Shattered Part II - 55

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While I'm half-awake I hear the door of the pool house is opened. The bed dips a couple of minutes later. Followed by my sister saying. "Mom wants you to come to the house and have dinner with us."

"Okay," opening my eyes I look at the clock and see that it's after 6pm. "Give me twenty minutes to get ready. I want to have a shower before I go over to the house." Turning towards Chad I say. "Don't say a word. I'm going to have a shower before we go to the house. I've been in these clothes most of the day and I want to be clean when we go over. Give me five minutes in there before you come barging in." grabbing some clothes I head to the bathroom. I place the clothes on the rack and step into the shower.

I'm not sure how long I stand under the shower until there's a knock on the door. "Lizzie, you need to get out of the shower. Chad's in the house having a shower himself. He'll be back soon.

Turning the water off I step out of the shower. "I'll be out in a minute, Kat." I dry my body and then put my clothes on. Opening the door to the bedroom I walk out and see Kat sitting on my bed.

She whistles. "You look good in that, sis. It's not revealing and Chad won't be able to get a sneak-peak at the goods between your legs."

Trust her to think like that.

Rolling my eyes at her I say. "Did Sebastian get the sneak-peak that you're talking about?"

Her face turns red and then she zips up her lips and throws the key away. Telling me that I'm never going to know if that ever happened between her and her husband. I'll just have to find out the answer another time through her husband.

Standing up I hold my hand out to my sister. "Let's go to the house. I'm starving and I can't wait to see what Mom made for dinner." I lick my lips thinking about the roast that she cooked.

That's one of the best meals that Mom cooked when we grew up. She slowed down when it came to cooking after her stroke. When she was feeling fine she'd use the energy she had to make our favourite meals.

Her energy lasted a couple of days before she started to feel unwell. It was terrible to see her on her off days.

If she gets unwell here I won't be able to help her because I'm supposed to be taking care of myself and child.

As I'm about to walk out the door I scooped into a pair of arms. Chad looks into my eyes and says. "How many times do I need to tell you not to move too much?"

"I was stretching."

He shakes his head. "Bullshit, Eliza. You like to walk around a bit. For the next couple of days I won't be able to skip out on work as I have meetings."

A smile spreads across my face. "It's a good thing you're busy. I get to spend time with the camera that you're mother gave me. Maybe, I'll start a blog while I'm on bedrest and I'll make sure that everyone gets to look at the handsome man that shares my bed with me at the moment."

We walk through the sliding glass door of the house and take a seat at the table. Mia stands up and runs over to me. She wraps her arms around me. "Aunty Liz, I love you."

Lifting her up me put her on my knee. "I love you too, Mia. What did you get up to today?"

"I played in the sandpit." She tells me the other things that she did while in day-care. By the sounds of things she had a great day at school. It probably was more exciting than the day she spent at home yesterday.

Dad brings the roast over to the table and he cuts the meat. There's small talk going on around the table as we wait for dinner.

Kat looks over at the kitchen bench and asks. "Mom what did you make for dessert? We know you made something extra tonight."

"This morning your sister and I were watching a cooking show and they showed us a lemon meringue pie. So, I looked up a recipe for it and I followed the instructions. I'm looking forward to you all giving it a try."

Chad gives my plate to Dad and he starts putting food on it. Once the plate has enough food on it Chad place my plate in front of me. "I hope this is enough food."

"It's more than enough, Chad. Thanks for taking care of me."

"Mia, you need to get off your Aunt." Kat says. "After dinner you can sit on her again."

"Okay," Mia climbs off me and makes her way over to her chair. She sits in it and starts eating the food that's on the plate in front of her. She eats half the food on the plate and says. "Mom, I can't eat anymore."

Kat takes the plate from in front of her daughter. She pushes a small amount of food to the side before placing the plate back on the table. "You're going to eat that half before having any dessert. There's ice cream in the freezer."

Mia picks up the fork and starts eating a little bit of her food. When she's finished she shows Kat the plate. "Can I have ice cream now, Mom?"

She shakes her head. "Not until everyone has finished eating."


After dinner Kat and Dad clear the table. they return a couple of minutes later with dessert. Kat places ice cream in front of her kids and then Mom's cake is placed in front of the rest of us.

When I don't pick up the spoon Chad leans close to me and says. "Are you feeling okay?"

Placing my hand on his arm I say. "I'm good, Chad. You don't need to worry about me all the time. I'm not eating because I'm full from dinner." I stand up and walk to the kitchen. Bending down I open the third draw and pull out the glad wrap. I wrap the cake before heading back to the dining room where my family are eating their dessert.

chad looks over at mom and says. "Dinner was great tonight, mrs Donoghue. In the near future i'll invite you to my place and make dinner for us." he picks up his dishes and heads towards the kitchen.

Kat grabs some stuff and heads in there too. she starts to talk to chad while they do the dishes.

sebastian leans across the table and whispers. "I haven't seen my best friend this happy since you've come to town. i'm glad you're making him happy. he also likes you alot. i can tell it's the same for you. promise me that you won't hurt him."

looking my sister's husband in the eyes i say. "I promise i won't hurt him, Seb." i stand up and push the chair backwards. "I'm going to bed. Goodnight." with that i walk out the door.

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