51: Hazel's Declaration

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Damn, I couldn't believe we actually poured out the beer together. If I had done that earlier, Joey would've been pissed. Was I dreaming? It really did feel like a dream. With the beer on the floor, we watched the beer can fall onto the ground where the liquid laid. Our hands never let go as our fingers were intertwined. I don't know about Joey, but my fingers seemed to forget how to leave when they needed to. He just sat there smiling at what just happened. After a good moment, our fingers left, but we still stayed close with our bodies facing each other.

"You remember how I taught you to play basketball?" he asked.

My face blushed at the very memory. Of course, I remembered. How could I forget that moment?

"On the way back from the store, I was thinking it would be cool to start a business where you teach underprivileged kids how to play a sport. Maybe it could give them some kind of hope or some crap like that. I mean basketball was always my escape. Why not help someone else make it their escape?"

"That's actually a really good idea." Damn, it really was. It was like he found his calling that afternoon. Shit, maybe I should've gone to the store that afternoon to find my calling. But it was nice that Joey was able to somewhat find his. "And you actually might end up as a professional player with money to actually do that."

"That's what I was thinking," he chuckled a bit and bopped his head a little. "Can you imagine? Me as a star with millions of dollars. While as the others go out and have a good time, I can help hundreds of less fortunate find a sport they love and give them hope. That would be amazing. And I would want you there by my side to help."

Even though I hadn't been drinking anything, it felt like I had as I began to almost choke. "What do you mean you want me to help?

Placing both of his hands on my knees, he continued speaking. Remember how I said you should major in Business Finance?" I nodded in remembrance. "Think about it. With that major, you can help me run the company. You can help set the finances, how the money is run, all that good crap. Think about it, do you really think I'd be that great with money? If I was in charge of the money, the dream would die."

Thinking about the future was the last thing I wanted to do at that moment. Couldn't we just enjoy the night without having to think about my future? That was what Austin was for. And we weren't even there yet? The future could wait.

"Come on Hazel, think about it. Once we arrive in Austin, we'll probably forget most of the crap that happened on this road trip and you'll likely give in to the pressure of becoming a nurse. I'm beginning to think that me being the hitchhiker was no accident. Damn it, it was fate. Hell, maybe even divine intervention. Do you really want to get to Austin and forget most of this trip? This is literally the time to become a finance major. Right now."

Damn, the boy was right. This was the time. I didn't want to forget this trip. And I didn't want to forget about Joey. My stomach was tied in a knot just thinking about the very idea of not actually being a nurse. All the things my father would say and do rushed through my mind.

"You sure you don't want to sell condoms like we originally talked about?" I joked trying to lighten the mood for myself."

"We can leave that to Phillip and Amber. I'm sure Phillip would know all about that and would make millions."

For some reason, I began biting my lips as my sunglasses weren't with me. Business Finance. It was an interesting idea. Could this actually work? My brain quivered at what my dad would do if he found out about my potential decision. What would he say if I was the oldest and Hannah was the youngest?

"I'm sure you can't remember the last time we saw your sister." "God blessed her with an amazing brain. She was smart, funny, charming, and she had what it took to be an amazing nurse. Everyone always said that she was going places. And of course, one day she just decided after listening to that drunkard of an idiot, to major in Business Finance. One second of being at the University of Texas at Austin, she decides to do that. She's got no money. She's got nothing, but an idiot drunk with poor advice." "She's wasting her life." "She's wasting her talents and her gifts. She's wasting it all."

Damn, what would Hannah say if she were in my position? Would she have the guts to still try and be an actress? Something in me said that she would. But would I be wasting my life if I choose the path of finance? With passion, I hated nursing. And countless hours were spent listening to financial expert Dave Ramsey. Literally, I've heard just about all of his podcasts. Never miss them. If you love something so much, how could you be wasting your life? My old man didn't know me. Hell, he sure didn't know Hannah. He likely didn't know any of my other siblings. Were they happy? Are they wasting their life?

"Alright fine," I blurted without realizing it being lost in my own thoughts. "Let's do it. I'm going to major in Business Finance."

"Say it with pride," he commanded. "Who the hell are you going to be?"

"I'm Hazel Perez, and I'm going to be a Business Finance Major." A crazy tingle went through my head at what I had just claimed. Did I really say that? Shit, I did. I really did.

"Say it loud. This time, stand on your chair and shout it to the world," he whispered.

And I did just that. Standing on the chair, my eyes could see the world. My heart began beating like no tomorrow. My spine began to feel chills. This was going to be forever a life-changing moment.

"My name is Hazel Perez, and I'm going to the University of Texas at Austin to become a damn Financial Business Major! And I don't give a flying shit about what my dad thinks!"

Handclap for Hazel! That's our girl! 9 chapters left! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to comment and vote.

Have you ever had a moment like Hazel just had?

Do you like Joey's idea for the future?

Thoughts on Hazel's declaration?

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