Shattered Part II - 21

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Chad's POV

Beep, Beep, beep. My alarm wakes me up at 6 am, reaching across the nightstand I shut it off and put my arm over my head.

I don't want to go to work today.

That's not a usual feeling a CEO should get when it comes to going to work, but I have a feeling that it's not going to be a normal day. Just then my phone rings. Picking it up I see 'Seb,' flash across the screen.

He never calls me this early ever. It must be important that he's doing it now.

Swiping my finger across the screen I answer the call.

Me: Hey, Bas. What do you need this early in the morning?

Seb: Last night Kat got a call from her sister and had to pick her up. As Eliza was driving they hit an oil sleek.

Fuck, I hope they're okay.

Me: Are they okay? The babies?

Seb: Everyone is okay. Steph was there to check up on them and gave them the all-clear. Also, they got stuck out there. So, they stayed at the Vineyard with Grandma.

Me: I supposed that old bat loved the company of the girls. I know she cares deeply for Eliza. She showed it when we were all at the vineyard a couple of months ago. I bet she's glad that Eliza isn't with that guy anymore.

Seb: She's happy about that. I know for a fact she's team Eliza and you and will be waiting for the day that you two realise that you belong together.

Me: I have to get someone to fill in for Kat don't I?

Seb: Yes, I'm sorry.

Me: It's not your fault, Bas. I'll take care of it myself. I have the perfect secretary in my mind. One that knows how I like lunch and my coffee.

Seb laughs through the phone before saying. "You're a mother. We know she's the perfect one for you."

Me: You know me so well, Bas. Do you think the girls will get home safely?

Seb: I'm not sure.

Me: I'll send a car for them.

Seb: And I'll get a driver to take Nina to the apartment. Can your guy swing by my one?

Me: I'll arrange that. Give me the name of the guy and I'll arrange that for you.

Seb: Thanks. I better get ready for work. talk to you later.

Me: Bye,

Hanging up the phone I call my driver 'Marcus.' The phone rings a couple of time before he answers.

Marcus: Hello, this is Marcus.

Me: Marcus, it's Chad. I have some friends that need to be picked. I'll send you the address and I also have a guy that you need to pick up before you get the girls.

Marcus: Yes, boss.

Hanging up I pull the text messages up and send him the address for the driver and then one for the girls.

Now, I have to call my mother and see if she can come into the office. I know it will be short notice for her, but me being her favourite son I know she'll do it for me.

Pulling her name up on the phone I call Mom.

Mom: Chad, do you know what time it is?

Me: Yes, it's time for you to wake up.

Mom: Don't get smart with me, son. Or I'll hang up on you. It's too bloody early for your games.

Me: Mom, I need your help at the office.

Mom: Again? What's going on with Kat that makes her need the day off?

Me: She went to pick her sister up last night when she and Eliza got in an accident.

Mom: Are they okay?

Me: Yes, but they got stuck at the Vineyard and spent the night there.

Mom: Is Kat coming in today?

Me: I haven't spoken to her yet. I'll give her a call when I'm in the office. It's a bit early to call a pregnant woman.

Mom: Okay, I'll see you at 8:30 am, in the office, with your coffee and snack.

Me: Thanks, Mom. I love you.

Mom: Love you, Chad.

Hanging up the phone for the third time in half an hour. I sit on the bed and place my head in my hands.

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