18: Selfies

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Once we finished our small religious discussion, a silence came between us for a couple of minutes. During these short minutes, I felt thankful for the Grand Canyon. Sure, it was essentially just a large hole in the ground, but it was a hole that couldn't be ignored. This special canyon had been around for so many years. Looking at all of this, all my problems felt like a tiny speck of dust. In a strange way, I felt like a speck of dust. Maybe it was a good thing.

Maybe Austin too was simply a speck of dust. But of course, the city was also of great importance. I really wasn't sure at the moment. And I was fine with not really knowing. But if I was a tiny piece of dust compared to this gigantic canyon, surely there had to be a god. A higher power potentially created all of this. And if that was the case, God was truly a loving artist who could only be good. Obviously, this was all too much to think about in the early morning. And not wanting to think about this anymore, it was finally time to pull out my phone. Pictures were desperately needed. Instagram needed to see the value and importance of this place. 

"Get any good pictures?" asked Joey who watched me take pictures of the canyon from different angles. His phone was out at this point as well.

"Yeah, I think I got a few good ones. I kind of want a selfie. You think you could get a picture of me?"

He smiled and gladly took my phone. Once he had my phone, Joey instructed me to make a few poses.

"Alright," the boy began. "I've seen your Instagram and it needs work. In order to get good pictures and likes, you need props. Trust me, if you ever wanted to be a model, the first thing they'd look for in your photos would be props. Put those sunglasses in your mouth."

"Sunglasses in my mouth?" For a damn picture. "I don't want the world to know that I chew on my sunglasses." My stomach was almost in pain knowing that he wanted me to do this.

"Trust me, most people already know that you do this. I noticed in the classes that I took with you that you do this. Just think of this photo as a representation of who you are. You have to be true to who you are."

Damn, he had a good point. I guess the sunglasses really did need to go in my mouth. Putting my phone in his pocket, he helped me get into the perfect position. The first thing was the bending of my right arm with my hand going on my hip. Joey quickly instructed me to make a seductive face while not completely looking face forwards. This was followed by me standing straight. According to Joey, my boobs would look better. Part of me wanted to slap him a little, but maybe he was right. Can't argue with someone who's right. The final piece of instruction was putting the sunglasses in my mouth with my face continuing to look seductive.

Once everything was in the correct place with my back facing the amazing canyon, the picture was taken. And with a few more poses, more pictures were taken. When we finished, I was able to view the selfies. Damn, Joey was definitely the king of taking selfies. And it dawned on me that Amber had been right this entire time when it came to taking photos. Sure, I had a couple of thousand followers and got an average of a hundred likes, but both Amber and Joey always seemed to do better than me. Maybe this would be a change in the right direction.

"Ready to get some selfies of me?" asked Joey. And I'm sure he knew I would be no expert at getting a good selfie of him.

"You guys need any help taking pictures?" asked the elderly man who had been watching us. It was almost a miracle that he showed up to help us. "I think the two of you need a photo together." The man wasted no time in handing us his card. "Used to be a professional photographer back in my early days. Retired now, but I still love taking photos."

"Yeah sure, guess we could get a picture of the two of us." It was clear that Joey was caught off guard and wasn't sure if this was a good idea. And neither did I.

"Fantastic. My name is Howard by the way. As a professional photographer, I never wanted people to know my actual name."

"I'm Joey and this is Hazel." We all shook hands leaving Howard a nice old smile on his face.

"Pleasure to meet both of you." Once we finished greeting each other, Howard had us stand next to the canyon using my phone. "The two of you are a treat for the eyes, it'd be a shame to waste this moment not getting a nice picture.


The old man Howard spoiled no time in having me put my arm around Hazel. Oh hot crap, my arm was literally over her shoulders. My palm could feel that soothing and soft skin that laid on her arms which caused my heart to start beating quicker. My stomach began growing and part of my forehead began sweating. My whole body started to slowly shake. At the same time, it was nice to be so close to Hazel. With the lack of showering, she somehow still managed to smell nice. My nose wanted more of this smell.


Yes, this was a little awkward. Joey was a little too close to me, but it was hard to hate it. I wanted to hate this moment, but it was impossible. His odor which was a mix of sweat and cologne was interesting. He definitely needed some deodorant, but my nose didn't hate his odd smell. It welcomed it. And smiling wasn't even that hard. For some reason, the two of us gave the camera a nice and genuine smile. We even completed the poses that Howard wanted us to do. It all went by quickly. In the end, we ended up with some amazing pictures of the two of us.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and feel inspired to take good selfies! Don't forget to comment and vote!

Are you a selfie expert?

Should Joey run Hazel's Instagram Account?

Thoughts on Joey and Hazel's picture together?

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