39:Phillip and Amber

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After a couple of hours, Hazel and her sister had returned from shopping. They had bags full of so much stuff. If I had gone with Phillip, we probably would've gotten a lot less than they got. Maybe girls were better at guys when it came to shopping. The tent was set up and the fire was still being worked on by Phillip. Thankfully, we had the fire circle set up with enough sticks. In a short time, the sun would begin to set. Sizzle! The fire was officially ready. Phillip and I began cooking dinner while Amber told Hazel everything that Phillip had told me.


The hot dogs were officially ready and we all began eating in the circle. I don't know about Joey, but my ears were curious to know how Phillip and Amber got together once he escaped out of jail. Amber was more than willing to tell us that story.

"It was actually about an hour after I dropped off your parents at the airport," stated Amber. "My phone rang and I was surprised as shit to see that Phillip was calling. Out of anger, I ignored the first call and the second one. When it was clear during the third call that he wasn't going to give up, I had to answer it. Good thing I did."

"Amber, I'm in Sheep City, New Mexico right now. I was in jail most of this summer, but I got out. It's a long story, but right now I'm stuck out here. Can you pick me up?"

"Wait what?" Amber freaked out. "What the hell? New Mexico?" She did her best not to hyperventilate. "Alright fine, I'm on my way."

Not another minute was wasted with Amber speeding home and packing up everything. If she was going to drive to New Mexico, she might as well be packed and ready as her school was not far off from the corrupt small town. Why not? With me not there, it only made sense. Once she was packed, Amber hopped into her car and sped off like the wind with literally no problems on the road. It was a clear and easy drive. In her mind, she considered calling me, but her focus was clearly on the road. Once she reached New Mexico that very day, she met with Phillip near the police station who was already dressed like a cop. He talked her into having dinner at Denny's.

For the first twenty minutes of their time at the diner, not a word was said. Things were a bit awkward between them until their meal arrived. After a few sips of Phillip's beer, the guy was able to loosen up a bit and start yapping.

"You know, I never told this to anyone, but a month before graduation, I decided not to go to Austin."

"Really? Why?" The girl was seconds away from choking on those pancakes.

Sitting there, Phillip took a moment to think about what to say next. Most of his beer had been drunk and his food barely touched. "Because of you. I hate the way things went between us during this last semester. I gave you too much shit and we were messing around with each other too much. And honestly, I hate how I wasn't there with you during the graduation party. Shit, none of us should have been on the field that night. All of us boys should've been at the party."

"Wait, so just to clear things up. You're not going to Austin anymore because of me?" His head shook yes in response. "Well, what the hell are you going to do now?"

"With all of his beer gone, he gave a deep sigh. "Back in February, New Mexico State accepted me. At first, I was like no. Later on, I kept asking myself if I should go. But let me just say something Amber. During my time in jail, I did a lot of thinking. I thought a lot about you." The guy didn't hesitate to put his palm against her hand which laid on the table. "I thought about how much I missed you and how I screwed things up with you. I wanted to surprise you at New Mexico State and work things out. Damn, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I really do like you Amber. I love everything about you. If you gave me another chance, I could prove myself to you. Shit, I'll be the best boyfriend damn well you ever had."

This all caught Amber by surprise. She didn't expect Phillip to be so blunt. It seemed like all they did was play around with each other's feelings and never took each other seriously. Would this be any different? Could Phillip be any different this time? She wanted to believe it was true. He was all she ever thought about. There was clearly something between them from the beginning.

"I don't know dude, I want to believe you. I want to give this a chance. I really do."

Phillip understood what she was thinking, but he wasn't going to give up. In his blood, giving up was no longer an option. This time, it was time for a change. Things needed to be different. They had to.

"What do you say we get out of here? I can find a hotel and we can go swimming or some shit like that."

The offer was intriguing. Without hesitation, she agreed and they walked out without paying. Within about ten minutes, they found a Holiday Inn and stayed there for the night. That evening, they hung out at the pool. They simply just sat there on the steps of the pool and had a good conversation for about an hour. They discussed a variety of things from life, family, and sports.

After that hour, Phillip placed his thumb on her chin. A sweet silence laid between them. They were both bold and took the first move in a sweet kiss. Their lips grew passionate and couldn't stop. While their lips were enjoying each other, Phillip placed his fingers on Amber's shoulders and began moving on her breasts. They began rubbing her special area which allowed some moaning to escape out of Amber's mouth. She wanted more. Somehow she was able to place those daring fingers of his against the back of her bikini top. Her body demanded that her man take off the top and leave her topless. It was able to happen successfully. In a clear view, her perfect breasts were visible waiting for the love of Phillip. Those manly lips were placed on her chest. What happened next was left to the imagination.

Bet you didn't expect a chapter based on Phillip and Amber. Hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to comment and vote!

Have you ever screwed up a relationship?

Does Phillip deserve another chance with Amber?

Are things with Phillip and Amber going to work out?

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