41: Drinking Girl

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Nearly an hour after my sister left me alone in the car, everyone was asleep and I continued to sit in my car with the two beers can sitting on the seat next to me. Sleeping sounded so good, but there was a lot on my mind. So much had happened during these three days on the road. In the beginning, I had envisioned a simple and easy drive to Austin. Here I was now faced with a lot before me. My soul was demanding that I went against my dad to not be a nurse. It demanded I set my own path. That was a lot to take in.

Not only was I dealing with that, but Joey was hitching a ride with me. The boy that I tutored in high school. The boy that stirred something in me. No matter what, my life was going to be different because of him. Of course, tonight I found out that he staged everything just so he could get close to me. What the hell? This boy was too much for me. He wasn't simple, but a big mess. And yet, he slept next to the only tent on a blanket. Part of me wanted to get out of the car and snuggle up with him. My body wanted to feel his warmth and protection. While Joey had caused a lot of shit on this trip, he also did a lot of good. If it weren't for that idiot, I never would've reunited with my sister. It's likely that we would've lived our entire lives without each other.

Tired of all this thinking, my hand picked up one of the beer cans. It was a simple Bud Light. What the hell did this taste like? Somehow I had gone my entire life without having a good taste of alcohol. Hell, my own best friend was an avid drinker. How had I avoided this crap for so long? What was so good about this crap that made Joey want to get an unrealistic fake ID? People always complained about the taste of beer and how much it sucked.

Damn, I was tired of all of this. My mouth wanted to know what it was like to have a beer. Right before me in my own grip was a can of beer. It couldn't get any easier than this. It felt so right, but it felt so wrong. About to open the can, my hand began trembling. My stomach felt like it was getting sick. Was there a bathroom nearby? At that moment, it felt like I needed to go relieve myself. This was crazy.

"You can do this Hazel," I told myself. "It's just a damn can of beer. One can't hurt."

With the beer can finally open, my heart sunk. For a moment, it felt like it was gone. Closing my eyes and taking the longest breath of my life, the can slowly was making its way towards my lips. This moment felt like an eternity. Once the can reached its destination, it just sat there for a good minute. Was I really ready for this? Once this first sip was taken, there would be no going back. No going back at all.

Here goes nothing. Swish! The first sip was officially taken. The small amount of liquid went down my throat. Oh shit, I actually did it. Once it was down my throat, all I could do was cough. Beer tasted like shit. The liquid was beyond the most bitter thing my taste buds experienced. It was also the most watery-tasting thing. It was truly a unique experience.

And even though beer tasted like complete horse shit, my tongue somehow wanted more. It couldn't resist the crap taste. A second sip it was. This new sip tasted exactly like the first one. This was nothing like Arizona Iced Tea. In a short amount of time, more sips were taken. Before I knew it, the whole can was empty. Damn, did I really drink an entire can of beer? For a moment, my head felt dizzy.

The second can sat on the seat. Considering that I had consumed the first one, it only made sense to take the second one. And that is exactly what happened. There was only one difference this time. Instead of taking small sips, the second can was chugged down in a heartbeat. My taste buds didn't deserve that crap I was giving them. As soon as the other can was empty, a loud burp was let out. Was there any more beer?

Seconds later, my eyes spotted a couple of bottles of unopened Corona next to Joey. Stepping out of the car, my legs were wobbly and immediately tripped. Interestingly enough, my body didn't care that I tripped. Instead, it found the situation to be funny and a light laugh left me. Once I gained control of my balance, no time was wasted in taking the beer next to Joey. A third beer chugged down in record time. Once the bottle was empty, it was dropped on the ground making a small noise that had me giggling like a schoolgirl.

"Hazel?" groggily asked Joey who had woken up to the sound of my dropping. "What's going on?"

"Nothing. Just enjoying myself a little you little bopper." For a moment, Joey looked a little funny. He reminded me of a clown.

"Are you drunk?" he asked sounding confused. "Have you been drinking?" His sight went directly to the empty Corona lying on the ground next to him. "Shit, you've been drinking."


Never in my life would I have expected Hazel to ever have a lick of alcohol in her life. And never would I expect her to have alcohol on a night like this. Seeing how drunk she was, it came to my realization that this was her first time and she had no idea how to handle herself. And with that, my night of sleep had officially come to an end. It was time to be Hazel's babysitter. In quick response, I grabbed her arm and dragged her further down the field so she couldn't wake anybody up.

"Sit here Hazel," my finger pointed to a bush.

The chances of anyone hearing us were small and thank goodness. Watching her laugh like a hyena had me questioning if I was really this stupid when I was drunk.

"Joey, I have to tell you something." Her face let out a smile. "I love you. I want to date you and marry you. I want to make love to you and have all your children."

Her legs lifted up and she stood up grabbing my arms. Her drunken lips began kissing my neck and her drunken hands attempted and succeeded to take off my shirt. The temptation was all too real with a great chill going down my spine. Her kisses began slowly reaching my chest. I had to remind myself that she was drunk. Once I stopped her and was able to get my shirt back on, she in turn took off her shirt and was seconds away from taking off her bra until she lost balance and fell to the floor laughing. For the next several hours, she continued to lay down and sing nursery rhymes while I sat with her trying to protect her from doing something stupid.

Damn, was it ever a long night? Would this girl ever get to sleep? It seemed unlikely. At one point during the long night, she placed herself on my lap continuing to sing. But with each passing hour, her singing began to sound like whispers and those eyelids were now closed. She would fall asleep eventually.

"London bridges falling down," her whispering voice would sing. And it was tragic how she didn't know the words to the song.

Towards the end of the night, the sun was slowly beginning to rise. Shit, was it morning already? Knowing Phillip and Amber, they probably wouldn't wake up for a few more hours. My eyes grew hard and were ready to shut off. With my back against the support of something in the bush, my fingers began feeling the softness of Hazel's skin. Her skin was warm and somehow put me at ease.

Before me, laid an innocent girl with a great struggle. She was precious. Eventually, my fingers reached her breast which was mostly covered by her bra. Damn, I needed to get her shirt back on. Regardless, my fingers liked what they felt. There was a part of me that began to harden. My fingers continued to move around her soft and inviting breasts. These were the breasts of a true and grown woman that a man would long for. They felt perfect. They were perfect.

Shit, her sober self would be pissed if she found out what I was doing. Ignoring that scary thought, my fingers made their final move and reached for the nipple that was covered. There were a couple of pokes and squeezes. And just like that, my body fell asleep.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for your continued support! Don't forget to comment and vote!

Do you like the taste of beer?

Do you think Hannah left the beer next to Hazel on purpose?

Was Joey wise in how he handled a drunk Hazel?

Does it seem like Hazel might have feelings for Joey?

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