11: We're in Vegas Baby!

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With it being almost ten at night, we weren't far from Vegas. We'd be there in the next few minutes. It was almost a relief to know that we almost there. By a miracle, we were actually going to be in Vegas. When Joey suggested the idea of going to 'Sin City,' I thought he was crazy. So many thoughts ran through my head. How the hell would we get an Uber in a small town like Kingman? Would we have enough money for an Uber?

During the time we had waited for our Uber, Joey had us both dig through our bags looking for clothes appropriate for Vegas. This was my first time seeing Joey in a blue suit.  Damn, he looked hot in that suit. Somehow his skin looked amazingly darker, his hair was combed, and his cologne was a party for my nose. My eyes couldn't stay off of him.

I'm sure he had similar thoughts seeing me in a red strapless dress that I almost wore to prom. After spending ten minutes checking myself out in the mirror with the dress, I knew there was a reason I didn't wear it to prom. It was tight and fit so well. My boobs were shaped perfectly in this dress as the perfect amount of cleavage was shown. My makeup made my glowing skin amazingly radiant. Damn, I was fine. Finer than any other girl I knew.

"Don't believe me just watch. Don't believe me just watch," all three of us sang listening to Bruno Mars in the car. Thank goodness our driver rejected listening to Dave Ramsey.

"Stop, wait a minute," our driver sang with a snap of his fingers and pointed to Joey in the passenger seat.

"Fill my cup, put some liquor in it," took over Joey pretending a lollipop was a microphone.

It was my turn. "Take a sip, sign a check," I sung tapping a pencil on the seat.

It was honestly a really awesome Uber ride. Who knew it would get my mind off my dead car and getting to Austin in time? At that moment, I didn't care. Something about that felt nice not having to worry. Part of me wished the fun rideshare would take us to Austin.

Once the song ended, we were officially in the Vegas Strip. Damn, we were in Vegas. All my life, I had seen pictures, but actually being there didn't compare. This was something bigger than myself. In our sight was nothing but building after building. Some were bigger than others, while some were shaped differently.

For a brief second, I thought I was in Paris. Being late at night made this moment all the more special. The way everything was lit up was almost like a dream. A dream I never wanted to leave. The craziest part was that hundreds upon hundreds of people were out and about. Seeing all this, I felt like anything was possible. Without hesitation, this became one of my rare Instagram Stories. My eyes were in complete awe. Before I knew it, our Uber driver pulled to the side and dropped us off.

"Just text me when you're ready to head back to Arizona," claimed the driver.

We both found ourselves on the streets of Vegas and I couldn't help but laugh. I was almost speechless. Almost.

"So what's the plan exactly?" I asked while we began walking side by side.

"We're not too far from the MGM Grand Hotel. When we get there, we'll play a little poker."

"You still know how to play poker?" My hand found itself on his arm. Damn, he smelt amazing. It tingled against my head and into my spine.

"I do. You remember that Casino Night that Ryan hosted this past year." Nodding my head, yes and he continued. "Phillip actually spent an entire week teaching me to play poker. He told me to always raise and never fold no matter what.

"I can't believe you talked me into coming to this Casino Night," I complained to Amber. Ryan's house was packed with hundreds of teenagers. "Do you know what my dad would do if he knew I was here?"

"Dude calm down," Amber stated. "We'll be home by midnight. Your dad won't know shit." Less than a second later, she started quietly panicking. The well dressed Phillip was making his way towards us with Joey by his side. 

"Hey ladies," greeted Phillip with an interesting smirk on his face as he gave us both a kiss on the cheek. Amber's kiss lasted longer than mine. "Ya'll ready to win some money tonight?" Once he finished his question, his vision was directly on Amber. She began blushing and my best friend gave no response. Only a shy smile. What was so great about Phillip?

"Anyways," he continued. "Ryan has challenged some of us to a round of shots. And let me just say, while that idiot is literally the king of taking shots, nobody is as good as poker like I am." He punched Joey right in the arm. "Been teaching this guy how to play all week. Hope you don't mind me tutoring him Hazel."

"Guess someone has to teach him poker because it sure as hell can't be me." An awkward silence laid between the four of us and to kill it, I began laughing leading the other three to do the same.

"Anyways," he continued. "The shots are about to begin in like two minutes. Just letting you all know."

Two minutes later, Ryan, Phillip, and some others stood at a table ready to take shots. Who would have guessed that Ryan was literally a pro?  Ryan left no room between his shots. His mouth was quick. With one shot down, another immediately in his mouth and down that throat. Phillip was slowing down and Amber came in to save the day as his partner. Shit, she was quicker than Ryan. That girl could drink.    

"Why aren't you drinking?" I asked Joey who just stood there watching lifelessly.

"I would, but I want my mind mentally prepared for this poker game."

Another great chapter! Thanks for reading! Let's hope Joey can win some money! Don't forget to comment and vote!

Have you ever gambled?

Does it sound like Joey is good at poker?

Hazel's Hitchhikerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें