Shattered Part II - 34

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Chad's POV

The phone in my office starts to ring and I look up from the paperwork that's in front of me. I answer it after the third ring.

Me: Hello, it's Chad.

Voice: Chad I have Lisa storming down the hall. I have a feeling that something happened between my sister and her. You should listen to what she has to say. I don't want my sister to get hurt because of this woman.

Me: That's not a problem. I'll hear what she has to say. Just do me a favour and make sure that you protect Eliza's character against her. All she ever does is brags about how she's had sex with me and it never happened.

Kat: I know you haven't been with her. In the years I have worked here she hasn't entered your office and she's never been to your house as you don't like to take a woman there. The penthouse suite is where you do all that and I'm guessing she hasn't seen that place, either.

Me: No, she hasn't. Put the phone down and don't make it obvious for Lisa. She's a bit that bright when it comes to knowing when she's being deceived.

Kat: Okay,

Looking out the window I see her put the phone on the desk. She looks in the direction of Lisa and plasters on a fake smile. "Hi, Lisa. What do you need?"

Lisa: I just had a little run-in with the new employee.

Kat: What happened? She leans closer to Lisa and waits for her to say something.

Lisa: The new employee walked in on something she shouldn't have and then said stuff to me. She doesn't have the right to talk to me like she did.

Kat: What did she say?

Lisa: She threatened me after she caught me in the kitchen with another employee.

That doesn't sound like Eliza. She doesn't care what people say or do in the office or out of it. I bet she was the one threatening Eliza. Maybe, even bullying her.

Kat: That doesn't sound like my sister. She's not the type of person that would interfere in what others are doing. You should be careful when it comes to getting my sister into trouble. Because two people that are at the top of the food chain don't believe you.

Lisa keeps trying to make Eliza look bad and it starts to grate on my nerves. If she keeps doing what she is I'm going to bring her to my office and give her an ass chewing. One that she'll wish she never had.

It doesn't take too long before Eliza makes her way down the hall towards her table. She doesn't look too impressed that Lisa is leaning against her sister's desk. Eliza takes her eyes off Lisa as she hands the bottle over to Kat.

"Thanks." Kat takes the bottle from Eliza's hand and then she takes a seat at her desk. "See this is Eliza's desk. She's working closely with me until it's time for me to give birth.

Lisa's eyes narrow at Kat. "You're not the only one pregnant. I can see that Eliza is too. The question is why would the boss hire her to work for us when she won't be here for long? The benefits can't be that good for someone who hasn't worked here for long. There won't be maternity leave available for you, which means you're a waste of space."

I've had enough of this woman tearing down the woman I care for the most.

Standing up I move toward the door and fling it open, making Lisa jump. She turns towards me and tries to put on a seductive smile, which doesn't work for me. It just annoys the hell out of me. "GET IN HERE NOW, LISA," I yell, a vein in my neck pops out.

When I was a kid and I blew up the vein would show at the side of my neck and everyone would know that I've hit my limit and what that woman is saying is hitting that limit to me.

Lisa doesn't move from her spot as she continues to talk to Eliza like I don't matter to her. My voice is loud enough for her to hear. "He's hotter when he's all growly. Having sex with him is much better he's like this too. You're going to need earplugs to block out all the moaning that'll come out of my mouth when I'm bent over his desk. Him fucking me hard. The desk is going to be destroyed and then you're going to be on your hands and knees cleaning up all the fucking mess. Including the condom that's going to drip from the amount of cum that's inside and..."

Fuck, I hate the way she's saying this to Eliza. She deserves better than hearing a liar tell her all about me and sex.

"NOW," I start to lose my patients with her. Stepping aside I allow her to enter the room. Looking over at Eliza my face smooths out. Shaking my head, I try to clear it as I close the door to my office. I walk over to my desk and sit.

Lisa begins to tap her fingers on the desk, losing patients as I remain quiet for a little bit. She looks up at me and licks her lips.

Looking at the phone I still have it lying on the table and I think that Kat and Eliza are going to enjoy listening to what I have to say to her. "I heard everything that you said to Kat and it was disrespectful."

"How is it disrespectful when it's the truth?" Lisa leans forward and then stands up. She sits on the desk and flips her hair over her shoulder. "You know those girls out there won't satisfy your needs as I can. Do you remember the night of the Christmas Party three years ago? You took me into the bathroom and we fucked against the door. You drove fast and hard into me."

She's so full of shit. I never had sex with her. I remember everything that happened that night and it never was that.

"Get off my desk. Nothing happened between us that night, Lisa. You need to stop throwing yourself at me and acting desperate it's not a way to act with your boss. This is your first warning, Lisa. I'm not going to let this behaviour continue around the office. Now, get back to your desk and your job." Standing up I walk over to the door and hold it open for her.

Lisa walks past me and heads down the hall to her office. She doesn't look at the girls as she passes them.

Walking over to the table I put the phone back onto the hook. "I have to go to my parent's house right now as there's an emergency. I'll have lunch with you beautiful ladies tomorrow. Also, you can leave at 4 pm, we all know that no one calls after that time." with that said I walk out of the office and head to my car. I start the car and head home.

 I start the car and head home

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