Shattered Part II - 9

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Chad and I walk into the pool house and I say. "Do you want anything to drink?"


I walk over to the fridge and look at what my sister put it in. Grabbing a bottle of water for myself I place it on the counter behind me and take out cans of Pepsi, Pepsi Max, Fanta and a bottle of water. I place them on the table in front of him.

He picks up a bottle of water and unscrews the lid, before drinking. "Thanks,"

Opening my bottle of water I take a drink, before returning the cans to the fridge. I head in the direction of the bedroom. Taking a seat on the floor I open the box that has pictures in it.

A smile spreads across my face as I look at the top picture. It's of Kat and me at the lake and we're pulling silly faces.

"What are you looking at?" Chad asks, moving closer to me.

Showing him the picture I say. "This was taken at the lake not too far from our house."

Taking a seat next to me he says. "I would love to see the lake one day. It looks like a peaceful place."

"It is." Memories of me at the lake hit me like a brick and most of them consist of Austin. "It used to be my favourite place until..." I cut myself off and a tear falls down my face.

Why does he have to ruin all my perfect memories of the one place I loved the most back home.

Wiping the tear away I say. "I'm sorry. My hormones seem to be getting the better of me."

He knows I'm lying, but doesn't say anything to me.

This is the first time I've had someone leave something alone without trying to pry information from me.

Standing up with the picture I place it on the nightstand.

While I'm unpacking the boxes I feel comfortable with we start talking and it feels like we've known each other for a long time.

Well, I supposed some of this has to do with the fact that both Sebastian and Kat have talked about both of us to each other while we were off doing separate things.

My phone starts to ring and I look at it. Showing to him I say. "Dinner must be here." Swiping my finger across the screen I answer the call.

Me: Hey, sis.

Kat: How's everything going?

Me: It's good.

Kat: Great. Chad and you should join us at the house for dinner.

Chad grabs his bottle of water and takes a drink.

Me: Please tell me you're fully clothed? Chad and I don't need to see anything else.

Chad spits water across the ground and it makes me laugh.

Kat: What's happening over there?

Me: I'll tell you when we get there.

Hanging up I laugh again at what Chad did. "That was perfect timing. Now, I have something on you tell people." I grab my purse and head out the door.

Chad chases after me. "You're not going to tell them about this."

"Oh, yes I am." I move quickly through the pool area and make it to the back door, just as it opens.

Kat had plastic bags on her hands and she looks at us. "We're eating dinner outside tonight. It's perfect weather for it." She pulls the seat out next to her husband.

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