21: Boys Will be Boys

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Joey's eyes were closed and it was hard to tell if he was actually asleep or not. Was he tired? Strangely enough, his hands were folded on his laps. If he wasn't asleep, what was going on inside that head of his? Would he actually be willing to help me find a boyfriend? Would we actually see each other in Austin? Would we hang out? Would we be friends? Part of me was hoping that maybe we could have some type of friendship. It seemed like we were around each other all the time in high school, but were never close. It was just like with Amber and Phillip. Amber was seriously interested in Phillip. That was likely why Joey was always around.


"Dude, did you hear that Scott hooked up with Jennifer last night?" asked Phillip as we stood in line at the cafeteria.

"What the hell? He seriously hooked up with her? Scott is literally afraid of every girl he meets. How did he manage to hook up with someone like Jennifer?"

"He claims that they were doing a group project together. With his parents out of town, they were finishing up their project last night in his room. Once they finished, she made a move on him. Bam! They were in bed together."

From a distance, my eyes spotted Jennifer from across the cafeteria talking to Amber. Scott was awkwardly walking by close to her and not saving a seat for us at our table. Meanwhile, Hazel was already sitting at her table eating her food and drinking an Arizona Iced Tea. Amber had yet to find her seat next to her. But Hazel didn't care. She was always the first one to the lunch table before any of her friends got there. Like always, the girl sat there reading a book and listened to her music. What the hell was she reading? And why did she read so much?

"Dude, are you okay?" asked Phillip trying to win back my attention.

"Yeah, I guess I'm fine," was my response. "Was just noticing Jennifer talking to Amber."

"Well anyway, who knows if our bro actually hooked up with her? But if he did, that makes three of us." Phillip took a moment to be silent and smile. "Dude, I can't believe we were both able to hook up with her on the same night at the same party. And we didn't even know that we both banged her until the next day. The girl will literally sleep with anybody. Damn slut is what she is. She'll be pregnant by senior year if she's not careful as a freshman."

"But do you actually remember what happened when you guys had sex?  To be honest, I don't remember much of it."

"Dude, I remember every single detail of it." He couldn't help but grin and lick his lips in a seductive way. "We were both kissing hard and damn that girl was fine with just her bra and panties. Damn I swear, her body was tight. And it was so easy to slide my boy into her. Damn, it was amazing. Honestly, I hope Amber is just as amazing. But she's more special though."

"Yeah," I sighed. "Amber is special maybe." Something inside of me didn't believe what I just said. Maybe to my best bro, that girl was special, but her friend seemed kind of interesting. And there she was still at the table reading her book. If only I could just for one day go sit with her and find out what that book was. But of course, bros before hoes.


Being a freshman in high school was a strange feeling. I don't know why. It had only been a month of high school and there had already been two parties. The first party was when I hooked up with Jessica. Sitting on the back of the bus on the way home that afternoon, my butt was already sitting down wanting to go home. By the end of the day, my body always felt tired and wasn't much for socializing. Maybe that would change once the basketball season started.

One by one, students slowly made their way onto the bus. It would be a matter of time before Scott made his way to sit next to me. No way in hell did any part of me wanted to hear of his epic hookup. But before the guy made his way to the bus, my eyes spotted Jessica who usually sat at the front. She was the third one on the bus.

"Hey Joey," she shyly greeted before sitting down.

"Hey, Jessica."

That was the end of that. With no response, her butt was on the seat. A few students later, Hazel made her way onto the bus with music in those ears of hers. What the hell was she listening to? Why did I care about what she read or the music she listened to? Was Hazel that interesting of a person?

"Dude, you'll never guess what happened last night?" loudly stated Scott who found me. Slowing down, he began talking quietly. "I did it. Hooked up with Jessica last night. She's so amazing. That damn body is amazing. And we're meeting again tonight to finalize the project. It should only take about five minutes, which leaves us plenty of time to get it on."

Listening to my dude talk made my throat want to vomit. Did I really need to hear about any of this? All it did was remind me of my short night with her which wasn't all that great. In fact, it sucked and it was deeply regretted. Why did Phillip enjoy it so much? And even with this passion for vomiting, my ears continued to listen to what had to be said while watching Hazel share the music with Jessica.    

Home! Thank goodness! Stepping out of the bus, my feet had never been more glad to be home. It felt like freedom. Wonderful freedom. That would soon end when the door was opened. My mom had a bunch of suitcases with her. She was screaming at the top of her lungs in an argument with my dad. It turned out that my own mom was leaving us. What? There was so much that needed to be discussed. Why was she abruptly taking off?

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Have you been to any parties?

Thoughts on Joey and Jessica?

Would it have been a good idea for Joey to sit with Hazel at lunch during freshman year?

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