Shattered Part II - 47

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After the paramedics question me I stand up and move towards my desk. I grab my purse and then lead the way over to the elevator. Pressing the button I wait for it to come up to our floor. I look over at my sister and Chad. They're having a hushed conversation and then my sister hugs him.

My heart squeezes at the sight of that. I'm not sure why that's happening right now. I know my sister and Chad are friends and nothing else, but I didn't like it.

Leaning my head back on the wall I close my eyes as everything starts to spin. The female paramedic touches my face and says. "I need you to keep your eyes open. You could have a concussion and closing you're eyes will make things worse.

Of course, it will. I could fall into a coma or die from it. there are several possibilities, but all I want to do is make the dizziness stop.

I'm about to open my mouth when my sister stops next to me and takes my hand. "I'll meet you at the hospital. Should I give Mom a call? She'd want to know what's happening to you."

Shaking my head I say. "I'll call her when I'm in the ambulance." The elevator door opens and I press the button for the ground floor while Kat presses the button for the basement.

She looks at me and concern flashes across her face. "How are you feeling, Eliza? I know you don't like people worrying about you, but what happened up there shouldn't have happened. Have you been drinking fluid? The last time you ended up in the hospital you didn't have enough fluids."

My head starts to throb as the headache becomes worse. "I have a headache," I tell the paramedics. "Is there something safe that I can take while pregnant?"

"We'll make note of that and let the Doctor's help you. for now, we'll take you to the ambulance and hook you up to some of our machines. That way we can give the Doctor's the information that we have."

The elevator doors open on the lobby floor and I walk out with the paramedic at my side. When we get the ambulance the male opens the door and we step inside. I lie on the bed and the female paramedic hooks me up to some equipment.

The paramedic stands up and moves towards the front seat. she says. "You can go now."

Pulling my phone out of my purse I call Mom. The phone rings a couple of times before she answers.

Mom: Hey, Liz. What's going on?

Me: I've been rushed to the hospital.

Mom: Why? Is everything okay with the baby and you?

Me: I collapsed at work and now I have a headache.

Mom: I should come to the hospital. I don't know what to do with the kids.

Hearing a voice in the background they say. "Honey, go be with our daughter. I'll spend a couple of hours with my Grandkids. Besides, I think Tammy wants to spend time with her father before I come back."

Mom talks back through the phone.

Mom: It looks like your father is going to look after the kids. You know how to get me worried, Eliza. I wish bad things would stop happening to you.

Starting to feel dizzy I slump back into the chair. I look over at the paramedic and say. "I'm feeling dizzy."

She pulls the seatbelt off and lies me down. Grabbing a water bottle she squeezes a small amount of water on me. "I'm not sure if you're symptoms have something to do with you being pregnant or being heat exhaustion. I need to rule that out by lying you down and raising your legs."

Looking down I see the call is still in progress. "Can you pass me my phone? I need to reassure Mom I'm okay."

I can't let her worry about me. it's the last thing she needs to worry about. Especially with her health being poor.

Mom: Eliza are you there?

Me: Sorry, Mom. I felt dizzy and dropped my phone. I'm sorry I worried you.

Mom: When I get to the hospital I'm going to keep a better eye on you while I'm in town. I don't want anything else to happen to you and my Grandchild. You've been through too much, Eliza.

Me: I know Mom. Having these things happen to me is making me stronger. Isn't that a good thing too?

Mom: Not when it comes to my Grandchild and you hurting. I can't stand to seeing you hurt. I'm afraid that you'll shut down like you did when Austin left you.

Me: Austin was an asshole. I'm never going to forgive him, but I also can't hold a grudge against him because my child is going to want to meet him. After all, he'll be the child's biological father.

Mom: I wish he wasn't.

If it wasn't for Austin I wouldn't have moved to the city and form a relationship with Chad. I'm not sure if we would have seen each other, but the way things have turned out is the best thing that happened to me.

Me: me, too. there's nothing we can do about it now. Is there?

Mom: No, there isn't.

Me: We're about to pull into the hospital. I'll see you when you get here. love you, Mom.

Hanging up the phone I look over at the paramedic. She smiles. "Do you have a close relationship with your mother?"

A smile spreads across my face. "Yes, it got stronger over the last ten years. After I graduated from high school Mom had a stroke and instead of going to college I stayed home and took care of her."

She nods. "I have a similar story to yours. My mom had cancer during my first year of college and I pulled out to take care of her. six months later, she passed away and the last thing she said to me before she passed was that I needed to go back to school."

"Did you go back to school?"

A smile spreads across her face. "Of course. It's what made me change majors. When Felix and I get a call about cancer patients we ask them what they want to do before we take them to the hospital and we take them there. For a couple of  hours, we get to see them smile."

"Have you ever had someone die while you've taken them out?"

"Not yet, but I think there might be a time that it happens. When it does at least Felix and I know they enjoyed the last thing they saw before going to the hospital to die."

The ambulance pulls into the parking bay and I'm taken out on a stretcher and through the ER to a private entrance and into a waiting area. The blinds are pulled across giving me privacy from the other people that are waiting to see a Doctor.

Shifting on the bed I try and get comfy. Lying back in the bed I close my eyes for a bit.

 Lying back in the bed I close my eyes for a bit

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