Shattered Part II - 12.5

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Pulling the car in front of the pool house  I park and pull the key out of the engine. Grabbing my bag from the backseat I step out of the car and open the trunk. I put a couple of bags on my arm and take what I can into the pool house.

Placing the bags in the kitchen I return to the car and grab the remaining stuff from the trunk. Closing the trunk I lock the car before returning to the pool house and unpacking the groceries. I put them in their correct place before heading to the bedroom.

In the bedroom I strip off the dress I was wearing and put my boxers on. Grabbing my iPad off the nightstand I open the kindle app and go through the list of books I own. I come across one book that I forgot I bought a while ago.

This book better be good. I don't remember what it's supposed to be about, but it's by my favourite author so it can't be that bad to read.

Opening the book I start to read and it doesn't take long before my eyes get heavy and sleep is about to take over. The iPad drops on the bed and I fall asleep.

I'm not sure how long I'm asleep before I hear someone say. "Aunty Liz. Wake up." I'm poked on the cheek. Opening my eyes I look at my niece Mia and she smiles at me. "Mom said you were making dinner. What are you making? I'm hungry."

Looking over at the clock I see that it's 5:30 pm.

I better get dinner started.

"It's going to be a surprise, Mia. Do you want to help me make it?"

A smile spreads across her face lighting her blue eyes up. "Aha,"

Climbing out of bed I grab my clothes from the floor and walk into the bathroom. "I'll be right back," I tell her.

"Okay," she climbs onto the bed and grabs the iPad off the nightstand. She looks over at me and asks. "What's the password?"

I give her the numbers before closing the door and getting changed. Once I'm changed I open the door and enter the room.

Mia is laughing at something on the screen and she shows it to me. Making me laugh too.

"I'll be in the kitchen." I walk into the kitchen and pull out the stuff for making hamburgers. I usually make my patties with mince and extra herbs and spices.

When I made it at home for my sisters after Mom had her stroke they all told me that it was the best patty in the world and after that, I made it when we had family over too.

Mia walks out of my room and she sits on the stool at the main table. "What do you want me to do?"

Giving her the eggs I say. "I want you to crack another egg into this bowl." I show her how to do it and she cracks the egg for me. I check the egg before putting it into the mixture and add the herbs and pepper before mixing it with my hands.

Shaping the mince I make them into patties.

Mia looks at what I'm doing and then says. "Can I help?"

"Sure, first you have to wash those hands and then you can make them with me."

A smile spreads across her face. "Yay," she jumps off the stool and runs over to the sink.

I check the tap is on cold before turning it on.

She washes her hands while singing the Happy Birthday song. "Mom told me to sing that when washing my hands so I know that I'm doing it properly."

Of course, my sister would say that.

Growing up she would say something and see if one of us would do as she said, but I never fell for a thing she said. While our other siblings did. She was able to bend them to her will and they'd do anything she told them.

Grabbing the dish towel I throw it at Mia and she catches it. "Are you ready to make the burger last with me?"

"Yes," Mia runs to the chair and climbs onto it. She grabs some mince and makes the patty shapes as well.

Taking it from her I put them on a plate. "That looks good. Do you want to eat this one?"

"Yes," she looks up at me. "Can we have chocolate cake tonight?"

Once all the patties are shaped I put them in the fridge. Looking at my niece, I say. "Okay, but we need to keep this a secret. You know she hates it when you eat too much cake."

She laughs. "I know. Grandma gives us chocolate and stuff every time we go to her place. She tells us it's our secret." Mia places her index finger on her mouth. "Don't tell, Mom."

The door to the pool house opens and my sister steps into the room. "Don't tell, Mom. What?"

"Nothing," Mia says, too quickly and her eyes pierce mine telling me not to say anything to my sister."

"It's a secret between us, sis. Just like the ones we shared when (900) we were younger."

Kat shakes her head. "Okay, how long until dinner? Sebastian's asking and so is Logan."

"Give me twenty minutes and then I'll start the barbecue." Giving her the burger buns I say. "Can you cook these soon?"

"Sure," she takes them from me. "When you're done with your secrets Mia I want you back in the house to wash up for dinner."

"Okay, Mommy." Mia hugs my sister before she walks out the door.

I walk over to the cupboard I grab everything I need for the chocolate cake and then I turn on the oven.

Mia helps me make it and it doesn't take too long before the cake is in the oven cooking.

Setting the timer on my phone I look over at Mia and say. "I'm going to start cooking dinner." I walk out of the pool house and set the barbecue up. I put the patties in and wait for them to cook.

Sebastian walks out of the house with soft drinks in hands and puts them in an ice bucket that's set on the table. He looks over at me and says. "Mia, told us we are having burgers. Are they the ones you're famous for making?"

A smile spreads across my face. "You've been told about my specialty? Sorry I haven't had a chance to make them for you."

"You don't need to apologise for that. We've been living in the city while you've been in the small town you grew up in. At least I get to try it now. Do you need any help?"

Shaking my head I say. "No, I've got it. Can you tell Kat to put the burger bun in now?"

Kat walks outside and looks over at Sebastian. "Babe, you're parents are at the door."

He frowns. "They weren't supposed to come over for a few days. I wanted Liz to get settled in first."

Looking between my sister and brother in law I say. "It's fine. They should stay for dinner too. There's enough food for them."

Just then the alarm on my phone goes off. "Seb, can you look after the food. I have to turn the oven off."

"Okay," he turns his attention to his wife. "Can you bring my parents out here?"

"Sure," Kat walks into her house the same time I enter the pool house.

I turn off the oven and grab a pair of oven mitts. Putting them on I take the cake out and put it on a cake rack.

 Putting them on I take the cake out and put it on a cake rack

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