Shattered Part II - 14

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While the cake is cooling down I walk out of the pool house and greet Mr and Mrs Vance who are sitting at the table with their Grandchildren. "Hello, Mr and Mrs Vance. It's nice to see you again."

Mrs Vance stands up and she moves over to me. "Hi, Eliza. We're glad you're here. If there's anything you need you can call us any time."

A smile spreads across my face. "Thanks, Mrs Vance. I hope you like burgers." Pointing at my niece I say. "Mia helped me with it." Lowering my voice. "She also said that you give her and Logan chocolate and my sister doesn't like it when they're given that stuff."

She looks behind me to make sure that my sister isn't standing close to us. "If she finds out about it I'm sure and will have problems with it."

I think my sister knows about it, but she doesn't want to say anything to her.

Looking over at the barbecue I say. "Seb, can you get the burgers off, please?"

"Sure," He takes the burgers off the barbecue just as my sister walks through the door with buns in her hands.

Kat places the plate in the middle of the table and she looks around at everyone. "Dinners ready."

Mia licks her lips and walks over to me. She tugs at my hand and says. "I want to sit next to you, Aunt Liz."

Lifting her I carry her to the table and put her in the seat next to mine. I put a napkin into her top, before making her the burger. "Here you go, sweetheart."

"Thank you." She picks up the burger and starts to eat. The sauce begins to drip down her face. "Dis good," she says, through a mouthful of food.

"Mia," my sister scolds. "How many times do I have to tell you not to talk with your mouth full?"

When she finishes the mouthful my niece holds up five fingers. "That's how many." She whispers.

Causing me to laugh and everyone turns their attention to me. "What?"

Kat smiles at me and says. "It's good to hear you laugh again, sis."

It's good to be able to do it again. I've missed laughing myself. Being around this part of the family should be good for me, but I'm still missing my mother.


Kats phone goes off and she quickly looks at it before putting it back down. Like she doesn't want to worry about the person on the other end.

Looking over at her I say. "Who was that?"

"Ah," she starts to conflict but looks back at the phone. "That was Nina. She's in trouble and needs help."

Damn, it. Why do members of my family have to make things about myself, but I'm not going to let her help Nina without my help.

"Tell her we'll be there in a couple of hours." I watch as Kat quickly types a reply to our sister.

Kat picks up her phone and replies to our sister's message. She turns her attention back to her husband as he asks her something.

Mia tugs at my arm and says. "When can we have dessert?"

Sebastian and Kat's heads turn fast and they look at me. "Dessert?"

"Yep, we made a chocolate cake. I just have to put the frosting on it and then we can have it."

Mrs Vance looks at Kat and me. "There's a reason why we came here tonight and that's my mother. She wants Kat and you to visit the vineyard over the weekend.

A smile spreads across my face. "I would love to see her again. She made an everlasting impression the last time I saw her."

Austin leans forward and claims my lips. His tongue slides into my mouth and the kiss becomes heated.

Someone close to us clears there throat and says. "There are children around here. They don't need to see this."

Austin pulls away from me and looks the lady in the eyes. "Those kids have probably seen their parents making out like this. I'm sure this isn't something they haven't seen before." He leans forward and kisses me again.

The doors to the elevator opens and we step into it. "You two can have this elevator. I'll wait for the other one."

"Thanks," Austin says. He presses the button and it takes us to our floor.

Then another memory hits me of Evelyn sharp and I learn she's Sebastian's Grandmother.

Evelyn's face turns a bit red. "You're part of the couple that was making out, outside the elevator."

"I'm sorry, for the way my boyfriend treated you. He..." cutting myself I leave the sentence to hang between us.

"I used to be young and had the same sex drive as you too. So, don't apologies for that." She holds her hand out to me. "I'm Evelyn Sharp."

"Eliza Donoghue,"

Mrs Vance laughs. "Mom told me about the couple she caught kissing in front of the elevator and then when she ran into you the second time on your floor as you were heading downstairs to meet someone. Who were you meeting?"

"I was meeting, Kat. We arranged a time a couple of weeks before to meet at the entrance of the vineyard and we went for a walk."

She touches my arm with her hand. "My mother is glad that you're not with him anymore. She thinks you deserve a better guy and she has the right one in mind."

Shaking my head I say. "I don't want a boyfriend right now. I should concentrate on my mental well-being and work will also help me with not getting a boyfriend. There's no one around the I'm interested in."

I know I'm lying right there about not being interested in anyone, but like I said before my mental well-being will be my main concern for the next couple of months and also the little one I'm carrying.

When dinner is finished I walk to the pool house and finish making the cake. Once it's done I carry it outside and place it on the table.

Kat grabs a knife from the table and she starts slicing into the cake. She gives everyone a piece.

Mr Vance taps his glass, gaining all of our attention. "I know we weren't invited to this dinner. Thank you for letting us join you anyway. This has been one of the best meals I've had in a long time. I want to make a toast to family."

We raise our glasses and say. "To Family."

Once dinner is over Kat kisses her husband's cheek. "Put the kids to bed by 7:30 pm. My sister and I are off to help Nina with whatever problem she has going on." Kat holds her hand out to me and I take it. "I have a bad feeling about what Nina texted me."

"Does she normally text you?"

She shakes her head. "Nina is closest to Chloe and she's the one that normally helps when she needs it, but this time Nina is reaching out to me and it's unusual." Kat gives me the keys. "I'm too anxious to drive. Can you?"

Taking the keys from her I unlock the car and then we climb in.

Taking the keys from her I unlock the car and then we climb in

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A/N: I have added two new stories. Nina and Casey from this series. Nina's story is called Broken, while Casey's is called Screwed.

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