Shattered Part II - 3

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Eliza's POV

"That's enough," I yell at them. "Get you're fucking stuff out of the house and don't come back here." Looking them each in the eye. "You wanted me to grow a backbone? Well, I have and this instant I mean what I'm going to say."

"What's that?" Claire asks, hesitantly.

"You're all dead to me. I don't want to ever see any of you again. It's too late for apologies. You can learn from your mistakes and make sure you don't do it again." I start to walk away from the house and the weight on my shoulders feel slightly lifted.

Life can only get better from here.


When I return from my walk I see my sibling's cars gone from the driveway and a smile spreads across my face. "I'm glad they're gone."

Kat runs out the front door with a bottle of water. She shoves it into my hands and says. "You need to drink this. I don't want you to get dehydrated and end up in the hospital again because you can't look after yourself."

I take a long drink of water. "Happy now, Mom?"

"Much, let's get inside and you can see how bare the house is without our siblings shit littered around." A smile spreads across her face. "After you left. Dad helped them pack the remainder of their stuff and told them not to contact him or Mom again. Can you believe that? Our parents disowning all of them except us."

"You can't blame them, can you? All of them made their beds and they can lie in it. I'm not going to do anything to make them feel better for the way they've treated me for years. Thanks for being there for me, Kat."

"You're welcome." She opens the door and we enter the house. The walls down the hallway are empty with the walls bare and the paint is slightly faded where pictures used to hang. There's one on the left side with Kat and me. We're pulling silly faces at the camera.

Dad took the picture by the lake when we had our weekly family outing. Our parents on a Sunday got us all together and we'd jump into the car and do something as a family.

As we grew up and football became more part of Dylan's life, we attended games and cheered him on from the sidelines. He was going to be something in the family or so that's what we thought when he got a scholarship for football. When he didn't get drafted after four years of university we learnt that an injury caused him to retire.

It took a toll on him, but by some saving grace, he met his wife who changed his life around for the better. They got married without their families being in attendance and we all had to get on board with what they did.

Mom and Dad didn't take it well. They wanted to be their during the next phase of their son's life, but he took that away from them.

For me I want my parents to be there when I get married. I want my mother to do my hair and stay with me until the moment Dad can walk me down the aisle to the person I'm going to marry. I don't know if I'll end up getting married and having more children as the one growing inside me will be a stepchild to whoever comes into my life.

If I do meet someone I want him to love my child-like it's there own and not show more love to his children and leave this one out.

Kat squeezes my shoulder. "What are you thinking so hard about?"

Looking at her, I say. "I'm just thinking about how Dylan married without us in attendance and how I wouldn't want that to happen if I meet someone new."

She wraps her arms around me, hugging me to her side. "You're never going to do that to our family. Maybe, except for our siblings. If and when the time comes and they've grown up and begged for forgiveness from you then they should be at your wedding. Until then we're not going to think about them." She holds her pinkie out to me. "Deal,"

Wrapping my finger around it I say. "Deal,"

Kat drops my pinkie quickly and says. "When you kicked our siblings out I was one the phone."

"So? What's the problem with you being on the ph....."

She was talking to her boss.

"Chad heard the whole thing. I'm sorry."

"He knows the entire story of how things have been between our siblings and us, right?"

"Yeah, I've told him everything. I want to have a no-nonsense relationship with my husbands best friend. Plus, he's heard a lot about them over the years. Are you looking forward to meeting Chad properly?"

I'm scared about meeting him. Working for him will be a different environment where I'll get to know him, but I won't be working as close to him as my sister. Which, will be a good thing.

Leading the way into the living I look back at my sister and say. "To be honest I'm a little scared. I've met him a couple of times and that was at your wedding and again at the weekend, we had over three months ago. Can we please not talk about that."

We enter the living room and see our parents on the couch cuddling. They are watching a movie.

Dad presses stop and turn towards us. "Do you want to watch the rest of the movie with us?"

I shake my head. "I'm going to make something to eat. Do you want anything?"

Mom turns her head. "No, thank you. I'm going to order dinner out tonight. So, you don't have to cook."

A smile spreads across my face. "Thanks, Mom."

Kat and I walk into the kitchen and we make sandwiches for ourselves.


Kat's phone goes off and she grabs it from her purse and looks at. A smile spreads across her face. "The kids can't wait to see you, Liz. You haven't been back to the house in a couple of years. We've had renovations done to it and the pool house has been extended with an extra bedroom. You can turn that into the baby's room."

She has a lot of plans for us. I'm not sure for how long I intend to stay at the house before looking for a place of my own.

I start to feel tired. "I'm going to my room to lie down for a bit. I'm feeling exhausted." Taking my sandwich I head up to my room. When I get to my room I place the plate on the nightstand. Putting my hand in my stomach I whisper. "My child I'm going to be the best parent I can be for you. I love you and you're not even here yet."

Grabbing my phone from the nightstand I type in the pin and then open the Facebook app. The first picture I see is ones of Austin and me. I go through all the photos and delete them.

When I go through my friend's list I block and delete Austin and my siblings. Leaving Kat's name on my friend's list.

There's a bunch of messages on the reunion Facebook page and I click on it. Just to read what's on it.

Austin: That was a great reunion. I can't wait to see what everyone is up to in another ten years. I'll have a wife and child by then.

Under that comment is a picture of us smiling at the lake. It was taken a couple of days after the reunion.

Ronnie: Are you sure that's what you want? I thought your career was higher on your priority list.

Austin: It is. A woman, however, can make you change your ways. Especially if you're in love.

Ronnie: My wife won't make me change and that's what I like about having her as my wife.

Austin: That's rude. I hope she never comes across this page.

Ronnie: She's apart of this group and knows how I feel. That's why I married her.

He's an asshole. My sister deserves someone better than him.

Shattered Part II (complete) ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora