only thing that could be done was to look out the window and put my palm against my forehead.

"I take it you have no idea what's going on." The man reached for a crumpled piece of paper out of his pocket and began reading it. "Alright, let's see here. It looks like your buddy Phillip was arrested this summer for a DUI and dropped out of Austin." Another sip of his water was taken. "Um, it looks like Morris was bitten by a squirrel at the zoo and developed a bad case of rabies." The man did everything he could to not laugh at that one. The temptation to laugh at that one was pretty real. "Frank prank called a drug cartel and was kidnapped for a week. He has PTSD now. Tim and Alejandro were arrested for breaking into a building and stealing. Scott and Ryan apparently got cold feet and decided it was best to go to Tres Rio Community College." The paper was put back in his pocket. "Sorry son, I wish I could take you myself, but I have other obligations."

"How am I supposed to get there now?"

"There are other options. Can you ask your parents for a ride?"

"It's just my old man. No way in hell he'd ever take me."

"How about an Uber or Lyft? It might be a little expensive, but they'll get you there."

Not wanting to talk to this man anymore, I stepped out of the bus praying there would be a way to get there.

Introducing the clock update! This is how much time it'll take to get to Austin

Austin, Texas Clock Update: 26 Hours

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Be sure to comment and vote! Share the love!

Where did you go to college? Or are you planning on going?

Can Hazel survive without her BFF Amber? Can Amber survive?

Are you surprised that Joey wasn't aware of what happened to his friends over the summer?

How can Joey get to Austin now?

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