Shattered Part II - 70

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Chad told me that he was going to be back before my siblings started to arrive for the family reunion and he hasn't come back yet.

I watch as my siblings and their families fill the backyard and start opening cans of soft drinks and beers. While talking with our parents.

The pool house door is locked and the blinds are pulled across as I haven't been feeling the best since Chad left me. I had a headache that doesn't seem to be going away and I refuse to take some painkillers for it.

Standing up I head over to the freezer and pull out a liquid ice pack and put it over my head as I head back to bed. Lying back down I place the pack around the area that hurts the most.

Ding, my phone goes off and I pick it up from the nightstand. Looking at it I see 'Kat' appear on the screen.

Kat: Where are you? Everyone is here. I know you're here as the blinds are pulled across. You don't want anyone to disturb you.

Me: I have a massive headache and it's not going away.

Kat: Give me a couple of minutes and I'll come over. Are you going to open the door for me?

Me: No,

Me: Do you have a spare key to get inside?

Kat: I do. I'll get it shortly.

Me: Okay,

As I wait for my sister my phone start's to ring and I see 'Chad' flash across the screen. Swiping my finger across the screen I say. "Where are you?"

Chad: I'm on the way to the house. Luca Rivera wanted a word from me before I left. He knows that we're not a threat to his organisation and has decided that we can pretend what happened last night didn't. Are you okay with that?

Me: I am. Just as long as we talk about it from time to time. I'm not sure if I can just bury it like it didn't happen.

Chad: Deal. You're not going to mention this to your therapist, are you?

Me: No, I have more pressing matters to deal with than nearly getting shot by rival mafia families.

Chad: Okay, where do you want me to meet you?

Me: In the pool house. I've locked myself up in my ivory tower and the only person that can save me is my prince. You better hurry. We don't need anyone else to save the damsel in distress.

Chad: You're not a damsel in distress, you're the Queen of my heart.

He's ever the romantic.

Chad: Love you, bye.

Me: Love you, too.

Hanging up the phone I look across the room and see my sister standing there with her arms folded and a smile is plastered across her face. "I never thought I'd hear those words coming from Chad's mouth. He seems to surprise me all the time."

A smile spreads across my face. "Love can do that to a person. It's done that to me and him. What do you have for my headache?"

"Tylenol, it's the only one I've used while pregnant. I spoke to the pharmacist when I was pregnant the first time and had the same problem. They said it can be safely used. Just don't use it too often."

"I won't." Taking the tablet from her I make my way over to the kitchen counter and grab a glass. I fill it up with water and take the tablet. Slowly I make my way back over to the couch and sit. "Has Chad ever been late to anything?"

She shakes her head. "Chad hates being late. He tends to beat himself up by being late and I bet that's exactly what he's doing. He doesn't want you to face everyone without him being around. I'll let everyone know that you'll be out shortly. Just stay here until he comes." Kat stands up and walks to the door. She exits the pool house and makes her way around the backyard talking to our family.

Half an hour later, the door to the pool house opens and Chad walks in. He holds his hand out to me and says. "You need to introduce me to everyone. Even though I've seen them countless of times at the Vineyard when you're sister invited them."

Taking his hand I walk out of the pool house with my arms wrapped around Chad. As we walk around we greet my family who is sitting around the fire. My brothers shake Chad's hand and introduce themselves to him.

I feel their eyes on my stomach and I wait for them to say something, but when they don't I feel relief flood through me. I grab a bottle of water from the cooler and open it. Offering one to Chad. I take a sip of my water and head over to my sister and sister-in-law.

When I get there the conversation stops and I feel a bit awkward standing there. Shaking off the nervousness I take a seat and wait for Dana to finish her story. When she does she waits for people to give her an in-put. She wasn't expecting me to help her with it as I wasn't there at the beginning.

Chloe moves closer to me and whispers. "So, you're knocked up. Who's the lucky father of the kid inside of you? I have a feeling that it's not the boy-toy you walked in with. I'm surprised that he wants to spend any time with you."

"Chloe," Kat scolds. "Do you have to be a bitch to our sister? What has she done to you?"

She's about to say something when I jump in. "Kat, it's okay. I knew things were going to turn out like this. Nothing is ever going to change and it's something I need to get used to."

"No, you don't," Kat says. "This shit needs to end." She looks towards the kitchen where Mom is looking out the window with a smile on her face.

"I'm going to help Mom with the food. I'll talk to you later, Kat." I shoot Chloe an annoyed look before walking away.

When I get to the kitchen I see Mom leaning against the counter. She turns towards me. "Are you having fun?"

No, I'm not. They make me feel like shit whenever we get together and this is something that I need to stay away from.

Putting on a fake smile I say, "It's great. Do you want some help?"

"Sure, I'm about to start the salad. Can you grab everything from the fridge?" Opening the fridge I grab the lettuce, carrots, cucumber, red onions and tomatoes. I take them to the table and start chopping. I take my frustration out on the food.

Mom moves towards me and whispers. "From the way you're chopping the food. Not everything is okay. Do you want to talk to me about it?"

"No, I think we should leave it. You're having a good time and that's what matters to me. I'll pretend to have fun, but if they continue to act as they have for the last ten years then I'm going back to the pool house where they can't see me again."


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