Shattered Part II - 12

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After I hang up with my sister I walk over to the car where Kris is closing the trunk. He looks up at me and says. "It's already been paid for by Mr Whitehall." He walks away from me and I climb into my car.

Pulling away from the tyre place I drive towards the mall and when I get there I see cars after cars in parking spots. I drive around until I find one close to the entrance door.

A guy walks past my car and winks at me as he passes by. In his hand is a phone and he's typing something into it. He crashes into a woman and when she's about to fall he pulls her against him. He whispers something to her before walking off.

Grabbing my purse from the seat next to me I climb out of the car. I look at the sign closest to me and see there's a Victoria's Secret store.

I need to shop there.

When I was living at home I got stuff delivered to the house as I didn't have time to travel away from the town.

As I enter the mall I follow the signs to the store. When I arrive at the store there's a mannequin dressed in a black strapless bra with matching underwear.

I need a couple of those.

Walking into the store the Sales Lady says. "Welcome to Victoria's Secret. If you need a hand let me know." Pointing at her tag, she adds. "I'm Reba."

A smile spreads across my face. "Eliza," I walk further into the store. "I'll let you know if I need help." Looking around I spot a few things that I need also and put over my hand.

It doesn't take me long until I have everything I need and I take the stuff to the register.

Reba rings the items up and she takes a closer look at me. "I used to go to school with an Eliza and you look so much like her."

"Really? What's her last name?"


I don't remember a Reba being in our class, but she might have gone by a nickname.

"That's me. I'm sorry I don't recall you."

She throws her head back and laughs. "Of course you wouldn't. Nobody called me Reba. I was called Muppet because of the way my hair used to be."

Oh, now I remember her.

"Did you go to the reunion?"

She shakes her head. "Nah, I didn't feel like being around the people that made my high school life hell. So, I avoided the whole thing. I've seen a few people that we went to school with coming into the store, but I pretend I don't know them and ring their items up and watch them leave without recognition of who I am."

"Then why would you come forward with me?"

A genuine smile spreads across her face. "You weren't like the other kids in our school. You said 'hi,' to me when you walked by. Even though you were with your boyfriend. He kept asking why you're nice to me and you told him that you didn't want to be the type of person that hurts someone because of you're status. You were at the top of the food chain with the football players and cheerleaders and yet you didn't act like a bitch like them. They wanted to see you fall, but you kept rising above them and showed them that nothing can keep you down for long."

"Thanks, Reba. I needed someone to remind me of who I was. Maybe, I can get through my problems by helping others too."

She finishes ringing up the items. "I'll give you 10% off as you deserve it." She gives me the price and I pay for it.

"I'll see you around Reba." Taking the bag off the counter I start to walk away. When I get to the door I wave at her before being swallowed by the crowd.

I spend a could of hours walking in an out and stores grabbing stuff that I need.

When I finish shopping I walk back to the car and load the trunk. Before I climb into the car my phone goes off.

Pulling my phone out of my bag I look at it and see a message from my sister.

Kat: Can you come by the office today?

Me: No, I'm feeling tired and all I want to do is crawl into bed and go to sleep.

Kat: Okay, but when I come home we're going out for dinner.

Me: Can't I have dinner plans already and I'm not going to let you ruin it.

Kat: Are you going to say 'yes,' to anything I ask today?

Me: Probably not.

Kat: Does your dinner plans include my family?

Me: Yes, I'm cooking dinner for you all.

Kat: I'll see you at dinner.

Putting my bag in the backseat I climb into the car and start the engine. I head towards Walmart which is close to my sister's place.

When I get to Walmart I step out of the car and grab my handbag. I lock the door before heading towards the entrance of the store.

At the entrance, there's a tall, burly man in a uniform. He looks me up and down before smiling. "Welcome to Walmart. If you need help please let me know." There's a name tag on his Walmart uniform and it says 'Trenton.'

"I'll keep that in mind. Have a nice day, Trenton."

A smile spreads across his face. "You too, Miss." He watches me as I grab a cart and start pushing it through the store.

It doesn't take too long before I'm in the grocery aisle looking for something that I can cook for my sister and her family.

What the hell am I going to make? It's been a while since I've made something for kids.

Pulling my phone out of my bag I call Mom. The phone rings a couple of times before she answers.

Mom: Hello, this is Amadene.

Me: Hey, Mom. It's Eliza. Can I get your help with something?

Mom: What do you need, Lizzie?

Me: I want to cook something for Kat and the family and I have no idea what to make.

Mom: Why don't you make hamburgers. There you're specialty and the kids will love it. Cook it on the barbecue.

Me: Thanks, Mom. I'll do that. Can you send me the recipe I forgot what I need it?

Mom: I just did.

Me: Thanks. How is everything going?

Mom: It's good sweetheart. You shouldn't worry about me anymore. Your father is doing a great job. Just look after yourself and settle in at the house. I love you.

Me: I love you, too, Mom. Bye.

Mom: Bye,

Hanging up the phone I put it in my bag and walk through the aisles picking up the ingredients I need for dinner.

I take everything up to the register and wait for them to ring the items up. I pay for the items and push the trolley to the car. When I get to the car I load everything into the trunk before returning the trolley.

 When I get to the car I load everything into the trunk before returning the trolley

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