Shattered Part II - 52

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Chad's POV

Kat walks into my office with a piece of paper in her hands. She takes a seat across from me and pushes it across the table. "Recruitment sent a woman up here to meet you. She's the newest secretary that the company has hired. She will be floating between departments and whoever needs her the most will get her."

Looking up from the screen I say. "Why are you telling me this? Aren't you supposed to deal with things like this? Tell her what to do and show her around."

She crosses her arms and looks at me. "Chad, she's going to be here when Eliza and I aren't. You should introduce yourself to the poor girl. Let her know she's welcomed here. I know you're not an asshole, but you seem to be giving off the vibes right now."

"I could fire you for saying that to me, Katrina Vance. However, you being my best friends wife I'll let that slide." Leaning back in my chair I sigh. "Bring the girl in. I'll play nice."

Kat walks out of the room and returns a few minutes with a blonde-haired, blue-eyed woman with long toned legs, a toned stomach and her hair is piled on top of her head. Her make-up is lightly applied. Her lipstick is a little smudged.

She's not as perfect as I thought. At least she can do something that's not perfect. Unlike Eliza. She does everything perfectly.

Kat clears her throat. "Chad this is Brooke. Brooke, this Chad. Or Mr Whitehall. He'll let you know which name he prefers you to call him."

Kat knows that I prefer people to call me by my name, but with this woman, I'd rather her call me Mr Whitehall.

Holding my hand out to her I say. "Hi, Brooke. Could you call me Mr Whitehall? When you address me."

She takes my hand and shakes it. "It's nice to meet you too, Mr Whitehall. Where am I working today?"

"Kat will show you. Are you sure you're okay with the position of floating? You won't be in the same department every day. For the next four days, you will be working on this floor with us. Next week you will be somewhere else." I dismiss them and watch as Kat shows her around.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket I send Eliza a quick message.

Me: What are you doing?

Eliza: Mom is making me watch some cooking show. It's making me hungry and I'm not allowed to experiment with any of the meals.

Me: That sucks. What do you crave now?

Eliza: A chocolate cake and McDonald's. Do you know someone that can deliver that to me?

Me: I know someone who can deliver it for you.

Eliza: Can you hurry with the order? The baby wants to be fed.

Me: Lol, I'll try my best. Do your mom and Dad want anything?

Eliza: Dad's at the hospital.

Me: What would your Mom like?

Eliza: A quarter pounder meal with Diet coke. I'll have a small cheeseburger meal with Diet coke.

Me: Anything else?

Eliza: You having lunch with me?

Me: I'll make that happen.

Eliza: Thank you.

Me: You're welcome. I'll see you soon.

Eliza doesn't reply.

Standing up I move towards Kat's desk and look at her. "I'll be out of the office for an hour or two. there are a few things I need to attend to."

She lowers her voice. So Brooke can't hear us. "You mean you need to attend to my sister's cravings?"

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