Shattered Part II - 62

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Beep, beep, beep. My alarm goes off waking me up from my sleep. I look over at the red digits on the clock and see that it's 7:30 am. Climbing out of bed I make my over to the bathroom and start getting ready for the day.

After I've showered and put my clean clothes on my phone starts to ring and I look over at it. Picking it up I see an unknown number on it and I answer it.

Me: Hello, this is Eliza.

Voice: Hey, Eliza. It's Kathleen. You spoke to me on Monday about buying my house.

Oh, yes I remember her. I hope she's calling about me being able to buy the property. I could use some good news right now.

Me: How are you, Kathleen. Of course, I remember you.

Kathleen: We want to sell the house to you. Our daughter is about to have our Grandchild and we want to be closer to our family. Being in Los Angeles isn't the same as living close to them.

Me: That's great. I'll get the ball rolling with the papers. Once all the papers are drawn we'll meet again.

Kathleen: Sounds good. I look forward to hearing from you, Eliza.

Grabbing my stuff I walk across the yard to the main house. When I get inside I see my family at the table.

Kat's the first person to see me. She drops her fork on the table and says. "What's going on Eliza? This is the first time I've seen you happy."

"I got a place to live." I shriek.

Kat stands up and throws her arms around me. "I'm happy for you, sis. Are you sure this is what you want? A place of your own without family close by."

Throwing my head back I laugh. "Kat, the family will be close by. I just put an offer in for the house next door to you. Kathleen is selling it to me. She wants to move closer to her daughter. That's not all." Looking at my parents I say. "There's a pool house at the house and I want you both to live with me."

Without hesitation, Mom throws her arms around me and whispers. "Of course we will move in with you. There's nothing back home that's keeping us there. Now, that you're living out here."

Dad hugs Mom and me together. "Thank you," he looks around the room. "The only thing I need is a building to start a club. I don't want to sit around and do nothing. It's too early for me to retire."

The front door to the house opens and Chad walks in. He looks at my father and says. "I have a building that's sitting around doing nothing. How about you come around to the office say around 4 pm and I'll show you the building."

"Are you sure?" Dad asks.

A smile spreads across Chad's face. "Yes, without a doubt. I know you'll be a great investment. After all, I've seen what you did with the old place. Sebastian and I went to the bar a few times before."

Why didn't I know that Sebastian was showing up at the bar from time to time?

Kat looks between her husband and Chad. She crosses her arms. "You told me that you had business in my old town. Please tell me that you weren't planning on buying Dad's club when you were there?"

Chad and Sebastian look between each other without saying a word.

That's why they were there. Trying to get Dad to sell the club, but he wasn't the type of person that would sell it to anyone.

She shakes her head and pushes her chair back before standing. "It's unbelievable that you two would do something like this behind my back. Dad didn't need some rich guys showing up at his place trying to make him sell his business."

Sebastian stands and moves over to his wife's side. "Kat, he didn't take our offer because he knew at the end of the day that his kids won't be happy with that decision. When the time came to sell the club to the people that was redeveloping the town was something your father never second-guessed about. We'd all be lucky to have his club in Los Angeles."

Dad looks at his son-in-law and says. "Thanks for being behind me on this. I'm going to need some help with getting this place into tip-top shape. Will you and Chad help me with that?"

A smile spreads across Chad's face. "Of course I'll help you out, Mr Donoghue. If you need a few security guards I know a few that would be a great fit for your company."

"Thanks, Chad. Do you think they'll be up to help me with setting the place up too?"

"Sure, they will help. I'll message them and find out when they're available to help." Chad looks at me and says. "Do you know when you can move in?"

"As soon as we get the paperwork settled with the Lawyers." Holding my hand out to Chad I say. "Did you come over to drive me to work?"

"Yep," he wraps his arms around me and places a kiss on my temple. "I don't want you driving to work alone anymore."

Looking towards my sister. "What about Kat? She's pregnant and is still driving around."

Chad lifts me and begins to carry me to the front door. "Your circumstances are different to your sister's. I'm taking you to the car and then we're heading to the office. Where I'll have a hot chocolate waiting for you on the desk."

When we get to the car he sets me on my feet. "Chad, I'll be late to the office again tomorrow as I have an appointment with the psychologist."

"I know. Which is why I'll have a car waiting for you tomorrow morning." He opens the door for me and waits for me to put on my belt before shutting the door and rounding the car. He climbs inside and starts the car.

Before we pull away I see my sister walk out of the house with her husband and kids. They climb into a car. Chad pulls the car onto the road. "I'll be out of the office for a couple of hours this afternoon. If I'm not back in time when you get off do you mind getting a lift from Kat?"

"Sure," I turn my attention back to the trees we're driving past. it doesn't take long before I'm falling asleep.

Before I know it I'm being woken up by Chad. "Liz, we're at the office. It's time to wake up beautiful."

Opening my eyes I look at him and mutter. "Do I have to get up? The seat in the car is comfy. It reminds me of bed."

Chad chuckles. "I wish I could leave you in here all day, but I need help in the office and as my secretary that your job. Making sure that everything runs smoothly."

Climbing out of the car I grab my purse. "Soon enough I won't be that person. Making sure the company runs smoothly because I'll have my own office on another floor."

"You'll be staying on the floor beneath mine and I'll make sure there's a lounge in the office for you." He holds his hand out to me and I take it.

" He holds his hand out to me and I take it

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