Shattered Part II - 1

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Chad's POV

Ring, ring.

The phone in my office starts to ring and I pick it up. "Hello, this is Chad Whitehall."

Voice: Hey, Chad. It's Kat. I can't come in for a few days.

Me: Is everything okay, Kat?

Kat: I have to go home. My little sister hasn't been doing well for months and Mom is worried about her.

Me: Take the week off and make sure she's okay. Also, when you return I want to talk to you about the promotion.

Kat: Okay, but I might not return to the City without my sister. Is there a chance that she'll be able to work here?

Me: Does she have a degree in business? Or know this industry?

Kat: Yes, she does. She's been helping out with Dad's business for years. You should also get her to look at your books, she's good with numbers.

Me: I'll think about the book's part. She's hired to work closely with you. I know the two of you will work perfectly together. Just like we do.

Kat: Thanks, Chad. I also called Reno to be your secretary until I get back.

Me: Thank you, Kat. I'm glad you didn't call one of the girls. You know how they like to parade around me.

She laughs.

Kat: Yet you're the one that gets distracted by it all. The chase is something you've been good at.

Me: I don't want to chase anymore girls. Looking at what Seb and you have is making me want the same thing. All the girls I know still want to have fun.

Kat: I hope you find what you want, Chad. You deserve to be with someone that loves you.

Me: Thanks, Kat. I'll see you when you get back.

Kat: Bye, Chad.

She hangs up without waiting for me to say 'bye.'

Turning on my computer I wait for it to start up. The phone starts ringing outside the office and I walk over to it.

Me: Hello, Whitehall industries. This is Chad.

Voice: Hey, Chad. It's Vickie. I was wondering if you want to grab something to eat tonight?

Me: Like a date?

Vickie: Yes, like a date. Are you still doing that type of thing?

Me: Actually, I'm not. I want to move on from being a bachelor. I hope you find someone worthy of you, Vickie. Good luck with everything.

I hang up the phone. As I'm about to head back to my office the elevator door opens revealing a guy, wearing a suit and his blonde hair is spiked up.

Holding out his hand he says. "I'm Reno."

Shaking his hand I say. "I remember who you are. You're one of Kat's favourite replacements for herself. She knows how to run a tight ship here. I'm going back to my office. I'll see you later." I walk away leaving him to do his job.

When I get to my office I log onto the computer and start going through a few files that I need for the project I'm working.

My computer rings and I accept the call from Sebastian.

Sebastian is sitting behind his desk in his office. He has a cup of coffee sitting on the desk and next to it is a found doughnut.

I really should get Reno to bring me a coffee and doughnut over the next couple of days.

Shattered Part II (complete) ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora