14: Show Me the Money

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Midnight was halfway over when we left Vegas. Being back in the Uber, I was doing everything I could do to catch my breath. Never would I expect that I would ever have to outrun a gun. It was amazing how that all went down. It baffled me how I was able to grab the cash out of Ryan's pocket when his pants were on the floor. And with his gun also in those pants, the favor was to my advantage with a head start to outrun him.

"What the hell was Ryan doing here?" asked Joey. "And why was he trying to shoot you?"

Was he angry? It was hard to tell. My senses could definitely sense confusion in him. Crap, I had to get out of this dress. My boobs were having a hard time staying in at that point.

"You wouldn't believe it if I told you," I almost laughed. "There was a shot-taking contest to win a thousand dollars, I entered thinking I could win and Ryan was there. He actually ended up winning the damn thing." I almost didn't believe a word my voice was saying. Did this actually happen?

"Wait a minute," Joey's eyes were directly on me with his hot hand on my shoulder. "You entered a shot-taking contest?" A brief pause was taken. Joey was doing everything he could do to look serious but failed. "You actually thought you could win a contest that involved alcohol?" He began howling like a hyena unable to control himself. "You don't even drink. What made you think you could win?"

I'll admit, it was a pretty humorous moment. This whole night was a little silly. When in life would there be a night like this again? Yes, I tried to do something that I suck at. Life is grand sometimes. In response to the hyena, I joined the animal in the laughter. This lasted a good minute until we were able to calm down. Joey had more questions.

"It looks like you got the money though. How did you end up getting it?"

This was the part I didn't want to talk about. How would Joey react to a good friend of his trying to get into my pants? Or in this case, under my dress. For some reason, I felt like what I was about to tell him was somehow going to hurt him. My heart didn't want to see him hurt. It didn't.

"Ryan wanted to catch up with me and took me up to his hotel room. Probably not the best idea, but with the money in his pocket, something inside of me felt like it was worth the risk. Anyways, once we got to his room, he tried to get into my pants." To nobody's surprise, Joey began making a fist. "But I got out of there just in time with the money." In a quick moment, my palm automatically reached for one of his cheeks to assure him that I was fine.

He took a great breath and slowly grabbed the hand on his cheek and began feeling it. It was a little weird but welcoming. After a few seconds of silence and the feeling of my hand, he let it go and looked straight at the front.

"What the hell?" he began. Why was he here in Vegas? Why did he have a gun in his pocket? And obviously the dude I was playing poker with was his dad. How does someone like Ryan get cold feet and decide not to go to Austin? I can understand Scott getting cold feet, but not Ryan. Damn, I don't get it. It's almost like he's in the mafia."

"Sure hope he doesn't follow us to Austin," I joked not sure if I was actually joking. Could he follow us to Austin?

Joey clearly didn't want to respond to my joke and instead pulled the wad of cash out of his pocket and put it in his lap. 

"Well in other good news, I was able to win twenty-five thousand dollars tonight. And apparently, you won a thousand dollars. That makes twenty-six thousand dollars. That'll for sure fix your car. Hell, we can get you a new car with that money."

My tongue began licking my lips with the sight of all this money. "For now, let's focus on fixing the radiator and getting to Austin." A thought dawned on me once my statement was finished. It almost made my head hurt to think about it. "Damn it, we're going to have to wait a few hours in the morning for the mechanic to fix the car. We won't make it to Austin in time." My stomach wanted to throw up at the thought. I almost wanted to jump out of the Uber and run on my feet to Austin.

"Oh, don't worry, I took care of it." With his phone out, he began looking at the screen. "As soon as we left, the mechanic offered to stay late to fix it. And I gave him the go-ahead. It'll be fixed when we get there. All we have to do is leave the money in an envelope by the back door."

This boy was full of amazing surprises. My heart began beating and all my body wanted to do was jump around and dance. This was literally the best news of my life. "Shit, what? You're serious? The radiator will legit be fixed when we get there?"

"Believe it, girl," he smirked.

Without thinking, my lips kissed his right cheek several times. It took a bit to calm down. Once I was calm, things grew quiet and Joey was the first one to fall asleep. He was out like a tired baby with his head on my shoulder. And I didn't care. After tonight, it was nice to have someone sleep on me.

"You should probably get some sleep as well," stated the Uber Driver. "Ya'll still got a long drive to Austin."

We certainly did. About eighteen hours left once we got back to Kingman. Eighteen damn long hours. Thinking about it made me sleepy. And with that, dreamland was upon me.

Wow! Glad they made it out of Vegas alive! Thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment and vote! Stay safe!

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Will Ryan follow them to Austin?

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